  • How to make eyebrows dense at home?

    To grow the eyebrows and return them to the original form is not so simple, and in some situations it is already impossible, so whatever conditions the fashion dictates, try to avoid extremes and not make yourself too thin or bizarre eyebrows. In our article, experts Vse-Sekrety.ru will share with you the secrets of how to make the eyebrows thick and dark at home, without much difficulty.

    Many girls today want, following the trends, to have thick and beautiful eyebrows with which you could "work" creating the image of the person you just want. What measures can be taken to improve their condition, you ask? We will answer that the approach is better to choose a complex, rather than simply use single methods that increase the thickness of the eyebrows. The eyebrows need combing, nutrition, massage, as well as correction. To understand the whole process, you need to imagine that the eyebrows are the same hair and you need to look after them accordingly.

    3 secret, creating thick eyebrows at home

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    How to make eyebrows thick with combing and oil
    For daily combing, buy a special comb, if this is not possible, then you can use a conventional toothbrush( only with hard hairs).Brush your eyebrows daily against growth of hairs, and then along the way, smoothing them. If you want to see a better effect - apply a few drops of almond, burdock or castor oil on the brush.

    After such a procedure, the oil residues will blot with a napkin, it will remove excess oil and leave as many eyebrows as necessary. Literally in 10-15 minutes eyebrows will look much healthier, will become more silky, you will definitely like this well-groomed appearance. It will also be a good massage, which activates blood circulation and will only benefit the growth of hairs.   

    You can additionally massage your eyebrows with your fingertips in the direction of hair growth. It should be slow and smooth stroking, and then soft circular movements from the bridge of the nose to the temples. This massage is better done before bedtime, it has a soothing and relaxing effect, helps to fall asleep more quickly, relieve tension and headache, and, of course, the most important thing - makes the eyebrows grow more tightly to each other.

    Masks that help make the eyebrows thicker
    Intensive eyebrow supply will provide compresses and masks. oil compresses work well. You need to mix castor, olive and linseed oil equally, warm it in a bath, soak the cotton buds with a warm oil mixture and put on the eyebrows for 15 minutes. In addition, it is possible to warm the top with compress paper and a folded towel placed on the forehead. The rest of the oil will be enough to clean the napkin and wipe the skin with a tonic. You can make such compresses and with jojoba oil, it also works well on the growth and structure of the hair, while leaving no fat on the skin. Add to it another drop of essential oil of rosemary, lavender or orange.

    Activates the growth of the eyebrow mask with alcoholic components. For example, it is worth trying a mask of an equal amount of castor oil and rum or a mask made from an alcohol tincture of calendula. Gauze tampons are impregnated with these components and superimposed on the eyebrows for at least 20 minutes, but do not need to keep them for more than 40 minutes. Do not forget to warm the mask on top with parchment and a towel. Several times a week you can lubricate eyebrows at night with a mixture of castor oil and vitamins A and E or use the already prepared vitamin concentrate "Aevit", which can be purchased at any pharmacy in the city. Additional vitaminization will only benefit the eyebrows and make them even more dense.

    To achieve a rapid visual effect of the thickness of the eyebrows, you can refer to various methods of correction. This can be tattoo, chemical staining with persistent paint, sketching and tinting eyebrows with pencil, shadows or mascara. Brown or gray shadows, applied to the eyebrows, will make them immediately much thicker. There is also a vegetable color of the osmium, it is widely used by oriental women, and the effect is simply stunning. Eyebrows not only acquire a dark color, but also become noticeably thicker and healthier, which you have long dreamed of. And note that the effect lasts a long time, and if you use constantly, you will simply forget what your eyebrows were before.

    Best of luck!