  • How to properly chew food

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    • Read in the article:
      • Is it necessary to thoroughly chew food
      • Healthy digestion: how to chew
      • Correct chewing food: recommendations on nutrition

      How to eat and chew food: rules, advice, recommendations

      For weight loss and maintaining a figure, it is important not only to eat usefulproducts, but also properly chew food, because on this depends on its assimilation and the work of the organism as a whole.

      Do I need to thoroughly chew food ^

      Even in ancient China, the saying was widespread: "For health, you need to make 50 chews, for longevity - 100 chews."

      As you know, it is the countries of the East that account for the majority of long-livers to this day, and all because they not only eat right, but also responsibly relate to the very use of food.

      Why the food should be thoroughly chewed:

      • Thus strengthens the gums;
      • Internal organs are toned;
      • At the reflex level, the activity of the stomach is stimulated, the process of food processing is improved, and ultimately the body absorbs the maximum of useful substances;
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      • If the dish is well chewed, after getting into the stomach it is more actively exposed to gastric juice and is more quickly digested;
      • In the process of chewing, saliva is more abundant - this prevents the negative impact of products on tooth enamel, and also normalizes the acid-base balance;
      • Significantly reduces the burden on the heart;
      • Faster feeling of saturation. Proceeding from the above, it was not for nothing that during the Soviet times various slogans were written on the stands placed in the mess halls: "By thoroughly chewing food, you help society!", "Food is the source of health", etc.: all these statements have long been confirmed, andif you do not chew food, you can not only choke, but also "earn" more negative consequences:

        • Diseases of the stomach: ulcer or gastritis;
        • A constant feeling of hunger;
        • Flatulence, bloating;
        • Appearance of excess weight;
        • Indigestion.

        Knowing what will happen if you do not chew your food properly, it is worth paying attention to such an ordinary item at first glance, because after getting into the stomach of large pieces of food, the process of its processing can significantly slow down, and as a consequence - there are health problems.

        To understand why it is important to chew food well, it is worth to familiarize yourself with the scheme by which it enters the digestive tract:

        • After ingestion, the production of saliva is activated in the mouth, so that the stomach prepares to eat;
        • Part of the nutrients from the saliva product is immediately absorbed into the blood;
        • The most favorable conditions for processing in the stomach are created, where the food is subsequently impregnated with juice;
        • In conclusion, the food enters the small intestine, where it mixes with bile, and vitamins are absorbed through the intestinal wall. Finally, the food turns into the large intestine - electrolytes and water are absorbed here, fecal matter is formed.

        Healthy digestion: how to chew ^

        How many times do you need to chew food in your mouth for proper digestion: advice from doctors and nutritionists

        How many times do you need to chew food

        According to the yogis, they are chewed by the proper chewing of food: they still try liquid foodas long as possible to keep in the mouth, so that it mixes as much as possible with saliva, and hard - at least 100 times. At the initial stage, you can chew food 33 times, but subsequently the number of cheeks is recommended to increase gradually:

        • The first week - 30 seconds per piece;
        • Second - 45 seconds each;
        • Third - 1 minute;
        • Fourth and then - for one and a half minutes.

        How to properly chew food: advice

        To learn how to eat correctly and do not ask questions about how many times to chew food, it is necessary to follow simple rules:

        • It's best to choose a quiet place for a meal, where no one and nothing will distract from the process;
        • You can not be in a hurry: take at least half an hour to eat;
        • When eating, do not be distracted by watching TV or talking - all this contributes to losing control;
        • At first you can replace the usual cutlery with Japanese sticks: this will allow you to quickly get used to this innovation.

        Why chew food for weight loss

        Those who want to get rid of excess weight, in the first place, need to properly chew food, because often one restriction of calories is not enough to achieve the desired results for several reasons:

        • Using meals in a hurry, there is no feeling of saturation,even if you eat very much;
        • Large pieces caught in the stomach are practically not digested - accordingly, the assimilation of nutrients deteriorates, and eventually they go to the intestine where putrefactive processes can occur, accompanied by flatulence, swelling and painful condition;
        • The load on the digestive organs decreases.
        We also advise you to read the article How to lose weight properly.

        Proper chewing food: dietary advice ^

        People who want to lose weight should not only know how much to chew food, but also to eat properly:

        • To exclude from their diet fried and fatty foods: they worsen digestion and help to set extra pounds;
        • Eat vegetables, berries, fruits, lean meats, fish, greens, spices: they stimulate metabolism and have a beneficial effect on the digestion of food;
        • Physical activity - a pledge of good work of the digestive system, so it is recommended to do sports, tk.it activates the metabolism and accelerates the burning of fat cells.

        Following such simple recommendations, it will be possible to normalize the absorption of nutrients and remove excess weight as quickly as possible, because chewing food is one of the stages of digestion, which begins in the mouth.