
How to get rid of the second chin? Effective methods and practices

  • How to get rid of the second chin? Effective methods and practices

    With a problem like the second chin facing many. This is a problem not only for people who are overweight. A young, well-proportioned woman may also face this unpleasant "gift".In order to begin to fight with the second chin, you need to find out the reason for its appearance. And after that, it's time to move on to the methods of treatment.
    • Contents of the article:
      • Reasons for
      • General recommendations
      • Gymnastics for chin
      • Patience and time
      • Exercise "Giraffe"
      • Load muscles
      • Gymnastics of models
      • Dressings with lemon juice
      • Massage with honey

      Reasons for

      The reasons for which the second chin appears can beseveral. Consider these in more detail:

      1. Overweight. The chin is the part of the body that gains weight in the first place. Quite fast weight loss. In the case of rapid weight loss, the skin becomes flabby and saggy, thus forming a second chin.
      2. Heredity. If one of the relatives at a young age had a second chin, then there is a high probability that this will be inherited.
      3. Incorrect posture. Incorrect posture can appear due to sedentary work. Or the cause of the appearance of the second chin can be the wrong position of the head when reading, walking, sleeping. Pregnancy can also speed up the appearance of this problem, it can be caused by a hormonal factor, it is often easier to get rid of such chins.

      General recommendations

      In general, this problem is easier to prevent in advance than to solve it later. It is necessary to be engaged in prophylaxis from an early age from about 16-21 years. Active lifestyle, exercise, gymnastics for the face, weight control and naturally daily skin care will help prevent this problem. If the problem in the form of a second chin has already appeared, then in this case it is best to seek professional care, but also do not forget about home procedures.

      For any double chin, such a solution to the problem as mesotherapy is perfect. With an excessive amount of fat mass, special solutions are introduced, which directly contribute to the burning and dissolution of fat. In the case where the skin loses its elasticity and slips, drugs are used that are directly directed to strengthening and nourishing the skin.

      You can fight with the appearance of the second chin by means of professional massage: lymphatic drainage and spot. Fat is 90% water. Lymphatic drainage massage helps to get rid of excess water in problem areas.

      Gym for chin

      Another good method is special exercises. In particular, they are effective in preventing the appearance of the second chin. These exercises are recommended to be performed for 15 minutes once a day.

      These exercises were invented by the French cosmetologist Nadia Payo to maintain the elasticity of the facial skin. These exercises should be performed ten times a day, then they will help keep the skin elastic and young for many years.

      1. It is necessary to sit up straight and try to lower the chin, counteracting the movement with two clenched fists, attached to the chin from below. Then you need to slowly take your hands off. This exercise is designed to train the muscles of the neck and eliminate the second chin.
      2. You should pronounce the sounds "and" and "y" at the same time straining your muscles. Thus, the muscles of the lower part of the face are strengthened and trained.
      3. Push two fingers against the whiskey. Slowly, with some effort, you should open and close your eyes - this workout is designed for the upper part of the face and at the same time helps maintain the elasticity of the eye contour.

      The following exercises will quickly and effectively provide a tightening effect, but they have some contraindications. If on the eve of any important holiday you need to bring yourself in shape, then this exercise should proceed with the hope of success.

      You need to lie on your back, keep your head on weight. Then it must be raised in such a way that would look at your feet. Repeat this exercise should be 15-20 times. With the help of such gymnastics you will significantly improve the neck line and accordingly the chin. But this exercise can cause discomfort in the event that you suffer from vascular diseases or, you have complaints about the spine. Then it is not recommended to perform this exercise, it is best to turn to other ways of fighting.

      Patience and time

      This exercise gives pretty good results, but it takes more time and patience. You need to sit in front of the mirror, the elbows should rest on the table, and the chin touch the fingers. Teeth should be closed, chin forward and slightly raised. Fingers should be closed and lightly patted on the chin. Fast and light cotton should be done at least 30. Repeat this exercise several times a day.

      Exercise "Giraffe"

      It is necessary to straighten up and straighten the thorax. Put your hands on the shoulders and try to stretch your neck as far as possible, pressing with your hands on your shoulders. It must also be ensured that the shoulders do not go up. Next, you need to inhale, do not quickly count to ten, exhale, and completely relax your muscles. This exercise should be repeated 5-6 times. You can perform this exercise at any time of the day, at home or at work.

      Load the muscles of the

      Cosmetologists believe that giving the daily load to the muscles and doing the gymnastics of the face, then the skin under the chin will not hang out prematurely.

      It is necessary to remove the makeup from the face, and take the following position: sit down at the table, close your mouth, relax your muscles. The chin should be raised slightly upward and set forward. In this case, the elbow of the right hand should be placed on the table and put on the clenched fist chin. The lower lip should be pulled upwards in such a way as to cover the upper lip. The tip of the tongue should be placed on the palate behind the upper teeth and press, counting up to five. At the expense of five, you should press a little harder, and stay in this position, counting to five, after that you need to slowly relax the muscles. The exercise should be repeated three times.

      Gymnastics of models

      In order to get rid of the second chin, you need to walk around the room with a thick book on your head every day, about five minutes. At the same time, you should make sure that your back is straight, your shoulders are straightened, and your head is raised. This exercise will not only get rid of the second chin, but also develop a beautiful gait. After washing, do not forget the wet skin to pat the back of the palm on the problem site.

      In addition to gymnastics, you can use bandages with lemon juice and massage with honey.

      Dressings with lemon juice

      If you have a fairly distinct second chin, then in this case you can apply the next bandage to it from time to time. It is necessary to fold the cheesecloth into three to four layers 2 cm wide, moisten it with lemon juice in the middle, and tie the most extreme bulge of the chin for 20-30 minutes, not too tight. After you remove the bandage, a nourishing cream should be applied to the skin. After 30-40 minutes it is necessary to tie up the assortments again with the same bandage, but it needs to be damped with cold water. This procedure should be carried out throughout the month every other day and preferably at night.

      Massage with honey

      It is recommended to make regular simple massage with honey. It should be on the fingers to take a little honey and massage their second chin to redness. After the procedure, honey should be washed off with warm water. Such massage moisturizes and nourishes the skin, the main thing helps to get rid of unwanted sagging folds on the chin. Do not do this procedure to people with an allergy to honey.

      As everyone knows perfectly, beauty requires sacrifice, so that it would be appropriate to look, you need to monitor yourself, do facial masks, massage, lead a healthy, active lifestyle, etc. Our beauty is in our hands.