  • How to take care of hair at home

    Thick and shiny hair has always been considered a model of beauty and health. Correctly taking care of your curls and using cosmetics that are suitable for your type of hair, you can achieve this ideal.

    Proper hair care at home is reduced to three rules. The first rule is proper hair washing. Before washing your hair, you need to comb them well with a massage comb or scallop. Thus, not only the circulation of the scalp improves, but also the washing out of dead skin cells is simplified. Then completely wet the hair with water, the temperature of which should preferably not be above 35 degrees Celsius. Put on the palm of the required amount of shampoo, mixing it with a little water, and distribute it along the hair. With light massage movements, shampoo the shampoo into the scalp. Rinse with soap and plenty of water. Repeat the procedure of applying and washing off the shampoo in order to completely wash off the contamination from the hair. According to the instructions, use a balm to give your head a healthy and beautiful appearance. Blot wet hair with a towel, not rubbing them between the palms, it negatively affects the structure of the hair, because so the hair breaks and splits.
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    The second rule is the correct combing of hair. Long hair should be started to comb from the ends, collecting hair in the tail, and then move on to combing the roots. Short hair should be started from the roots, moving in the direction to the tips. Do not brush your wet hair, as they are severely injured. Allow them to dry slightly by wrapping the hair with a dry towel in the form of a turban, and then comb the hair using a spray for easy combing of hair or other similar means.

    The third rule is gentle drying of hair. Ideally, to preserve the beauty and health of hair, they must be dried naturally. But this does not always have time, in addition to reach the volume or make curls can only be using a hairdryer, curling iron or other hair styling appliances. We recommend that you dry your hair with a hairdryer, using thermal hair protectors. Such a cosmetic product will protect your hair from the effects of hair damages, hair dryers, forceps or hair curlers.

    Also remember that putting hair with a hair dryer, it must be kept at a distance of at least 20 cm from the head.

    We will supplement these rules with tips for caring for different types of hair.

    How to care for dry hair

    Hair becomes dry due to frequent washing of hair, exposure to high temperatures or due to health conditions. Therefore, dry hair needs gentle care. Wash dry hair with a soft shampoo for dry and damaged hair, which restores the structure of damaged hair, nourishes and moisturizes them, protects them from overdrying. A replenish the moisture reserve will help the hair special moisturizing aerosols, for example, a moisturizing hair spray "Macadamia and Aloe", etc. from Avon, Bonacure Moisture Kick from Schwarzkopf, Collection Polynesie from Faberlic.

    There are also folk methods for solving the problem of dry hair. For example, you can prepare an infusion of peppermint. Pour 2 tablespoons of dried mint with a glass of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes. Rinse mint infusion with hair after washing your head. Thus, the work of the sebaceous glands is activated and the hair is given the necessary dose of natural cutaneous fat. You can also mix olive and burdock oil and apply this mixture evenly to the hair before washing your head. Wrap your hair with a plastic bag and a towel to create a warming effect. After 40 minutes, wash the oil mixture from the hair with a shampoo.

    How to take care of oily hair

    Hair styling is caused by improper hair care, disruption of the sebaceous glands. It will help to cope with fatty hair proper nutrition( exclude sweet from the diet);reception of the vitamin complex, which includes vitamins B and vitamin E, as well as the correct selection of cosmetics for hair, prone to fat. It is not recommended to use masks and all sorts of balms, gels and oils, weighting and already oily hair. Also, the increased activity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp causes frequent combing of the hair, the effect of elevated temperatures as in the case of drying hair with a hair dryer or washing the head with hot water. It is recommended to use special shampoos for oily hair and rinse them with degreasing agents, for example, water-acetic solution in the calculation of 1 liter of water per 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.

    It fights well with the problem of fatty hair and a therapeutic mask of egg yolk. Mix 1 raw yolk with 1 teaspoon of alcohol and 1 teaspoon of water. Rub this mixture into the skin of the pre-washed head. Leave it on your hair for 10 minutes and then rinse it off, not thoroughly massaging the scalp. Egg yolk can suppress excessive secretion of sebum, and alcohol degreases hair and scalp, making them not so glossy.

    It is possible to use also ready means against fat content of hair. This lotion for oily scalp Care Line from the trademark Keune( Netherlands);lotion to restore the balance of secretion of sebaceous glands K05 from the brand KAARAL( Italy);mask regulating the secretion of sebaceous glands from the brand Norgil( France), etc.

    How to care for the hair so that they grow faster

    Significantly accelerate the growth of hair - it is impossible. After all, a certain rate of hair growth is genetically inherent in a man whose increase is beyond the power of the world's scientists. However, it should be said that, due to certain factors, hair can slow down in growth. Therefore, to answer the question: "How to make hair grow faster?", We will consider all the factors that negatively affect the hair's ability to grow "in full force."

    The main reason that slows healthy hair growth is the lack of optimal conditions for this very growth. First of all, this is a lack of essential vitamins in the human body. Vitamins of group B, vitamin A, C and E are able to stimulate hair growth in a complex.

    Thiamine( vitamin B1 or aneurine) stimulates hair growth, prevents their fragility and loss of natural shine. The most rich in thiamine is plant food: beans, peas, soy, spinach, and wheat bread made from wholemeal flour.

    Riboflavin( vitamin B2) improves the blood circulation of the scalp and is generally responsible for the overall healthy appearance of the hair. A clear sign of a lack of vitamin B2 in the human body is a picture where the roots of hair quickly fade, and their tips remain dry. The sources of riboflavin( vitamin B2) are liver, yeast, mushrooms, almonds, cottage cheese and other dairy products, broccoli, etc.

    Nicotinic acid( vitamin B3, PP or niacin) improves the supply of oxygen to the hair follicle, stimulating hair growth. Early gray hair is a sign of a deficiency in the human body of nicotinic acid, since it is responsible for the formation of pigment in the hair. The greatest amount of vitamin B3 is found in beef.

    Pantothenic acid( provitamin B5 or D-panthenol) helps to smooth the surface of the hair shaft, forms a protective film thereby protecting the hair from moisture loss when exposed to high temperatures during the hot season and when using a hair dryer.

    Pyridoxine( vitamin B6) prevents the appearance of dandruff and dryness, scaling of the scalp, and as a result of itching, burning and other unpleasant sensations. Contained this vitamin in foods such as buckwheat, wheat and rice, carrots, bananas, avocados, corn, potatoes, soy and other products.

    Biotin( vitamin B7 or vitamin H) gives the hair a healthy shine, and the locks of elasticity and elasticity, also prevents hair loss in men. Biotin is found in liver, beans, cauliflower, peanuts, tomatoes, spinach, boiled egg yolks and wheaten bran.

    Beta-carotene( vitamin A) reduces the excessive secretion of secretion by sebaceous glands, prevents brittleness and hair loss. The action of vitamin A is enhanced by its joint intake with vitamin E, which also has a beneficial effect on the nutrition of hair follicles. Vitamin A is found in butter, sour cream, fish oil and caviar, and vitamin E in vegetable oil, leafy greens, tomatoes, whole grains, soybeans, etc.

    A complex of vitamins and minerals necessary to increase hair growth,a lot of modern farmfirm, for example, Nutrival, Fitoval, Multitabs B-complex + AEVIT.

    It is important to note that the overall health of the human body affects the health of the hair. Improper nutrition, stress and alcohol and tobacco use also adversely affect hair growth and their overall condition.

    Stimulates hair growth and scalp massage, which increases blood circulation in the skin. This technique is quite simple in execution. Only it is necessary before washing your hair with light circular movements of the pads of your fingers to massage the scalp for about 5-7 minutes. To enhance the effect and improve the slip, before the massage the hands can be lubricated with natural essential oils, for example, tea tree oil, rosemary, coriander, cypress, cedar or mint. And you can use for this purpose ready indelible whey to stimulate hair growth, for example, serum TM "Bielita" series Vitamin PRO or burdock serum from TM "Elfa".

    Remember, after the massage, the scalp produces excessive amounts of sebaceous fat, so massage with indelible serums is best done before bedtime, so that in the morning you can wash your hair with shampoo and go to work / study with a fresh hairstyle. In the case of essential oils, hair can be washed with shampoo immediately after the end of the massage procedure, but trichologists( doctors involved in the diagnosis and treatment of hair) are advised to leave the mask of therapeutic essential oil for about an hour, wrapping hair with a plastic bag and towel to create a warmingan effect that has a beneficial effect on the ability of the hair to absorb the necessary nutrients.

    The third barrier that prevents healthy hair growth is the wrong hair care. If you have dyed or melted hair, then they need special care.

    How to take care of the fine hair

    Melted, colored and dyed hair needs to restore and strengthen the structure of the hair. To do this, use balms and masks marked "For streaked hair."To maintain color and gloss, the hair is recommended to be washed with a special shampoo for highlights, for example shampoo shine for Lumino Contrast hair from L'Oreal, Illumi Lights from Schwarzkopf or Lifetex Color protection from Wella.

    Traditional medicine offers the following recipes for fully or partially colored hair.

    Prepare a fruit mask for highlights. To do this, mix the grapefruit juice and kiwi pulp, add a little honey. The proportions of the ingredients depend on the length of the hair. Spread the mixture over the entire length of the hair and leave it for 15 minutes. Rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water. This mask contains fruit acids that will strengthen your hair and neutralize the remains of alkali after dyeing hair.

    Brilliant hair shine and softness is capable of mask of beer and egg yolk. Mix 0.5 cups of warm light beer with 1 egg yolk. Apply the resulting liquid to clean hair and scalp. Wrap your hair with a cellophane bag and a towel for 40 minutes. Rinse hair under warm water without using shampoo. The smell of beer will fade in a couple of hours, and the hair will become silky to the touch and more shiny in appearance. If you are still afraid that the smell of beer will remain even after a few hours, it is better to make such a hair mask on a day off, when you can stay at home and devote the day to yourself.

    As for the basic care for fine hair, it is identical with the care of ordinary unpainted hair. On the proper care of hair at home, we wrote above.

    How to care for the hair extensions

    Pregrown hair requires a careful attitude towards itself, in order to prolong the term of their socks. Recommendations hairdressers for the care of hair extensions will be presented in the following list:

    1. Combing the "donor" strands is necessary with a special comb with bristles or silicone teeth without balls at their tips. You can not use scallops and ordinary "massages" with metal denticles, since such combs lead to the destruction of capsules that adhere the native hairs to the exfoliated hair, and they contribute to the formation of microcracks in the hairs, and as a result lead to hair loss.

    It is necessary to start combing the hair from the middle of the hair length, i.e.from their tips, having collected their hand in a tail, and then pass to roots. When combing your hair, make sure that the locks in the places of adhesion are not tangled with each other, so it will be more difficult to unhook them during correction. Also try not to snag the place of adhesions!

    2. Wash hair extensions without overturning them and not tilting the head forward. The ideal option for washing your head is standing in the shower or sitting in the bathroom. Regarding the selection of shampoos, professionals advise to choose an unconcentrated shampoo for normal hair with neutral pH balance, since shampoo for oily hair will overdry the accreted strands, and for dry ones it will soften, which will result in their combing out. And you can buy a special soft shampoo for the hair, for example, Keune Hair Extensions from Shampoo.

    3. Applying masks, balms and similar hair care products to the hair roots or rubbing them into the area of ​​the adhesions is strictly forbidden, as they can destroy the structure of the glue that holds the accreted hairs to your relatives. All sorts of balsams, lotions, etc.means can be applied only to the ends of the hair, evenly distributed throughout their length.

    4. Drying the hair with hot hair is not recommended, but if you still need to dry your hair quickly, then install the dryer on the dryer cold drying. In general, whenever possible, minimize the use of hair dryer, curling iron, ironing and other thermal appliances, and in hot summer days do not forget to use thermal hair protectors.

    5. At night it is advisable to braid the hair in one or two non-tight braids to avoid entanglement of the hair.

    How to care for hair after a chemical wave

    Any chemical wave, even "sparing"( the name of one of the types of curl), to some extent damages the structure of the hair, so the hair needs very careful care. It is important to note that the perm extends the hair, and if you already have dry hair, then you are strictly forbidden to apply the curl with chemicals. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to restore a healthy appearance to hair.

    Also remember that on the day of curling, or even the next three days, it is not recommended to wash and blow hair with a hairdryer, since after chemical exposure they are very sensitive to shampoo components and hot air, besides chemical processes continue to occura few days, and who knows what kind of reaction can occur as a result.

    To restore injured areas of hair, use after each washing of hair moisturizing and restorative balms and rinses intended for hair after the chemical wax. Remember, they need to be applied every time you wash your head, and nutritious masks should be done once a week. In addition, the emphasis should be on the tips of the hair, because they usually suffer the most from a chemical wave.

    For hair styling use foams, gels, fluids with healing properties and only for curly hair, since fixing agents for straight hair weight them and help straighten the curls. As a means of packing, natural substances can be used, for example, lemon juice, bread kvass or beer, flax seed infusion. Deep hair coloring can be done only after the coming of 2-3 weeks from the moment of curl, otherwise the hair will be damaged.

    For combing hair, use non-metallic scallops with a rare arrangement of teeth.

    Following these recommendations, your hair will find a healthy appearance and will not become a problem in the future after repeated procedures of chemo-dressing.