  • Therapeutic physical exercises with varicose veins

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    Read the article:
    • The benefits of exercise with leg varicose
    • The main exercise complex for varicose
    • Varicose exercises for strengthening the muscular pump of the lower thighs, thighs and buttocks
    • Additional exercise for varicose veins for gastrocnemius
    • Additional physical exercises for varicose veins for ankle muscles
    • Preventing varicose at home

    Exercise for varicose help to stop the disease

    Physical therapy exerciseswhen varices are most important part of the treatment of the disease, as well improve vascular tone and elasticity, normalize blood flow and the metabolic processes in the tissues and activate operation "muscle pump".

    The Benefits of Exercising with Varicose Feet ^

    The use of properly selected therapeutic physical exercises for varicose is immense, as they allow you to strengthen not only the muscles of the shins, thighs and buttocks, but also the neck and back, which helps very effectively to stop the disease and prevent its progression.

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    • In order to achieve the greatest effect, physical activity in varicose veins should be moderate, not excessive - you need to do it until you feel tired, without overexerting and constantly controlling your pulse.
    • If it went up to 120 beats per minute and the breath got lost, you need to take a 5-minute break.
    • The total duration of the whole complex of gymnastics should be about 10-15 minutes, and continuous exercise should not exceed 5 minutes.

    It is useful to sit for 1-2 minutes on the haunches before starting the classes. In the first days of training, perform each exercise as many times as possible, do not force events. As the body is trained, each movement will get much better and you can bring the number of repetitions to the required number.

    During the day, regardless of gymnastics, it is useful to make a simple, but very effective vibro exercise, which can be repeated at any time at home and at work. It is especially useful for those who have to stand for a long time, because, like a pump, it moves the blood up the veins, increasing its circulation in the legs.

    For its execution, stand straight and tear off the heels from the floor by 1 cm. Then sharply drop to the floor, hitting the heels. Repeat the exercise no more than 1 time per second, after 30 repetitions, rest 10 seconds and repeat 30 times.

    The basic complex of physical exercises with varicose ^

    • Exercise "bicycle".Lie on your back and perform movements that mimic cycling without taking your back and waist from the floor.
    • Lie on your back. Pull one leg to the chest, bending it in the knee. Then straighten up vertically, hold it for a few seconds, and, without bending it, lower it down. Do the same on the other side.
    • Lying on your back - lift your legs, bending them in your lap. Then straighten them vertically upwards, hold for a second, again bend at the knees and return to the starting position.
    • Lying on your back, lift your legs up and turn both feet inside and out at the same time. Then bend and unbend fingers, and also feet in the ankle joint "from yourself" and "to yourself".
    • Exercise "scissors".Lie on your back, hands stretch along the trunk. Do alternately crossed movements then in a horizontal, then in an upright position until you feel tired.
    • Lie on your stomach, put your hands to your hips. Alternately lift each leg as high as possible, pausing at the highest point for a few seconds, then lower it into place. Repeat 8-10 times.
    • Sit on a chair, resting his heels on the floor. Actively move the socks in different directions - to the right, to the left, up and down. Do this 15-20 times.
    • Exercise "swallow".The starting position is straight, the arms are lowered along the body. Breathe in, while raising your hands up and getting on your toes. On exhalation, take the swallow pose. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times.
    • Roll actively from the heel to the toe and back, transferring the weight of the body to the toes, when the heels come off the floor and vice versa. Do this 15-20 times.
    • Walk for 15 minutes alternately on toes, heels, with a high hip lift and ski step.
    • Exercise "birch" or stand on the head. Lay down on your back, and leaning on your shoulder blades, lift your legs high and hold them until you get tired. You can complicate the exercise by adding flexion and extension at the knees. Do the birch as often as possible every day several times a day, because this exercise is an excellent preventive not only of varicose veins, but also of hemorrhoids, prostatitis and stagnant pelvic phenomena.
    • Because one of the main causes of varicose veins are constipation and poor bowel function, doctors advise to train the perineal muscles for the prevention of varicose veins. To do this, in the supine or sitting position, forcefully draw in the muscles of this area, repeating at least 50-60 times.

    Exercises for varicose veins to strengthen the muscular pump of the shins, thighs and buttocks ^

    • Semi-squats. Stand straight, legs at a width of 30-40 centimeters. Slowly crouch, not dropping below the level of the knees. Hold for a second in this position and slowly go back. Repeat 10-15 times.
    • Sit on the floor, leaning your hands on the floor behind your back and stretching your legs. Right leg bend at the knee and put a foot next to the left knee. Raise and lower your left leg without bending your knee, back and arms, not laying it on the floor. Do 10-15 times on each side.
    • Lie on your left side, leaning on your elbow, your legs are straight. Put the right foot on the floor in front of the left knee and grab the lower leg with your right hand. Raise and slowly lower your left foot, bending the left foot toward you. Repeat 10-15 times on each side.
    • Lying on the left side and leaning on the left elbow, bend the left leg so that it does not fall, and pull the right leg in front of him perpendicular to the body. Right leg bend, strain the right leg and lift up. Then slowly lower it, not touching the floor. Repeat 15 times on each side.

    Additional physical exercises for varicose veins for the calf muscles ^

    Gymnastics for leg varicose: a set of exercises

    • Stand up straight, heels together, socks apart. On the account of "once" stand on your toes, at the expense of "two" sit down, spreading slightly to the side of your knees, at the expense of "three" rise on your toes as high as possible, at the expense of "four" go down to the starting position. Do 20-30 repetitions.
    • Lie on your back, hands under your head. Slowly bending the legs in the knees, pull them to the stomach. Then straighten it, lift it 90 degrees from the floor, hold it for a few seconds and slowly lower it. Repeat 8 times.
    • Lie on your stomach, put your face on your hands, legs stretched out. Slowly bend each leg alternately, trying to reach your butt to the buttocks.
    • Climb the tiptoes, and without bending your knees, go forward with small steps. Do 60-80 steps.

    Additional physical exercises for varicosis for ankle muscles ^

    • Stand on your toes, strain the calf muscles and the muscles of the foot, stretch as far as possible. Do not change the position, move the heels in the sides and inwards.
    • Pull out the toe and place the foot on the side surface( outer).Straining the calf and ankle, roll it from the heel to the toe and back.
    • Stand at a distance of a big step from the table. Place the palms on the edge of the table, putting the four fingers on top, and the larger ones tightly grasping it from below. Without bending the knees, lift the fingers first, then the feet. Repeat 4 times.

    Massage with varicose

    After performing physical exercises with varicose veins, self-massage of the lower legs and thighs is very useful, which improves blood circulation and relieves fatigue. Thus massage movements should be very easy and not cause pain.

    Massage with varicose should not last more than 7-8 minutes and is contraindicated in case of decompensated form, as well as in the presence of complications( thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers, etc.).Before you start self-massage, lie down for 5-10 minutes, lifting your legs on the pillow to help drain out the stagnant blood and enhance the effect of the procedure. Each massage movement repeat 10 times.

    • Start with a slight stroking from the ankles to the knees, then rub the shins first with light circular motions, and then with a slight pressure on the veins.
    • After this, repeat the ascending stroking strokes again.
    • Then go to the hip massage, exactly repeating the same movements, but moving to the groin area.
    • After completing the procedure, lie down again for 5-10 minutes on a hill and if necessary, put on compression linen.
    We also recommend that you read the article Treatment of constipation in the home.

    Prevention of varicose at home ^

    • In addition to therapeutic gymnastics, with varicose, daily walks, cycling, swimming and contrasting douches are very useful, helping to get rid of the heaviness and numbness in the legs.
    • For the prevention of varicose veins, it is very important to have a proper "heel-toe" gait, and not vice versa. If you first step on the toe, it promotes blood stasis and the development of varicose veins, so watch how you walk.
    • Do not wear high heels, since such shoes limit the contraction of the calf muscles;with prolonged sedentary work, substitute a low bench.
    • In addition, get rid of the bad habit of throwing "foot on foot", surviving vessels and disrupting the blood flow, and when resting try to take a pose, so that your legs are at or above the heart.
    • In the morning and at bedtime to improve blood circulation in the legs for several minutes, kick an ordinary pillow, but do not overdo it and do not strain too much.

    If you use the listed prevention measures, apply folk methods of varicose treatment in a timely manner, follow a diet, and intelligently combine exercise and rest, this will help stop the development of the disease and avoid serious complications.