  • What is the beauty of a woman? Main settings

  • Internal world

    1. Appearance

    The first thing that always pay attention when seeing a girl is a person. When a girl has beautiful facial features from birth - it's very good, but what about those girls who have flaws in this regard? All is simple enough, you can hide your shortcomings with the help of the correct application of makeup. For this, you can train yourself at home, applying different methods of applying makeup, or you can turn to a professional make-up artist for help.

    But whatever your appearance, in order to always look beautiful, you need to constantly and carefully monitor yourself. In addition to make-up, skin care is necessary, using special foams, gels and tonics. Also, use day cream before applying makeup, which protect the skin from harmful effects, such as external factors: sunlight and weathering the skin, and local: protecting the skin from harmful effects of cosmetics, as well as to refresh the skin. Night cream should be used 2 hours before bedtime, applying them to the cleansed skin, so that the skin gets extra nutrition. In order to cleanse the face of dead skin particles, use scrubs. Special masks will help ensure that your facial skin receives food and remains "fresh".Special attention should be paid to the choice of cosmetics, which should not include all kinds of harmful ingredients and was correctly selected for your skin.
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    Many Russian girls envy the Oriental in that they always look great, even in spite of the age at which women after 40 look 10 years younger. In fact, the secrets of the beauty of eastern women is far from being a secret, it is that they are very scrupulous about themselves, doing all sorts of scrubs and creams from natural products. There are a lot of such recipes on the Internet.

    2. Figure

    A beautiful body is another component of female beauty, which you should not forget. To care for the skin of the body, as in the previous case, use special gels, creams and milk, so that your skin receives nutrition with useful ingredients and is smooth and beautiful. As a rule, these cosmetics are applied after taking a shower. Produce a contrast shower, which enhances blood circulation and tones up the skin.

    Beautiful tan gives a woman some attraction, but it is better to get natural sunbathing, and not because of the solarium.

    Separately it is worth noting and such delicate topics as manicure, pedicure and depilation. The listed procedures are necessary for every girl who wants to look beautiful and attractive.

    Beautiful girl should have a beautiful figure: slender legs, not large hips and flat tummy. To keep your body in tone at least 3 times a week for 30-40 minutes a day to perform a set of physical exercises to maintain the harmony of the figure and its grace.

    To have a harmonious figure it is also necessary to exercise a correct and balanced diet. Proper nutrition directly affects your beauty and health, and especially on the skin. In order to be beautiful, you need to give up harmful food: fast food, restrict the intake of fatty and high-calorie food. In the summer, lean on fruits and vegetables, which are useful both for the skin and for health in general, filling the body with vitamins.

    3. Inner world

    Appearance is a beautiful wrapper, but the main thing is that inside, is not it!? Important is the beauty of the woman's inner world: soul, character, upbringing, intelligence, etc. For someone, it is the inner beauty of a girl that plays an important role in the choice, and for someone and an integral or main component.

    Now there is a stereotype that beautiful girls have a meager inner world, and in most cases, it is. One beauty can not make up for everything that the beautiful inner world of a girl can give. It's very interesting when she has something to talk about, especially if the fair sex is a well-rounded personality.

    The formation of inner peace depends on genes, upbringing and personal development. In principle, if a girl has good inclinations, then she only needs to develop them and everything, but if there are none, then nothing will help.

    As you can see, the beauty of a woman is not only in appearance, but this concept includes a very large group of other, no less important factors. In addition, the beauty of a woman through the eyes of men is seen not only in appearance, but also in the inner world, when he will be interested in communicating with you and knowing your inner world.

  • What do you think, what determines the female beauty!? Agree, it is difficult to immediately give a complete and comprehensive answer to this question. Let's try to find the right answer in this article and give advice to the girls about how to find this beauty.

    So, what are the parameters of a woman's beauty?

  • Appearance
  • Figure