Cottage cheese diet
Curd diet allows you to lose weight quickly and improve the body
Curd diet is rightfully consideredone of the most effective and useful ways to combat excess weight, because it allows you not only to lose weight in a short time, but also significantly improve your body.
The use of the curd diet ^
The use of the curd diet for weight loss is that, simultaneously with the dropping of excess kilos and centimeters, the following occurs:
- a significant improvement in the beneficial microflora in the intestine;
- improves complexion;
- strengthens the hair, teeth, nails;
- as well as bone tissue, which is an excellent prevention of osteoporosis( especially in women during menopause).
The choice of cottage cheese as a main product is not accidental, as it is low in calories, easily digestible, nutritious and uniquely combines the necessary amino acids, vitamins and minerals. This makes it an indispensable component in the daily and therapeutic nutrition of all, without exception, groups of people of all ages.
Cottage cheese is necessary for the full development of children, pregnant and nursing mothers, elderly people and athletes. Doctors recommend including cottage cheese in the menu also to people who have health problems, for example, diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension and liver problems.
- Protein, contained in curd, refers to easily digestible( digested much better than meat), so the slimming is good and lasts for a long time and feels very comfortable.
- High content of calcium in the product provides strengthening of hair, teeth and nails.
- The presence of useful sour-milk bacteria helps digestion and colonize the intestines with a useful microflora.
- In addition, cottage cheese contains many necessary vitamins, minerals and amino acids, one of which - methionine, promotes intensive splitting of fats.
Contraindication for the use of this miracle product may be only a food-related food allergy or an individual intolerance.
There are many options for curd diets, the most popular of which are strict curd mono-diet, curd-kefir, curd-fruit, cottage cheese version of Maggi and cottage cheese-free days.
Strict curd mono-diet ^
Strict curd mono-diet is the most aggressive variant of slimming with the help of cottage cheese, providing a quick result, therefore it is recommended to observe it for no more than three days. During the observance of a three-day mono-diet, the daily weight loss is about 500 - 700 grams.
- The monodiet menu consists exclusively of cottage cheese, divided into 5 to 6 servings, which must be eaten during the day at intervals of 3-4 hours.
- In the intervals between meals it is recommended to drink more - green tea without sugar, mineral water without gas and ordinary drinking water( at least 2 liters a day - not later than 30 minutes before meals and not earlier than 2.5 hours after).
- An abundant drinking regimen for protein mono-diet is needed to avoid dangerous dehydration of the body, since cottage cheese( due to its high content of calcium salts) has a strong diuretic property.
- The daily amount of cottage cheese in the curd mono-diet directly depends on its fat content. So, if the cottage cheese is skim, then its daily consumption is 500 grams.
- If you decide to eat ordinary cottage cheese, then its quantity should not exceed 200 - 250 grams.
But keep in mind that the higher the fat content of the product, the higher its caloric value, but the lower the calcium content. That is why it is recommended to choose low-fat cottage cheese as more useful and less caloric. Kefir - cottage cheese diet ^
Curd - kefir diet is an excellent modification of mono-diet from cottage cheese, as yogurt, combined with cottage cheese, well mobilizes the human immune system, and, according to French scientists, significantly improves not only the state of the digestive tract, but also the skin,psoriasis and other dermatological diseases.
Daily menu with kefir - curd variant consists of 500-600 grams of low-fat cottage cheese( 9% fat content) and 1 liter of low-fat kefir. Kefir buy 1% and preferably one-day, as after 3 days after production, it begins to have binding properties. For non-lovers of kefir it is allowed to replace it with the same amount of low-fat milk.
Daily amount of food divided into 5 receptions and try to eat at regular intervals. In the intervals between meals, drink unsweetened tea. Kefir-curd variant is calculated no more than for 5 days and allows to dump during this time 4 - 5 kgs.
Curd and fruit diet ^
Curd and fruit diet has many useful and tasty options( curd-apple, curd-banana, and with the addition of any other unsweetened fruit) that can effectively reduce weight and saturate the body with useful vitamins and minerals. In addition, the presence of a large amount of natural fiber in the fruit can effectively get rid of toxins, slags and other toxic deposits in the intestine.
The daily menu of the curd and fruit diet consists of:
- 400 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
- 1 kg of sweet and sour fruit, divided into 5 receptions.
- Apples, pears, bananas, grapefruits, oranges, kiwi or any berries are ideal for this option.
In addition to fruit, you can use raw, baked in the oven or steamed vegetables( except potatoes) with the addition of herbs and lemon juice. The duration of this scheme of weight loss is not more than a week with a weight loss of about 2-3 kilograms.
Maggi Cottage Cheese Diet #
Maggie's cottage cheese is a modification of the egg Maggie for those who can not eat a large number of eggs, has an allergy on them, does not like them, or simply prefers to replace them with cottage cheese.
Since cottage cheese and eggs have approximately the same protein content, you need to eat cottage cheese a little - no more than an egg in volume, about 2 tbsp.spoons instead of each egg.
In the rest of the menu of the curd version of Maggi remains unchanged, read about this in detail in the article on our website.
Contraindications and output after losing weight on curds ^
After finishing the curd - fruit or kefir - curd nutrition system, you must always withstand the stage of fixing the result obtained so as not to reduce all efforts to no. To do this, do not rush to increase the size of portions and sharply increase the caloric content of the diet.
For the first days, try to eat mainly oatmeal or buckwheat milk porridge with the addition of vegetables and fruits. In the future, the curd - fruity or kefir - curd ration can be successfully applied during the discharge days( 1 time per week), which will help maintain the weight in perfect condition.
Despite the fact that weight loss with the help of cottage cheese has excellent results, it is not necessary to abuse these methods, since protein overload is harmful for the kidneys and liver, especially for their chronic diseases and inadequate drinking regimen.
Excess unprocessed protein promotes the formation of toxic waste in the intestine. Sometimes this slagging is so high that an unpleasant smell of "rotten eggs" can emanate from a person abusing protein foods.
That's why all protein systems for weight loss, including with the use of cottage cheese, have a short duration that can not be exceeded in order not to harm their health, and should be repeated no more than 1-2 times a year after a full meal.
Adolescents, pregnant and lactating mothers are strictly prohibited from any aggressive protein mono-diet, including mono-cottage cheese, for them, a regular one-day( once a week) curd-fruit or kefir-cottage cheese-free days is an ideal and useful option for maintaining weight.
We also recommend you to watch a video with useful tips from nutritionists about the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: