
Diet after removal of the gallbladder( cholecystectomy) - proper nutrition

  • Diet after removal of the gallbladder( cholecystectomy) - proper nutrition

    The gallbladder is one of the most problematic organs of the human body. Cholecystectomy takes the second place according to the frequency of execution after removal of appendicitis. Fatty food, rich in carbohydrates, often leads to the development of cholelithiasis, which is accompanied by a decrease in the amount of fiber in the nutritional diet. This, in turn, leads to hypodynamia and obesity.

    Modern technology allows you to conduct cholecystectomy without incisions or with a minimal amount of them. Laparoscopic equipment is available in every hospital. The patient is under general anesthesia during the operation. Rehabilitation and postoperative periods depend on the nature of the operation performed, the degree of development of the disease, the general condition of the patient, the presence of complications and other diseases.

    Laparoscopes leave only traces of punctures on the patient's body, not scary scars. Thanks to advanced technologies, patients recover faster, the body regains more quickly than after a normal operation.

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    A patient undergoing surgery in a traditional way spends no more than two weeks in the hospital, and he can return to work the next month after the operation. Laparoscopic equipment makes it possible to significantly shorten the time of the patient's stay in the clinic - up to five days, and the sick leave can be closed in half a month.

    But the rehabilitation period and the rapid restoration of health largely depends on the person himself. After the transferred cholecystectomy it is necessary to adhere to a special diet. A balanced diet will help the body to recover faster.


    Diet after cholecystectomy

    The operated patient quickly comes to form. After a couple of hours after waking up, you can already move your arms, legs, turn over on different sides, perform respiratory gymnastics. Lips of the patient moistened with soaked mineral or boiled water with a tampon. In four hours the patient can rinse the mouth with a decoction of chamomile or sage. Rinse is recommended to be carried out with regularity once an hour.

    The diet is labeled according to the time elapsed after the operation:

    1. First day. If the patient feels well, then during the first 24 hours after the operation, he is allowed to sit on the bed, lowering his legs to the floor, and intensively perform respiratory gymnastics. The next day, in the absence of complications and with good health, the patient can drink mineral water without gas in small sips. Serve the patient in small portions. Instead of water, you can give a decoction of rose hips, but without sugar. The daily liquid norm should not exceed a liter.
    2. Second day. Another day later the patient can stand up and move around the room. All this time, breathing exercises should be performed regularly, with less or more intensity. To promote recovery will also massage the entire body, special attention should be given to the chest, shoulder girdle, back. Regular massages should be performed for at least a month.

    3. Begin to drink kefir Third day. Thirty-six hours after cholecystectomy, a patient can drink a weak tea without sugar, skimmed yogurt, dried fruit jelly. The maximum number of single doses should not exceed 300 ml, and the daily intake - liter-one and a half.
    4. Fourth - the fifth day. Dietary diet of the patient expands depending on his condition and the rate of recovery of the body. The patient is given only fresh juices and without sugar. He can drink unsweetened pumpkin or apple juices, infusion or decoction of rose hips. You can vary the menu with mashed potatoes, fruit jelly, tea with a spoonful of sugar. The daily norm of the liquid increases to two liters. A single meal should not exceed two hundred grams. The patient is provided with six to eight meals a day. For lunch, you can serve mashed soups, the basis of which is a weak low-fat broth or water. In the soup, you can put butter or sour cream( a teaspoon).Boiled lean fish or protein omelets are not contraindicated.
    5. Sixth-seventh day. In the diet is added white stale bread, mashed or ground porridge, which should be cooked on milk, diluted with water 1: 1.You can pamper the patient with unsweetened cottage cheese, ground with boiled meat( rabbit meat, chicken, veal), vegetable puree, kefir, natural yogurt with a low percentage of fat. The rate of fluid intake does not change.
    6. We begin to eat mashed potatoes After the eighth day. Diet patient becomes like a normal diet. The set of products should be gentle, that is, you must choose the dietary products. Steam cooking is recommended. Fish, meat, vegetables can be cooked. To submit to the table should be cutlets from low-fat meat, steamed, protein omelette, meatballs, meatballs, mashed potatoes without milk, cooked pudding, steamed, homogenized porridges on low-fat milk, fruit jelly, vegetable purees, unsweetened fresh juices, vegetableragout and herring, soaked in milk.
    7. After a month and a half. If necessary, you can enter into the diet of the patient vegetarian soups. Reception of chicken eggs is limited to one per week. It is also recommended to use non-rough porridge, boiled chicken meat, boiled veal, milk, cooked sausage.

    The main rule of the

    diet Exclude spicy food

    To exclude from the diet acute, fatty, salted, fried, very hot food. Meals often go in small portions.

    Each patient is individual, so the food system and, of course, the daily diet is developed depending on the characteristics of the body. The process of recovery directly depends on the conscientiousness of the patient and his family and friends who take care of him. Food supplies the necessary energy for effective recovery in the postoperative period.