
Hand care: principles, folk recipes, cosmetics, spa care

  • Hand care: principles, folk recipes, cosmetics, spa care

    Hands can tell absolutely everything about a person, and especially give out the hands of a woman's age. Plastic surgery will tighten the skin and remove excess fat. However, all efforts will be wasted if you do not follow your hands. Since the beauty of the hands is not subject to plastic surgery, we turn to simple but effective conservative methods of maintaining the beauty of the hands.

    Plan of the article:

    Rules and principles of care

    To maintain the health and beauty of the skin of hands, it is necessary to follow certain rules and principles.

    1. Wash your hands. Hand washing is recommended before and after bedtime, with contamination and before eating. Hand my water with a comfortable temperature. Otherwise, the skin loses moisture and fats, it becomes dry and rough. Always wash your hands with a special toilet soap or gel. They contain special moisturizing additives. Always dry your hands after bathing. To go out with wet hands on the street - it is forbidden. It threatens with redness and peeling of the skin of the hands.
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    2. Keep hands off the cold. In winter, frost is recommended for wearing gloves and mittens from materials of natural origin. Without gloves, cold has a destructive effect on the skin, and in gloves made of artificial materials, the skin does not breathe well, the hands sweat and lose moisture. Also, we recommend to study our article on the proper care of the skin in winter.

    3. Keep hands off the sun. Exposure to ultraviolet rays adversely affects the skin of the hands, causing it to dehydrate and damage. For prolonged exposure to sunlight, protect the skin of hands with creams containing protective filters. Remember that you need to sunbathe properly!

    4. Protect hands when doing homework. When cleaning the apartment and washing the dishes, it is advisable to wear good quality rubber gloves. Detergents contain aggressive substances that have a destructive effect on the epidermis, drying it. The result is rough, rough and dry skin of the hands. If such tools cope with pollution, it's terrible to imagine how they affect the skin. For long-term use we use cotton gloves, saturated with a nutritious cream. So you combine a skin-friendly procedure with routine housework.

    5. Caring for the skin. It is necessary to get in the habit of regularly lubricating the skin on your hands with a nutritious and moisturizing cream. To maintain this habit, place the tube in all points of your long stay - at the workplace, at home, in your purse. This measure will support the skin of the hands and reduce the degree of stressful effects. It is recommended to apply a hand cream for the night, as at night the skin greedily absorbs all the nutrient mixtures. The best option would be cotton gloves impregnated with cream.

    6. The reception of vitamin complexes. To maintain the optimal condition of the skin of your hands, you need to consume enough water for the body. Also for the maintenance of skin tone recommended regular intake of vitamins - retinol( A), ascorbic acid( C) and tocopherol( E).This complex of vitamins has an antioxidant effect on the skin, preventing the disintegration of collagen fibers and the subsequent appearance of pigment spots - a real catastrophe for the skin of the hands.

    7. Caring for elbows. The skin on our elbows is very tender and also needs attention and care. We often rely on elbows, we carry them on the table. All this is not the best way to affect the skin. It is recommended to rub the elbows with a scrub( or pumice) with neat circular motions. After the procedure, it is important to lubricate the skin with cream, the fatter, the better. In a cream to drop a little lemon juice

    8. Proper nutrition. The skin of our hands constantly needs an inflow of nutrients and trace elements. Their source is nutrition. Beautiful healthy skin is the result of a varied, correct, balanced diet. It is necessary to include fresh herbs, milk, meat, cheese, eggs, curd dishes, grain bread, fruit and vegetable dishes in the diet.

    9. Do hand massage. This restores blood flow, normalizes muscles and ligaments after exercise. Also gymnastics for hands is useful.

    Popular recipes

    It is well known that wherever expensive cream and exquisite mashing is done, folk remedies - simple and effective - are great.
    1. The following recipe is good for weathering. A couple of tablespoons of oak bark( sold in a pharmacy) is filled with half a liter of cold water. Then cook on low heat for 20 minutes. The broth is removed from the plate, cooled. After cooling to an acceptable temperature, it is filtered. A bowl of broth is taken for 20 minutes, then the hands are rinsed, a greasy cream or olive oil is applied.
    2. A decoction for softening the skin, eliminating inflammation. Equal parts of plantain, chamomile and marigold mixed. A tablespoon of the mixture( crushed) is poured into a glass of boiling water, it is infused for a couple of hours. Before use, the decoction is filtered and a tablespoon of glycerin is added. Hands are rubbed 2-3 times a day.
    3. Softening broth for hands. A tablespoon of lime blossoms is brewed per liter of water, infused for several hours. Hands are immersed in the drug for 10-15 minutes. When finished, the cream( fat) is applied to the skin of the hands.
    4. Infusion against senile spots. This unpleasant skin effect can be eliminated in the following way. A teaspoon of onion juice is mixed with a couple teaspoons of tea mushroom infusion. The mixture of the skin of the hands is covered all night. It is washed off only in the morning. Regular application of this mixture will make the spots lighter and invisible.
    5. Feeding ointment on herbs. Half a teaspoon of plantain mixed with a string, chamomile flowers, calendula, a glass of boiling water. The mixture is boiled in boiled water in a tightly closed container for 6-8 hours.50 g. Butter is rubbed with the addition of honey and mixed with a teaspoon of herbal decoction. The mixture is brought to the desired consistency. It is recommended to apply ointment regularly.
    6. Remedy for cracks in the skin of hands. A pair of tablespoons of fish oil or interior fat is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin, cotton gloves are put on and left overnight.
    7. Baths from corns. A teaspoon of baking soda is dissolved with a liter of water and two teaspoons of ammonia. Then put a teaspoon of soap powder( you can planed soap).In the resulting solution, hands hold 15-20 minutes, then wipe well and rub with pumice stone.
    8. Baths from sweating of hands. A liter of warm water dilutes a teaspoon of sea salt. The hands are kept in the solution for about 10 minutes. The skin is enriched with minerals, the circulation of blood in the palms improves.

    Special tools

    If there is no time to run around pharmacies in search of herbs or you do not completely trust traditional medicine, you will be helped by the funds produced by cosmetic companies.

    All means on the market of hand skin cosmetology are conventionally divided into the following types.

    1. Antiseptic cosmetics. It performs the function of sanitary skin cleaning from pathogens, and also softens and moisturizes the skin. Usually this remedy is used before cosmetic procedures, so as not to infect the infection in case of accidental cuts and scratches of the skin of the hands.

    2. Moisturizing cosmetics. This cosmetic complex is designed to protect the skin from the aggressive influence of the external environment, strengthen, nourish and moisten it. At the heart of this class of drugs are always Vaseline and glycerine - components that moisturize and restore the skin.

    3. Means for massage. Lotions for hand massage nourish the skin, tone the epidermis, provide muscle relaxation, improve blood circulation, greatly enhancing the effect of massage.

    4. Cleansing agents. These include liquid soap, which removes dirt without drying, nourishes the skin, removes wrinkles. Also, this group includes various kinds of scrubs. These mixtures remove the top layer of the skin, enrich it with nutrients, stimulating regeneration and healing.

    5. Means against aging of the skin. These drugs perform the function of maintaining the collagen balance of the skin of the hands, slowing the aging of the skin and its wilting. Creams of this group compete well with the appearance of dark spots, restore the skin after a negative impact of sun rays.

    What is a spa treatment?

    In the most general sense, SPA procedures are physiotherapy with the use of water. Among the SPA procedures for the skin of the hands are the most popular.

    1. Peeling and cleansing the skin of hands. During the procedure, the skin is cleansed with a scrub. Removal of the keratinized epidermis facilitates the penetration into the depth of the skin of the nutrient oils, moisturizing extracts.

    Next, a nourishing mask is applied to the skin from curative extracts, heat guns are worn. The mask restores the resources of the skin, its elasticity, elasticity. Essential oils, of which there are many in the mask, tonic and soothing effect on the body in this procedure.

    The third stage of the SPA-procedure is a massage with a mask. He acts on certain points, relieves fatigue, activates the normal circulation of blood in the hands.

    2. Paraffinotherapy of hands. The procedure is recommended during the off-season, when the skin is subjected to the most severe tests. The course of procedures is about 10 days - every other day. Paraffin is the optimal material for carrying out such procedures, since it is able to accumulate useful substances and to retain heat for a long time.

    The procedure has several stages:

    • cleaning the derma-spray to facilitate subsequent wellness;

    • exfoliating peeling - activates regeneration of the skin;

    • relaxing massage - strengthens blood circulation for the best absorption of nutrients;

    • application of a paraffin emulsion containing collagen and elastin, rejuvenating the skin, increasing its elasticity and removing wrinkles;

    • at the end of the procedure is applied a nutritious and protective lotion-milk.

    3. Deep hand warming. The procedure activates the blood supply, removes slags and prevents the formation of blood clots. Special nourishing creams are applied to the skin. The second layer is put a special paste. The two-layer composition raises the skin temperature to 42 degrees, having a curative effect.

    In summary, we can say that your hands will appreciate your initiative to visit SPA procedures.

    What kind of care do hands require after 40 years?

    In this period of mature beauty and worldly wisdom, it is necessary to learn a few simple rules that will help you to keep the skin of your hands toned.

    • In the morning in the bed make a light self-massage of hands. From phalanges of fingers smoothly move to the back side of the palm, then move to the shoulder and back. This simple procedure will improve blood circulation and warm up the hand.

    • Then take a contrast shower and drink a mug of water. At least six glasses should be drunk a day. This prevents the skin from drying out.

    • Do not leave make-up overnight. Use for washing the moisturizing lotions, herbal decoctions, cream and sour cream, diluted with melt water. As often as possible, perform skin cleansing procedures. Wipe your hands with cubes from frozen infusions of the above mentioned herbs. This will lead your skin to tone, strengthen the circulatory system and smooth out wrinkles.

    • Skin care rules, described above, you must observe strictly.

    • Turn a visit to SPA centers into a regular event in your life.

    It is important to remember all the time important - care for the skin of the hands must be carried out in a complex manner. A healthy lifestyle and exercise, proper nutrition, refusal of alcohol and tobacco - this is the way that you will come to beauty and youth.

    Be fresh and beautiful! Capture hearts and strike with youth!