  • Preventing a healthy lifestyle - a healthy lifestyle

    Each of us dreams for a long time to remain young, beautiful and healthy. But not everyone wants to make some effort. Experts believe that in the life of any person a certain set of procedures should be implemented - the so-called program for the prevention of a healthy lifestyle, which can preserve and prolong life. But if you look at all these procedures more specifically, it becomes clear that not everyone will have time for their implementation. But I want to be healthy! Therefore, followers of a healthy lifestyle determined the main points. By doing that, you can stay healthy and happy. Recommendations are divided into 4 blocks, which must be performed at different intervals.

    Daily complex of procedures

    Morning breakfast and vitamins - daily need of a living organism

    First, you need to have breakfast, and not only when there is time, but every day, even if it seems to you that you are not hungry. Women who start their morning with breakfast, are much less likely to suffer from excess weight. Yes, and their mood is usually better, even in a difficult premenstrual period - proved scientific research. In addition, thanks to breakfast, you can get the necessary dose of calcium, and this is a necessary element if you want to have strong nails and teeth.

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    Secondly, you must always protect your skin from the effects of ultraviolet radiation, moreover not only in summer, but also at other times of the year. Under the influence of the sun, collagen breaks down( a substance that is responsible for elasticity, which means skin youth).And besides, leaving the house without sunscreen, we are at risk of malignant tumors of the skin. Therefore, it is necessary, before leaving the house, to apply funds with protection from ultraviolet radiation on those parts of the body that will be affected by sunlight.

    Third, of course this advice everyone knows from school, but, nevertheless: you need to brush your teeth 2 times a day. This will be enough to take care of your teeth. And, of course, do not forget about the floss. It will be very useful during the day to use special mouth rinses: they will not only remove food particles from the surface of your teeth, but also will refresh your breath.

    Fourth, enter into your life five minutes of daily deep breathing. This is the best way to relax and relieve the accumulated stress of the day. You just need to sit comfortably, and breathe deeply for five minutes, so the body will be saturated with the necessary amount of oxygen.

    Fifthly, do not forget about vitamins. Here and nothing to say, just take a multivitamin complexes, which contain a sufficient dose of iron.

    Sixth, allocate enough time for sleep. As you know, a dream is considered healthy from seven to nine hours a day. It is this regime that can provide you with health in the future. Scientists have proved that a small amount of sleep causes a disorder of the nervous system.

    Weekly set of procedures

    Sports must be dealt with every week
    1. Include sport in your life. And here it is not so important what kind of sport you will be engaged in, the main thing is that you somehow forced yourself to move. Let it be or 20 minutes of walking, or 40 minutes of running - all this is very useful.

    2. Eat fish. Fresh fish saturates the body with the right fats and omega-3 acids. And they, in turn, very well protect the heart from diseases. Be sure to include in your menu linseed oil, nuts and sushi( especially useful in them are considered algae).

    You must remember that health is the most important gift of every person, and that only the prevention of a healthy lifestyle can provide you a long life without disease.

    Monthly complex of procedures

    Monthly weight control
    1. Control your weight. Just do not think that it means every day to rush to weight and feverishly insert in the notebook the slightest changes on them. Weight - the main indicator of your health. Usually women feel a certain norm, when changing, their self-awareness changes. If it's about you, just try not to go beyond that.

    2. Fix in the calendar your menstrual cycle. Of course, you know that it must be regular - ideally. And if he is not, it can be evidence of problems with female organs, in particular with the cervix, or hormonal failures.

    Annual set of procedures

    Annual visit to the dentist
    1. Make a visit to the dentist mandatory. This is a very important point, because the doctor is able to identify not only ordinary problems such as caries, but also much more serious, such as oral cancer or bone tissue damage. To warn, it is much cheaper than to treat.

    2. Visit a dermatologist. Skin is the organ that occupies the largest area, therefore, it is on its condition, first of all, that problems with internal organs are reflected. Therefore, an annual examination with a dermatologist never hurts.

    3. Visit a gynecologist. Doctors recommend taking an examination with this specialist, even once a year, and at least two. Even if it seems to you that you have nothing to complain about.