  • Rabies in dogs symptoms

    Violent. In this case, the animal eschews people, becomes sluggish, reluctantly performs simple commands, hammers into dark places, and does not eat well. But sometimes a sick dog can and vice versa, become obtrusive and unnecessarily affectionate, constantly licking the owner's face and hands. This state is replaced by anxiety, increased irritability and fearfulness. The dog barks, listens to something, looks around. Usual food is refused, greedily swallows inedible objects.

    A constantly sick animal gnaws and scratches the place of bite. How to check the dog for rabies? The most important sign of a dog's disease is spasms of pharyngeal musculature, and it can not swallow water. The animal is abundant saliva, barking becomes hoarse and turns into howling. Appears aggressiveness and rage. The attacks of violence are replaced by oppression. The animal weakens and lies motionless. The slightest cry, noise, bright light causes a new attack of aggression.

    After a while the dog loses its voice, it becomes exhausted. The lower jaw hangs, muscle paralysis develops. Saliva flows abundantly, the tongue falls out, corneal opacity and strabism appear. The hind legs are paralyzed, then the paralysis passes to the forelimbs and trunk, the respiratory system and the heart. The dog dies. This disease lasts 3-11 days.

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    Silent( paralytic). Sick dog is very affectionate, does not depart from the master or instructor, licks his face and hands. The rabies virus is contained in its saliva, it is extremely dangerous for humans. Gradually the animal becomes restless. The first signs of rabies in dogs: abundant drooling, sagging lower jaw, difficulty swallowing. Paralyzes develop quickly, death comes on 2-4 days.
    Atypical. Appear characteristic signs of enteritis, gastritis( bloody diarrhea, vomiting).Therefore, it is not easy to recognize rabies in time.

    If there is a slightest suspicion of the disease, it is necessary to tie the dog and isolate it, inform the nearest veterinary point about its suspicions. Observation of the dog lasts 10 days. If signs of rabies did not manifest, the animal is healthy. If there is already rabies in dogs, treatment can not be done. The animal will have to be put to sleep.

    Ways of infection

    Infecting with rabies can only be through blood, saliva, biological fluids. You can not catch it through urine, eating or sniffing something. The probability of infection in a vaccinated dog will be much lower. How rabies is transmitted in dogs, it is understandable. It can pass to a person if the saliva of a sick animal gets into the damaged skin( often a bite).The signs of rabies after the dog's bite are slightly identical.


    Preliminary diagnosis is based on epizootological, clinical, laboratory and pathological anatomical data. When making a diagnosis for rabies, it is necessary to take into account the epizootic situation in the area. The diagnosis should be confirmed by laboratory tests for the presence in the field of the microscope( brain patch material) Babes-Negri calves.

    Differential diagnosis of

    Rabies in dogs can have some clinical similarity with the nervous form of the plague, Aujeszky's disease, other encephalitis.

    The nervous form of the plague is manifested, as well as rabies in dogs, increased irritability, epileptic seizures, paralysis of the extremities. But with the plague, there is never a paralysis of the lower jaw, and with rabies there is no serous or purulent conjunctivitis.

    Aujeszky's disease( pseudorabism, bulbar paralysis) is characterized by the presence of severe itching and calculi, proceeds shorter( death occurs 1-2 days, rarely 3-4 days after the first signs of the disease appear).There is paralysis of the larynx, increased secretion of saliva. Sometimes there are signs of excitement resembling rabies: dogs gnaw items, attack oncoming animals, but differ in their lack of aggressiveness towards people.

    Treatment of

    Treatment for rabies has not been developed. Patients and suspicious for disease are killed.

    Prevention of rabies in dogs

    The main thing is to properly keep dogs in towns and cities. To realize the importance of this problem.
    Dog owners every year should vaccinate their pets against rabies! Animals that have not been vaccinated against rabies can not be transported and take part with them in exhibitions, carry with them service, hunt and naturally can not be used for mating. The first inoculation should be done no earlier than 3 months of age, and revaccination annually.
    But the animal can still get sick. There are reasons for this: a vaccine against rabies for dogs can lose its properties due to improper storage conditions, transportation;if the vaccine is produced in the incubation period of the disease. Vaccination against rabies prevents the disease in 96-98% of cases.

    Rabies( hydrophobia, hydrophobia) - zooanthroponous, especially dangerous virus disease of various animal species, including dogs and cats, as well as humans, is characterized by severe lesions of the central nervous system. The disease usually ends with the death of the animal.

    Rabies in dogs has special symptoms.
    Because of illness the nervous system is affected: the excitability increases, there is a hydrophobia, paralysis of the respiratory muscles, limbs. Always the outcome of the disease is death. Therefore it is important to know how to determine rabies in a dog.

    In our time, rabies in dogs is very common. In places where there are foci of animal rabies, people are also at risk. As a rule, rabies is spreading, first of all, stray homeless dogs. They themselves are infected mainly from wild animals.

    The incubation period of rabies in dogs( latent) lasts 3-6 weeks. In puppies, it takes 5-7 days. Often the latent period lasts a long time, in individual adult dogs it reaches one year.


    Neurotropic RNA-containing virus.
    Resistance to disinfectants. The rabies virus belongs to the 2nd group of resistance of infectious agents.