
All about essential oils: their groups and useful properties

  • All about essential oils: their groups and useful properties

  • Precautions when using aromatic oils

    Groups of essential oils

    1. Aromatics

    The use of oil during bathing is the most effective way at home. After all, during the procedure, due to the opening of the pores of the skin, the ethers enter the lymphatic system and all organs are washed there. Also, during the bath, couples are inhaled, and this is an additional inhalation.

    Do not mix ordinary bathing with aromatherapy. Aromavanna will be the most reasonable to do after a standard bath. To prepare a healing bath, it is necessary to make a mixture with the selected essential oil and marine or common salt. If desired, you can add dairy products and honey, they easily dissolve in water. Do not forget that water should be comfortable temperature. The procedure should be no more than 30 minutes. In the first sessions, start with 5 - 10 minutes. In doing so, you can do self-massage, by grasping the oil from the surface of the water. A warm bath will help to relax and relieve fatigue, and a couple of drops of essential oil of lavender will enhance this effect. You can also use a rose, geranium, sandalwood, chamomile and ylang-ylang oil. But do not mix all the oils at once, this will not enhance the effect, but only break the harmony. Better alternate the oils, so that each time there is something new.

    If you can not wake up in any way and want to cheer up, then use oils of grapefruit, lemon, orange, rosemary, peppermint and thyme. It is worth paying attention to the fact that citrus oils dry the skin, therefore, it is better to take the invigorating bath with sea or ordinary salt.

    You can take as a full bath, so separately the baths for hands and feet. It all depends on your desire. Usually 8 drops of oil are used for a full bath, for separate baths - 4. It is not recommended to take a bath in a state of intoxication or immediately after eating food.

    2. Essential oil and compress

    As you know, the compress is done directly on the diseased organ. Often, it is taken for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract, joints, skin, with injuries and bruises. There are hot and cold compresses. For hot compresses, use warmed water or vegetable oil. The ratio of 15 drops of essential oil to 30 grams of base is used. A cold compress is made from 5-6 drops of oil and 100 grams of water. After the cotton cloth impregnated with this solution and applied to the affected area for 15-20 minutes.

    3. Essential oils for rubbing and massage

    Massage is a powerful weapon in the fight against diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nerve processes, connective tissues, spine and internal organs. That is why a massage with the use of essential oils should be carried out by a specialist.

    Rubbing is a partial form of massage that can be performed at home. It is excellent to carry out this procedure in a bath, while combining it with aromatherapy.

    4. Essential oils for colds, coughs and runny nose

    Since ancient times, known for the inhalation method: when healers used a couple brewed in boiling water plants for the treatment of respiratory diseases. In the modern world, you can use essential oil, pre-mixing it with olive, sea-buckthorn or camphor oil.

    Inhalation is pretty simple. It is enough to take a bowl of hot water, pour in it essential oil( 1-3 drops), covered with a towel to inhale hot steam. During the procedure, it is advisable not to open your eyes.

    There are also cold inhalations. This is when the essential oil drips onto the tissue and is brought to face. In this case, you need to deeply inhale the fragrance.

    With a cold, it is useful to wash the nasal sinuses and rinse the throat. In this case, the solution will help: 6 drops of essential oil, a teaspoon of honey, salt and soda for three glasses of warm water. Rinse every hour. With colds, flu and cold, it is best to use essential oils of tea tree, sage and eucalyptus. You can also use cedar, pine, thyme oil, peppermint oil, lavender, lemon, coriander, sandalwood, basil, anise, geranium, camphor.

    5. Essential oils for hair

    In a caring care constantly need scalp and hair, as from year to year the environment becomes more aggressive. Maintain the health of the scalp, as well as give strength, elasticity and shine to the hair, essential oils are capable. It is easier to use them in the following way:

    In the mask for hair, add 6-8 drops, and in shampoo, balm and conditioner 15-30 drops per 100gram. Of all the oils, the most widespread is pine oil, as it reduces the fat content of the head, has antiseptic properties, strengthens the roots and promotes rapid hair growth. In other words, it is a universal remedy for all types of scalp and hair. All other essential oils have a narrower specialization and are used depending on the type of hair. For dry and brittle hair, sandalwood, chamomile, myrrh, incense, orange, ylang ylang are suitable. With a thick hair type, it is better to use bergamot, thyme, cypress, rosemary, lemon balm, lemon, grapefruit. With hair loss, neroli, sage, cedar, lavender, rosemary, geranium, ginger, orange, and limette are the best solutions. And relieve the dandruff tea tree oil, eucalyptus, rosemary, bergamot, lavender, lemon and geranium.

    6. Essential oils for problem skin

    Unfortunately, problem skin is familiar to many people. Someone fatty leads to rashes, and someone's skin suffers from dryness and peeling. In this case, with oily skin and rash will help oils of fir, lemon, patchouli, cloves and orange. And from the peeling and dryness will save the oil of chamomile, roses, ylang-ylang, jasmine, lavender, geranium, neroli. It does not need to blot the whole face with oil. It is enough to add a couple of drops in the cream or face mask. You can also use steam trays. For this, it is necessary to drip 3-5 drops of aroma oil in a bowl of hot water and hold the face 10-15 minutes above it at about 20 centimeters, covered with a towel.

    7. Essential oils for eyelids and lips

    To make your face look always shining and beautiful, you need to take care not only of the skin, but also of the lips and eyelids. If you want to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes, then use the oil of rose, incense, nutmeg, fennel, peppermint and sandalwood. With the regular application of these oils to the skin of the eyelids in a mixture with the basic fatty oil, you will receive an excellent prevention of early appearance of wrinkles.

    Another equally gentle section on the face is lips. In the cold season, they suffer especially from freezing, resulting in cracks. Fight with this help essential oils of lavender, mint, rosewood, chamomile, lemon, rose, myrrh, myrtle. Melissa oil will restore the natural brightness of the lips.

    8. Essential oils for hands and feet

    Our hands and feet get the most, so we constantly work with them. That is why caring for them should become a useful habit. In order to maintain the skin of the hands in order, it is recommended to use the oils of chamomile, mint, sage, eucalyptus, lemon, geranium, lavender. With the regular addition of these oils in the hand cream, the skin will become more elastic, moisturized and of the same color. Do not forget about the nails. For them, essential oils are an excellent hardener, and also help to repair damaged plates. The most effective oils are thyme, myrrh, lavender, chamomile, tea tree, rosemary, bergamot, sandalwood, eucalyptus and lemon.

    Some people do not really like using foot oil because they do not like the feeling of an oil film. But for those who suffer from excessive sweating - this is not a problem, as this leads to an amazing effect. The feet will become dry and smooth, without cracks and will get rid of the unpleasant odor even in summer heat. And the essential oils of bergamot, lemon, cypress, rosemary and muscatine sage will help in this.

    Precautions for using aromatic oils

    • Always dilute or dilute the oil in a water or oil base before use. An exception may be cases where the prescription does not provide for another option.
    • Do not use essential oils without consulting a doctor. This is the first rule during pregnancy and lactation. Also during this period, regardless of the advice of a doctor, it is desirable to avoid oils such as basil, myrrh, rosemary, sage, wormwood, tarragon, thyme, cedar, yarrow, juniper.
    • Some oils can be phototoxic. That is, they can cause irritation and burning of the skin, especially when light hits the place where the oil was applied. Therefore, in the treatment of such oils, sun rays should be avoided for a minimum of six hours after application. Phototoxic oils include: orange, angelica, bergamot, ginger, lemon, lime, citronella oil, as well as basil and laurel oil.
    • Do not take essential oils inside without the doctor's advice - so you can hurt yourself more.
    • In case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of water. If the burning does not stop, consult an ophthalmologist.
    • Try not to store essential oils in a plastic container, as they can enter into an undesirable chemical reaction.

    We wish you good health and beauty!

  • Perfectly smelling mixture of liquid volatile substances that are released from plant materials, called essential oil. These flavors can calm the nerves and relax the body, after hard working days. Or, on the contrary, will help to tone the organism on a cold winter morning, when there is absolutely no desire to leave a warm bed and go out into the cold. Also, a person has learned to apply the properties of oils for medicinal purposes.

    Content of the article:

  • Groups of essential oils