  • Prostatitis Symptoms

    Prostatitis is a problem that every second man encounters. This is an acute or chronic inflammation of the prostate, a gland the size of a walnut, located directly under the bladder in men;this gland produces about 30 percent of the liquid part of the sperm. Inflammation can be caused by infection. Acute prostatitis is characterized by a sudden appearance of symptoms;chronic prostatitis causes persistent long-term symptoms, which are less severe. Chronic prostatitis is observed in 35 percent of men over 50 years of age. The inflamed prostate can press on the urethra and completely block the flow of urine. In addition, if prostatitis is not treated, its acute form can lead to an abscess of the prostate - the formation of an infected pus-filled cavity. Treatment of acute and chronic forms of prostatitis is significantly different. How to treat prostatitis folk remedies look here.

    • Fever and chills( with acute prostatitis)

    • Pain in pelvis or lower back.

    The first and most common symptom. Determine: what kind of pain - pulling, pricking, pressing, bursting, burning. .. To some extent the nature of the pain can talk about the cause of the disease. More importantly - only a place of pain. Usually it is located in the perineum, between the base of the penis and the anus;a little in the depth, in the lower abdomen;in the canal - the urethra;in the scrotum;in the waist or sacrum - masks under the radiculitis;can give in the leg or stomach. And each person's drawing of pain is quite typical and with a new exacerbation it usually repeats. The listed places can ache as one by one, and be combined, up to a case when everything hurts. Sometimes the pain is tedious, long and constant, or maybe walking, running around the stomach, for example. Usually this is the same disease. Only the side changes. The last( running over, changing place pain) often speaks in favor of chronic non-microbial inflammation. But the constant, bursting pain in one and the same place, with a burning sensation, which sharply decreases from antibiotics, on the contrary, can testify to a sufficiently deep inflammatory focus, microbial. Most often the pain is unstable. It increases with exacerbation, for example after a cold, ARVI, and decreases( generally disappears) after a few days even without treatment or with self-medication with antibiotics, baths or hot baths. For the first time such behavior of pain can deceive the most vigilant man.

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    • Pain when urinating.

    • Difficulty with urination, frequent or uncontrollable urination.

    More often manifested in the form of frequent calls, "running to the toilet."It is important that simultaneously with this, the size of the portion of urine will necessarily decrease! If suddenly a man often goes out of poverty, but the portions of urine are large or very large - it's not prostatitis! Immediately address to the doctor with this complaint, if you, of course, did not eat the whole watermelon or drank a lot of liquid tea. Very serious suspicion of sugar or diabetes insipidus, which requires a lot of urgency. Unlike prostatitis, which can be treated today and tomorrow, diabetes requires a really urgent examination and treatment. If the portions are small, literally "there is nothing" - at least, this trouble has passed you and will have to fight with the usual inflammation. The power of urge is also disproportionate to the amount of accumulated urine, and the urge itself may be different from normal. Usually it is more abrupt, urgent. How can it be with a strong "overexposure", when a liter-half liter of liquid has accumulated, but only half a glass leaves out, a maximum is a glass, but the urge is unbearably strong. Very characteristic is the onset and manifestation of prostatitis in boys. Officially, boys should not have prostatitis at all. Their prostate gland is still undeveloped, and there simply is not anything to inflame. However, sometimes this happens. Probably the prostate has grown enough to cause inflammation. There are several such cases, when boys aged 13-14 after severe hypothermia, colds began to run to the toilet. The doctor in such cases, reasonably enough, diagnosed "cystitis" and prescribed treatment. The treatment helped, but not until the end. After all, the disease is different! The diagnosis was "chronic cystitis," the treatment continued with varying success, until the boys were fully examined and were surprised to report that they had a long-standing chronic prostatitis. Time is lost. .. Therefore, it is better, despite the rarity of this, still remember about such cases, the price of error for a young man is very high.

    • Blood in the urine.

    • Feeling full of the bladder.

    • Violations in the genital area.

    Most often this is manifested by a decrease in the duration of the sexual act, under the same conditions, of course, Do not compare the act in normal life and what happens, for example, after a break. For any healthy man, it will be shorter in the second case. Law of nature.

    If the duration was sufficiently definite, and then dramatically changed several times, ejaculation became somehow uncontrollable. .. All this is a clear diagnostic criterion of a violation in the prostate. In order not to be mistaken, it is necessary to compare honestly not a single event( "Oh, I had an awfully short act yesterday. .. For the first time in my life!" - it can happen for a mass of reasons( often just too much aroused partner), and repeated acts in aboutthe same conditions. On the background of regular sexual life! Otherwise, the doctor can make a mistake, considering a perfectly healthy, but a super-excited man( rather a compliment) for the patient. S

    This symptom can be combined with a weakening of the "ejection"As a rule, this value is quite constant, and under the same conditions - approximately the same strength and "long-range" ejection, the force of contraction of muscles in orgasm

    Weakening of orgasmic sensations., Maybe in itself, or along with already listed.orgasm is a strong, vivid sensation that sometimes shocks the entire body and soul. Prostatitis changes life - the sensations become smeared, soft, incomparable with what they were before the illness. So, for example, you can fairly accurately determine the duration of the disease by the appearance( although rare at first) of similar "soft" orgasms.

    The phrase "As if he wrote with boiling water" - she quite clearly describes the exacerbation of prostatitis, an orgasm in this case. The combination of lack or weakness of sensations during orgasm and "boiling water" with burning, "burning", that is, signs of inflammation. In this case, the normal process of ejaculation( ejection of sperm), of course, painless. The symptom is quite specific and indicates a violation in this area.

    • Erectile dysfunction with exacerbation of prostatitis.

    Not such a frequent violation, as is commonly believed, but still available in reality. Officially, the opinion reads: "Chronic prostatitis does not cause erectile dysfunction!" Point. This is true, but only outside of exacerbation. In inflammation, for example, with inflammation of the throat, tonsils, the function of nearby organs is also disturbed - swallowing or speech is disturbed.

    Without exacerbation, with normal treatment, prostatitis does not affect and should not affect the erection. No, except for the "technological" or neuro-psychic way. That is, a man who feels "trouble" in this area, involuntarily hears, worries and in every way worries about this and thus "knocks down" the excitement and erection. Therefore, if all other symptoms disappeared after a full course of treatment with a prostatitis, but there were erectile dysfunctions, one more additional reason should be treated, rather than nodding towards prostatitis. Impotence will not talk about the prostatitis, but that the man is too impressionable.

    • Infertility.

    Implicit violation. The prostate gland produces a liquid part of the sperm, ejaculate. If it produces pus in inflammation, the fertilizing capacity of such sperm will be greatly weakened or even zero. However, after treatment, and sometimes even during the course of the sperm, it quickly improves and a long-awaited conception begins. This is the easiest cause of male infertility.

    Even with years of infertility, a person after treatment will receive beautiful children. The treatment itself does not affect fertility, on ugliness! Chronic fatigue, fatigue, apathy. A very frequent but subtle manifestation of chronic prostatitis. He is often not mentioned, is not singled out among complaints, is not seen before the beginning of treatment.

    Only a few days after the course the man suddenly notices that fatigue has disappeared somewhere! A person seems to be younger, although this is not a rejuvenation. Just the return of vivacity, the surge of energy - what should be the healthy at their age. Take health seriously, treat all chronic diseases to the extent that they do not interfere and can not exacerbate. You will be surprised and will understand how good it is to live in this world! Usually a symptom of chronic fatigue, apathy is not allocated as a separate. But after treatment - when comparing the current state with the state during illness - there is a big difference. This phenomenon is caused by intoxication, that is, "poisoning" the body, inflammation. Something like a chronic angina or condition after the flu, when the temperature is gone, and the condition "to hell" - to work certainly not want to go. Not a disease like, but not health - some kind of borderline condition. That is why the hospital sheet for influenza is given not only for the time that a person lay with the temperature. The standard of the state is the best that was before the illness and to which one should strive.

    These are the main problems - manifestations of chronic prostatitis. They can exist separately, can together, in different combinations. And maybe all of the same pile, God forbid, as they say. But, having found out even one of the manifestations described above, it will be more correct to consult a doctor, pay attention to health.

    The cause of prostatitis is unknown in almost all cases.

    Bacterial infection causes approximately 5 percent of cases of disease. Infection usually rises up the urethra to the prostate. It can be transmitted sexually.

    • Using a urinary catheter increases the risk of developing prostatitis.

    • Acute prostatitis sometimes leads to chronic prostatitis.

    • The risk of developing acute prostatitis is higher among men aged 20 to 40 years who have many sexual partners or adhere to risky sexual behavior, such as anal contact or refusal of condoms.

    • Case history and physical examination, including a finger examination of the rectum. During this procedure, the doctor inserts a finger in the glove into the rectum and presses on the gland.

    • Microscopic examination and culture analysis of prostate secretions taken during a rectal examination.

    • Culture analysis and urine under a microscope.

    • Ultrasound examination, which can show the presence of an abscess.

    • Hospitalization is often necessary in the treatment of acute prostatitis. When bacterial infections are intravenously administered antibiotics;A urinary catheter may be required to excrete urine.

    • Oral antibiotics prescribed for the treatment of acute and chronic prostatitis;they must be taken for the entire prescribed period( four to 12 weeks).

    • Avoid alcoholic beverages and caffeinated beverages until the symptoms subsided, because the diuretic effect of these drinks increases the frequency of urination.

    • Warm baths can provide some help in getting rid of symptoms of chronic prostatitis .

    • Over-the-counter analgesics may be needed to reduce pain and fever.

    • If the prostate has become inflamed, surgical drainage is necessary.

    • Rapid treatment for infectious diseases of the urinary tract is necessary.

    • Use of condoms to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.