  • How to get rid of wet and dry calluses on your feet

    The most common reason for the appearance of calluses on the feet is poor-quality or incorrectly selected shoes. Corn causes physical and aesthetic discomfort. As for physical discomfort, the corn on the leg often bites, causing a burning sensation. Aesthetic discomfort lies in the fact that corn is a rough outgrowth of horny skin on the leg, which is not very aesthetically pleasing, especially on female legs. Due to the presence of corns, it is very difficult to wear shoes, especially new ones. How to get rid of calluses on your feet, we will share with you in this article.

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    How to get rid of water calluses

    As you already know from your own experience, when you have strongly rubbed your leg, you first have a water callus,still sometimes called "dropsy".If you can not take off your shoes or change shoes, then stick a sticky plaster on the "sore spot" or place between the foot and that part of the shoe where you rub your foot - a napkin. As soon as you get home, remove the shoes and clothes that are put on your feet( socks, pantyhose, etc.), then let your feet rest.
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    First and foremost, it is strictly forbidden to rip off exfoliated skin, otherwise this will make you even worse. After that, the skin area will not be protected, and in itself will be very sensitive, and then the pain will be even stronger than when you rubbed, even the adhesive plaster can not relieve you of the pain.

    How to get rid of wet calluses? To quickly get rid of a wet callus, roughly speaking, it is necessary to dry it. For this, before carrying out any actions, the water callus must be treated with an antiseptic, that is to disinfect the surface of the wet callus and the place around it, so as not to infect any infection. Now take a small needle and disinfect it. Then, somewhere on the side of the dropsy, gently pierce it, directing the needle not into the dropsy itself, but as if parallel to it. The next thing you need to do is to push the liquid out of the dropsy, again do it carefully so as not to rip off the skin.

    After you have got rid of the liquid, again treat this area with an antiseptic. Antiseptic not only disinfects, but also dries the wound. If there is a possibility, then it is better not to stick this section with an adhesive plaster to make it better dry. As a rule, after a few hours, the exfoliated skin will grow together and will not cause discomfort. To speed up the healing process, use special ointments, in such cases, the ointment "Rescuer" is very effective.

    After you have rubbed your leg, try not to wear this shoe for several days, so that the dropsy will heal and dry callus does not start to form in its place.

    How to get rid of dry callus

    Now let's talk about how to remove dry callus. If, after a dropsy on the foot, dry callus begins to form, then there are two ways to get rid of it.

    Treatment of calluses with special tools

    The first method is the use of special creams and sprays from calluses. The funds of this type are quite large and sold in almost every pharmacy. Such creams and sprays have a softening effect, which ultimately helps to heal the corn. To apply these funds is necessary only after the pairing of the legs.

    Corn cutting

    The second method is cutting corn. If the first method did not help, or if you have a rather old and coarse corn, this is the only effective method in this situation. To get rid of dry calluses yourself, you need to steam your legs well. To do this, take a small bowl and pour hot water into it, previously adding liquid soap or soda, as an antiseptic. When the legs are well roasted and the corncob is soft - you can start cutting it. Cut the corn very carefully, so as not to injure yourself. For cutting corns, there are special machines that are great for such purposes, and besides, they exclude trauma. Corn is cut as if by layers, so if you already feel that the corn is practically cut off, then a special foot scraper will help get rid of the rests of rough build-ups.

    After this procedure, rinse your feet, wipe them off, and the places where the calluses were cut off are treated with an antiseptic. If you did everything qualitatively, to achieve a smooth skin in this area you can make steaming baths, processing these problem places with a foot scraper.

    How to get rid of the burrs

    Another problem that is closely related to the calluses, are on the feet. How to get rid of natoptyshey - decide based on how rough and dense is their "crust".If the hives are not too rough, then you can get rid of them with the help of a foot scraper, if they are very rough, then they will need to be cut with a machine. As in the previous case, before the procedure is carried out, the legs must first be roasted by adding an antiseptic to the water.