  • Drugs that reduce appetite - use of anoretics

    Fighting extra pounds is not always a tribute to fashion or an attempt to achieve attractiveness, it is often a concern for health and a desire to move without shortness of breath. Excess weight even banal cleaning turns into torture, and hiking in the mountains, the river or any other romantic place can not be called simple and easy.

    Among men, of course, there are lovers of women in the body, but there are not so many - every fatty is not enough. The reason for completeness is often the management of a home way of life: semi-finished products, television series, tea with sweets and now, a thin girl has turned into something big and formless.

    What if the attempts to cope with the appetite turn out to be a failure?

    Ways to combat the appetite

    The appetite of

    has developed. To cope with the frustrated appetite can be with the help of:

    • products that reduce appetite: dried fruits or protein foods;
    • herbs. Many of them have enveloping properties and are not only absolutely harmless to the body, but they only benefit. The effect of grasses, by the way, is very different: flaxseed, altea and tincture of propolis are characterized by enveloping properties and acceleration of the process of excretion of food from the body, for the angelica root - a mild laxative effect, and for the buzulnik of Siberian and ficus bubble - normalization of the liver,the ability to break down fat, eliminate toxins and accelerate the metabolism.
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    • medications that reduce appetite. Their area of ​​influence is the central nervous system. Side effects for this product is not uncommon, because choosing drugs that reduce appetite, you need very carefully. The most natural processes of influence are characteristic of dietary supplements - high-quality biological additives, which include herbs that have a complex effect on the body.

    Description of medicines that reduce appetite


    Any drug aimed at reducing appetite is a complex chemical compound. By taking medications of this kind, one can launch a complex chemical reaction in the body, the ultimate goal of which will be the brain, since it is in it that the zone responsible for appetite is located.

    The middle of the 20th century is the period when medical practice officially and without any restrictions began to use these drugs. However, without negativity it was not unsuccessful: an uncontrolled mass reception of anoretics culminated in the lethal outcome of many experimenters.

    The main side effects of taking medications for weight loss are:

    • Deterioration of the nervous system, insomnia, arrhythmia, increased blood pressure can occur after using adrenaline drugs and phenamine. Long-term use even leads to addiction and dependence.
    • Disturbance of cerebral function, pulmonary hypertension, heart disease - all this is the result of taking serotonin drugs.
    Antidepressants - why?

    The following drugs are on the nutritional label's list in the first stage of fighting serious obesity:

    1. Antidepressants, whose usual field of application is psychiatric practice. For these drugs, there is a side effect such as a decrease in appetite. Nevertheless, this method of combating obesity has a rather strange basis: a psychotropic drug is prescribed to an absolutely healthy person.
    2. Sibutramine is the most popular anorectic with adrenaline and serotonin action, and it can also speed up the metabolic process.

    The list of these drugs can be continued for a long time, the main thing is that the release of a drug that reduces the appetite, was made exclusively in strict accordance with the appointment of a doctor.

    Reviews of drugs that reduce appetite

    Consequences of taking medications

    If you believe the reviews, we can conclude that the reception of a serotonin drug completely discourages the desire to eat carbohydrates and fats. To flour, fatty and sweet food, aversion develops, and protein food is used with the same pleasure.

    Please note! Many drugs so oppress the feeling of hunger that a person who has eaten a minimum amount of food, immediately feels full.

    But such a positive effect often leads to negative consequences. Due to taking a drug that reduces appetite, you may experience:

    • increased excitability;
    • irritability;
    • insomnia;
    • dry mouth, thirst, nausea;
    • allergic reaction;
    • labored urination.

    The problem of excess weight has become very popular in the modern world, therefore, each new anorectic will have fewer side effects, because it is based on the latest scientific developments. But even if there are no contraindications, the use of an anorectic should be accompanied by a systematic observation of the doctor.