  • How to properly nails at home

    Today we will share with you tips on how to grow nails. The article will consist of the following items:

    • How to prepare nails for building

    • How to build up acrylic nails at home

    • How to properly nail gel

    • How to nail extensions

    • How to remove accreted nails

    • Can pregnant women grow their nails?

    How to prepare nails for building

    Before the procedure, you need not only to prepare, but also to take into account several important nuances. For example, it is impossible to build up at the first stage of pregnancy, you can not use a hand cream for the day before the procedure, you can not take care of your nails during stress and hormonal failures. If you ignore these rules - the gel will peel after application.
    Preparation is as follows: cuticle cut or pushed back spatula, but previously softened in a special solution, and then the nail is shortened with a large nail file. Part of the nail is cut halfway, and grind the nail until all the shiny spots disappear. Also, you need to consider the desired shape of the nail, which you will get as a result. Nails with a stylet form are filed slightly differently: the nail file is held parallel to the base, and then rotated perpendicularly relative to the nail. To create a form of almond-shaped nails to carry out these actions is unnecessary.
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    It is not recommended to nail the nails in a circular motion, as it is possible to get a negative effect and the pile of the nail will rise. Further, to increase safety, antiseptic treatment and drying of the nails with ultraviolet is carried out. Ignore the treatment is not worth it, it can lead to the appearance of fungus and deformation of the nails.

    How to build acrylic nails at home

    Acrylic is a mixture of liquid and powder. It was widely used in dental clinics, but then they began to be used in cosmetology. Nails are created both on tips and on forms, for example, form a nail from a polymeric material. This procedure has its advantages: protection of nails from irritation, nail life more than 3 months, high strength of the material. Main disadvantages: toxic damage to natural nails and chemical odor from nails. Below we will tell you what to consider when building up acrylic.

    You will need the following tools and materials: nail polishing fluid, acrylic, degreasing liquid, solvent, nail files and brushes. Buy all this can be in any store selling devices for manicure and nail extension. The cost is 3000 rubles, but do not forget that you can build up several times, so an independent increase in cost will be cheaper than salon.
    Before starting the procedure, you need to wash and disinfect hands, do a manicure and adjust the length of the nails with a nail file. Sand the nails along the entire length, remove the dust from the nails and near them. Use the preparation to clean the surface of the nails, wait until it dries. Apply to the nail shape and to create a nail glue its tips. Then add the liquid to the container and blot the brush with the monomer. Rinse off all liquid from the brush, you need it to be completely dry. Then create a small ball of camouflaging powder with a brush. Externally, the ball should look like a hedgehog, consider that it must be dry, otherwise the build-up will break because the acrylic will spread over the nail plate. Thoroughly soak the ball with liquid, and then apply it to the surface of the mold. Do not forget to indent the cuticle at least 1 millimeter. Then roll the ball on the whole form and achieve the shape of the future nail you need. Roll the balls until you get the desired result. For example, using pink or white powder, you can create a French manicure or some other. Often, girls make drawings on nails with the help of acrylic paints, powder of different colors, accessories and so on.

    Now you need to correct the nails, cut them down and look abroad between the present and the artificial nail. Next, apply a degreasing liquid, and then the adhesive fluid. Do not apply liquid to the cuticle or mucous membrane, this will lead to serious injuries. Gradually apply a coating, distribute acrylic on the nail evenly, do not forget that you need to add an ideal likeness to the real nail. The acrylic solidifies for about 3-5 minutes, after drying it is necessary to polish the surface of the nail so that it is shiny and smooth. Carry out polishing for all nails, and then let them rest. After the completion of this stage, the procedure ends.

    How to properly nail gel

    Now the build-up of gel has a very high popularity, and all because you can use natural and synthetic mixtures. Usually, the resin of coniferous trees is used, as it is completely safe for the health of the nails, the nails look like real ones, and the antiseptic effect on the nails reduces the chance of the appearance of a fungus or other infection after the build-up. You can speed up the procedure of building up due to the fact that silks are put under the tips, also it increases the strength of the nail. The advantage is also that you can apply color foil, beads and rhinestones to the gel to fully use your imagination and create a truly beautiful manicure.
    But there are also disadvantages, for example: increased cost and re-build-up with damage to the surface of the nail. Do not forget that any build-up of nails is insecure to some extent, very often microtraumas of the nail plate, which provoke the penetration of infection and fungi. If there is an infectious lesion, the nail will collapse, and antibiotics will have to be drunk to get rid of the disease. In addition, one can not walk with nails extensively, because nail dystrophy will appear.

    For the procedure you need the following tools and materials: tips, nail files, primer, brushes, liquid for disinfection, a bond, an ultraviolet lamp, gel, paint brushes and acrylic paints.
    You need to start with the usual manicure, but do not cut the entire length of the nails. To create a shape, you need to leave the free edge of the nail about 3 millimeters. Carefully grind the nail, put on a special shape for the build-up, fasten the ends of the form under the nail. Carefully apply a layer of gel to the part of the nail and stretch the nail to the required length, drain under the UV lamp for one minute. Now you can apply a second layer, leave the distance to the cuticle 2 millimeters, again dry with ultraviolet. Carefully remove the stencil used to build, and then create the desired shape of the nail. Take the brush and pat it in the gel, then apply some of the gel to the center of the nail so that the equal parts of the gel are on both the left and right sides. In the center should remain a small tubercle. Turn the palm over for a while and dry the nails again. In the end, you need to shape the nails with a nail file, and then apply a very thin layer of gel( protective) and dry it again. After the procedure is complete, you can not wet your hands for 30 minutes.

    Care for extended nails

    Do not forget to follow the basic rules for the care of nails:

    • Never use varnish remover with acetone. It negatively affects the nails, damages their structure and forces them to repeat the procedure again. This applies to all products that contain acetone, including household chemicals. But sometimes you need to use these tools in any case, so wear rubber gloves so that acetone does not get on the surface of the nails;

    • Do not use nippers and scissors, as they injure nails. Buy special tools and tools in order to competently nail, for example, polishers and nail files;

    • Artificial nails are distinguished by high strength, which is not possessed by natural nails. But many people neglect this, and the nails end up breaking down. Remember that any damage to the artificial nail is instantly reflected on the natural nail, as they are tightly fastened;

    • Carefully care for the cuticle, since it needs the support of vitamins and minerals. If the cuticle grows quickly - buy a remedy that slows its growth;

    • Sharp temperature changes negatively affect the artificial nails. Despite the high strength of nails, they are still damaged and become quite brittle and brittle;

    • Varnishes with which you cover artificial nails should contain gel and acrylic. Do not buy the most expensive varnish, you can save money and buy a cheap, but high-quality varnish. Be sure to check the expiration date and read the manufacturer's instructions before use;

    • Native nails quickly grow, for about 20 days the accrued nails lose an attractive appearance. Cover part of the nail once every three weeks and gently cut it to preserve beauty;

    • Fingerness of nails can provoke a hardware manicure, give up this procedure;

    • Never remove artificial nails without professional help. Natural nails can become brittle, brittle and weak;

    • Artificial nails have a high ability to retain varnish, but the girls make a mistake and apply varnish too often. Control the layer of varnish and apply it less often, otherwise the nails will not be able to breathe and begin to deform.

    How to remove accrued nails

    Acrylic nails
    First you need to remove the length, just remove the edge of the nail using forceps, but be careful, otherwise damage the delicate skin under the fingernail. When you take off the length, tackle the removal of the artificial material. For example, a salon uses a liquid that very quickly dissolves the entire acrylic layer. As mentioned above - acetone negatively affects the nails and dissolves them, it should be used for removal. Wet the cotton pad in acetone and attach to the nail surface, but it can begin to evaporate, so wrap the finger with a thick layer of foil. Do the same with all the nails, you need to wait 10 minutes until the acrylic is completely dissolved. The material will become liquid and soft, you can remove it with a nail file, but very carefully.
    Gel nails
    Unfortunately, removing the gel is much more difficult, as it is more complex and stronger than acrylic in structure. Acetone can not be used here, since it does not dissolve the gel. You need to buy a nail file with an abrasivity of about 100-150 grit. Since this file is very stiff, it is used only for artificial materials. With it, you completely remove the entire surface of the artificial nails, but the process is long enough, and it can be accelerated by cutting the length of the nail, just as in the case of acrylic nails. You can remove gel nails within 15 minutes if you have purchased a really tough nail file.

    Is it possible to increase nails for pregnant women?

    There are no problems in nail extensions during pregnancy, but you need to consider that much depends on the quality of the materials used. It is necessary to use European materials, since they are much safer. It is not recommended to carry out building alone, it is better to find a competent specialist with positive feedback.
    Basically, this issue arises from unjustified rumors that the buildup is bad for health. Disadvantages, of course, there are - the nail stops responding to external stimuli, as it is covered with a dense gel or acrylic coating. Nails need a lot of vitamins to support growth. Natural nails receive an increased amount of moisture, their strength increases, and they begin to grow faster. But you need to consider that it is impossible to injure artificial nails, as this will cause deformation of natural nails.
    Most of the certified drugs that are used for building up are safe because they are manufactured without harmful chemicals. The manufacturer takes into account that the structure of the preparation must be porous, allow moisture and copy the structure of the natural nail. But nevertheless it is necessary to buy a special mixture for nails, which contains an increased amount of minerals and vitamins.

    It is necessary to carry out the build-up only in those cases when a sufficient amount of fresh air enters the room. Whatever advantages artificial nails do not have - they break the structure of natural nails, as they dehydrate them and take the negative influence of the environment on themselves. During pregnancy, there may be problems with metabolism, especially at first. This has a very negative effect on the nails, and if you walk with accrued nails - there is a risk of severe damage to the nails. Due to the fact that during the building in the room it smells of chemicals, it negatively affects the health status, the head may get sick or nausea may appear. Try to avoid acrylic and gel build-up during pregnancy, because it is not known how this can end.