
Melioration of the balage( with a photo) on dark and light, long and short hair

  • Melioration of the balage( with a photo) on dark and light, long and short hair

    Melting is a technique that involves partial coloring of hair, that is, some strands or curls, in a lighter shade with clarifying preparations and foil. The very effect of melioration consists in mixing the paint of your natural hair color and the desired color, so, the painted strands do not stand out very much and do not cut your eyes.

    And here the technique balage is one of the branches of the standard melioration - it means the similar coloring of only the tips of the hair. However, despite this, it can still be done for absolutely any length of hair, because you can also decide for yourself how to weave strands. In this article, you are invited to find out what baling is and how it is done, and also to look at his photo, but for starters it would not hurt to clearly understand the essence of the problem.

    As you could already see in the photo, the baling technique can be done absolutely on any original hair color. Then, alternately, the options for the hair of the main initial colors will be considered: a brunette, a blonde and a blonde.

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    Balaže for brunettes

    This technique when used on dark hair is most noticeable. It is advisable to use as the second color one that is only a few tones lighter than the original, explaining it by the sloppiness of the bright colors on the dark hair.

    But do not despair, you can still choose absolutely any color for melirovaniya, and if it should be bright and do not go with the initial, it is best to choose light colors, although they will be significantly stand out, but look much neater. However, much depends on your appearance.

    As you can see, of the bright colors, shades of red and blue are most preferable. Now, your attention is given a video lesson on this topic.

    Balayazh for fair-haired

    The technique of balaja on fair-haired hair is quite simple and understandable, it is easiest to choose the right color, for the range of choice is really huge. Also, the hairdresser will not be difficult to implement your idea, because if in the melioration procedure given by the technique, dark hair for very light shades is first used by the method of lightening, and after the final coloring, everything is much simpler here, as in the usual melioration.

    Most often, we note, they want to carry out such a procedure for long hair, and for masters this seems a little more successful, perhaps, even because it looks better. However, you judge.

    As you can see, here you can choose absolutely any color as an additional color, and also you can ask the masters to make a softer and smoother transition. Now you are invited to review several master classes in video format.

    Balajazh for light hair

    Most often it is girls with blond hair that use non-standard colors for melioration according to the technique of balaž, among these colors blue, violet, light green is most relevant. This, of course, because you can not lighten further, so the limit is reached, but you can not only light, but also darken the hair.

    Also, however strange it may be, the melted blond locks are extended to short hair longer than to long ones, however, there is no explanation for this, it's probably just convenient.

    Now you are given some video lessons on this topic.