
How to care for your skin. Types of skin. How to determine the type of skin.

  • How to care for your skin. Types of skin. How to determine the type of skin.

    Dry skin is very sensitive, more delicate, the pores on the skin are imperceptible. The skin is smooth, tender, pale, prone to early aging and requires proper and more thorough care. With improper care, the skin peels, shrinks, loses its elasticity, becomes wrinkled. Often the sensitive skin is covered with small red sosudas, pimples and red spots. The use of soap, cosmetics and the use of certain products cause an allergic reaction to the skin. Increased dryness of the skin can talk about the lack of vitamins, lack of fat in the body or about diseases of internal organs.

    Oily skin

    Oily skin is porous, thicker, rough, glossy even after washing, on this skin there is acne, which often inflames, the pores are clogged with black dots. Oily skin is less sensitive to unfavorable factors. Due to the abundant fatty grease, moisture evaporates more slowly from the skin surface, which means that the skin remains young for longer. Wrinkles on such skin are formed later than in people with dry skin. Oily skin is more common in adolescents and young people, with age, the fatty skin type changes to a mixed type.

    Combined or mixed skin

    Most people have a combined or mixed skin type. Mixed skin type has a darkish shade. On separate parts of the face - the skin glosses( forehead, nose chin) - here the skin is oily, the pores on the skin are clearly discernible, there are acne. And on the edge of the face, on the cheeks, around the eyes, in the neck area, the pores are completely invisible, the skin is thin - dry, often peeling, covered with wrinkles. When caring for combination skin, two types of cosmetics should be used - for dry and oily skin. In a more mature age, the mixed skin type changes to a normal type.

    How to determine the skin type

    Over time, any type of skin ages, fades. From the surface of the skin evaporates moisture faster, the recovery process slows down, it becomes coarser, wrinkles appear. Skin saggers, turns yellow, becomes sluggish.

    The same negative impact on the skin is affected by the environment, severe frost, wind. Excessive sunburn under the scorching sun or in the solarium, not only worsens the skin, causing a burn, allergic rash, itching and flaking, pigmentation, but can lead to skin cancer.

    In order to keep the skin of the face and body longer than the young and beautiful it is necessary to carefully look after it, to choose cosmetics, according to your skin type. You can independently determine the type of your skin according to the descriptions above, or you can consult with specialists of cosmetologists. You can also determine what type of skin you have, based on the signs that arise from the effects of soap and frost.

    Signs of oily skin - the skin does not tighten after washing with soap, the face does not freeze for a long time in the frost.

    Symptoms of dry skin - after washing, it tightens the skin, the feeling of "tightness" remains until you smear the face with cream. In the cold, the facial skin does not blush and does not become airy, it freezes slightly.

    Signs of normal skin - after soap, the skin tightens slightly, but after 1-2 hours the skin comes to normal, in the cold, the face quickly freezes and turns red, it is weathered and flakes.

    How to take care of the skin

    Regardless of what type of skin you have, your skin needs daily care. To look young and attractive, the face needs to be cleansed, toned, nourished, moistened, using special cosmetic products.

    Skin cleansing

    By washing with ordinary water - you cleanse the skin, washing off dust, makeup, removing particles of the stratum corneum, toxins and sweat.

    To wash it is better warm, pure and soft water slightly stroking, slapping on the face with fingertips or palms. Such a light massage will enhance the cleansing effect of water, improve the nourishment and blood circulation of the skin.

    In the morning cosmetologists advise to wash only with water without soap - soap can dry the skin. In the evening for cleansing it is better to apply milk, emulsion, foam and gels for washing. Periodically you can clean the skin with masks, scrubs, which you can buy in the store or cook yourself.

    After washing, the face needs to be gently soaked with a towel, vigorous rubbing can damage the skin.

    You can clean the skin and home remedies.

    For dry skin

    Dry skin can be cleaned with oil - olive, coconut, sunflower. Moisten a cotton swab with water, wring out, wipe the face and neck, then moisten the tampon in the oil, and wipe the skin. After a minute, remove the oil with a swab soaked in tea or black tea. You can also cleanse the skin with milk diluted with water( 1: 1).

    For oily skin

    If you have a fat skin - you better wash with cool water and soap, soap will dry the skin. To clean the face, use sour-milk products. In the evening after washing, wipe the face with a cotton swab moistened with sour milk or kefir, after 5 minutes, spread the face with cream.

    You can use a scrub to remove black dots. Prepare soap foam, pour small salt into it, moisten the swab and rub your face in a circular motion for 2 minutes. Wash off the scrub with cool water, and then wipe your face with water with lemon juice or a tincture of marigold.

    Fatty skin is recommended to wipe with aloe juice, diluted with water( 1: 1), celandine juice( 1: 5), decoction of herbs - chamomile, nettle.

    Lotions for oily skin.


    Strawberry berries - half a glass, knead well, pour 1 glass of vodka. Insist a month. Strain and dilute with water( 1: 1).

    Grate cucumber-1 glass on grater. Pour a glass of vodka and insist a month. Strain. And regularly rub face skin.

    For normal skin

    For cleansing the normal skin after washing, you can use lotions, infusions of herbs, flowers.

    Of rose petals.

    Rose petals-2 tablespoons pour 1 cup boiling water. Infuse 1 hour. Strain. Wipe face and neck. A decoction of chamomile, lime tree is also prepared.

    Toning the skin

    After you have thoroughly washed and cleansed your skin, you need to apply on your face and neck a tonic for your skin type. With the use of tonic, skin tone improves, the complexion improves, the polluted pores are cleared, acid-base balance is restored, fine wrinkles are smoothed. Applying tonics and lotions, you can get rid of redness, blackheads and black spots, from excessive greasiness of the skin.
    figure mask
    Toning masks

    We offer you the simplest recipes for masks, which can easily be prepared at home, well toning and nourishing the skin of the face and neck. Apply masks to cleansed skin.

    For dry skin

    Sour cream mask.

    One egg yolk, add 2 tablespoons of sour cream, mix well. Apply the mask on face for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

    Oatmeal mask with honey.

    One yolk, 1 teaspoon of oatmeal and half a teaspoon of honey, stir well, pour half a teaspoon of vegetable oil and a little lemon juice, mix again well. Apply on face and neck for 20 minutes, wash with cool water.

    For normal skin.

    Mask made of grapefruit.

    Whisk egg yolks, add the wrinkled pulp of grapefruit-1 tablespoon and 1 tablespoon of sour cream. Mix well. Apply the mask to clean face and neck skin for 20 minutes, then wash.

    Cabbage Mask.

    Leave cabbage leaves through a meat grinder. Add 1 yolk. Stir well. Apply on face for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

    For oily skin.

    Compress of sea salt.

    In 1 liter of cold water add 1 tablespoon of sea salt, stir, soak a towel or towel, apply to face for 5 minutes, then moisten the napkin in hot tinctures of chamomile or mint and apply to face for 2 minutes. Then again moisten the napkin in cold water and apply to face for 5 minutes.

    Cucumber Mask.

    Cucumber to grate, add 1 teaspoon cream and a few drops of lemon juice or grapefruit. Apply mass to face and neck for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water.

    Apple mask

    Apple grate the apple, add whipped protein, stir well. Apply on face and neck. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes with warm water.

    Berry masks.

    Any berries -2 tablespoons, grind well, add a teaspoon of starch and a teaspoon of vegetable oil, whipped protein. To stir thoroughly. Lubricate the face and neck with this mixture. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water, and then rinse your face and neck with cool water.

    Moisturizing the skin

    In order for the skin of the face and neck to look young and fresh, it needs to be moistened. Under the influence of the sun, the wind evaporates, the skin dehydrates, the face becomes dry and wrinkles appear, peeling. And to avoid such trouble, moisturizers should be used.

    You can use shop creams, or you can prepare moisturizing lotions and masks yourself.

    Do not forget about the simplest way to moisturize your skin - about drinking water. Drink 1.5-2 liters of clean drinking water daily. Drinking water will help to avoid dehydration of the whole body and moisturize your skin from the inside, moisturize and smooth wrinkles.

    Mint milk.

    To prepare mint milk, we need a bunch of fresh mint or dry - 2 tablespoons, half a glass of milk. Milk bring to a boil and pour mint. When the infusion will cool it must be filtered. Dampen the cotton swab in the milk and wipe the skin. After half an hour wash with warm water. Well moisturizes any skin.

    Honey mask with oat flakes.

    Mix one egg white, add crushed oatmeal, honey and vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon each. Stir and apply on face. After 20 minutes, moisten the napkin in hot water and wipe the face, then soak the napkin with cold water and apply to face for 5 minutes. Suitable for all skin types.

    For dry skin

    Mask from a vegetable marrow.

    Grated zucchini on grate, apply on face and neck. After 20 minutes, wash with cool water.

    Mask from cottage cheese

    Tin a tablespoon of cottage cheese with a spoonful of milk and a spoon of olive or coconut oil. Add a little bit of salt to the mass. Apply on face for 20 minutes, then rinse with cold water without soap.

    For oily skin

    Lactic acid mask

    1 teaspoon of cottage cheese mash with 1 teaspoon of kefir. Blend the mixture on your face for 10 minutes, then rinse off with warm water.

    Moisten the napkin in milk whey or kefir, apply to the face for 10 minutes, wash with warm water.

    Skin nutrition

    Skin nutrition is an important facial treatment procedure. Unfavorable natural and ecological conditions, everyday stresses, bad habits, malnutrition adversely affect the condition of our skin.

    Yes, and with age, the skin does not grow younger and to prolong youth and have a fresh complexion we need not only to wash, but also to nourish the skin of the face and neck. For these purposes, it is proposed to use nutritional cosmetics - day and night creams, vitamin and softening, rejuvenating creams - they will accelerate the metabolism of the skin, restore its acid-base balance, protect from the environment.

    Nourishing mask from aloe juice( for any skin type).

    Aloe leaf is good to wash, squeeze out the juice. Wipe the face and neck with juice. After 15 minutes, wash with warm water and apply any nourishing cream for your skin type. You can also add aloe juice to your nourishing cream.

    For dry skin

    Vitamin mask from the pulp of fruits and berries.

    Mash berries, fruits - apricots, cranberries, black currant, banana, persimmons - any which were at hand-1 tablespoon, and mixed with olive or other vegetable oil-1 tablespoon. Stir and apply on face and neck for 20 minutes. Wash with warm water.

    Vitamin mask from vegetables.

    Raw vegetables( zucchini, cucumbers, potatoes, carrots) - grate finely. In the mixture add a tablespoon of sunflower oil. Stir and apply on face for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

    Nourishing mask from cottage cheese.

    1 tablespoon of cottage cheese grind with a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Add the egg yolk, mix well. The mask should be kept on the face for 20 minutes, then rinse off with warm water.

    For oily skin.

    Carrot mask.

    Grate carrots on a fine grater, add semolina and olive oil - 1 tablespoon. Stir the mixture well and apply on face. After 5 minutes, wipe the mass off the face with a cotton swab. Wash your face with warm water and apply any nourishing cream.

    Kefir mask.

    Oat flakes grind -1 tablespoon, add kefir and sunflower oil for 1 tablespoon. Stir and apply for 20 minutes on face. Wash off with warm water.

    For normal skin

    Apple mask.

    Apple grate - add starch, sour cream and any vegetable oil for 1 teaspoon. Apply mass to the face and neck. After 20 minutes rinse with warm water.

    Vitamin mask.

    Squeeze the juice from fresh lettuce or dill leaves, add a few drops of juice of berries( strawberries, currants or cowberries), and a tablespoon of any vegetable oil( olive, sunflower, linseed, coconut) - mix. Wet a cotton swab in bulk and apply to face and neck. After 10-15 minutes rinse with warm water.

    Masks cooked at home are not expensive and very effective. Use only freshly prepared masks, apply them to cleansed skin. If the face has inflamed acne, or irritation, it is better to refrain from using masks, so as not to spread the infection all over the face. Do not keep the mask longer than the time specified in the recipe. Applying a mask, lie down, relax, rest.

    To look young and attractive is not enough just to look after the skin of the face, it is necessary to eat properly and fully, there are more fresh vegetables and fruits, do not give up milk and lactic products, meat, fish, eat smoked foods, pickles and sweets.

    Try to lead a healthy lifestyle, go in for sports and walk in the open air, move more, give up bad habits, from smoking and from drinking alcohol.

    Love yourself, look after your face and body!

    The skin covers our body and performs a protective function, saving us from injuries and injuries, prevents the penetration of pathogens. Our skin absorbs oxygen and emits carbon dioxide, it is able to breathe, release moisture, maintain the thermal regime and regulate the temperature of our body. Sebaceous glands lubricate our skin with fatty grease. Skin cells are constantly renewed, but with age, the skin fades, grows old, saggers, becomes dry, becomes covered with age spots and wrinkles. And so that our skin will remain beautiful for a long time, young and elastic behind it, it is necessary to carefully care for, cleanse, tone, moisturize and nourish.

    What are the types of facial skin

    Normal skin

    Normal skin always looks healthy, fresh, smooth and elastic, stretched and elastic. Contains a normal amount of moisture and grease. In people with normal skin type, pores and wrinkles are imperceptible, and problems like acne and acne, flaking and irritation are almost unknown to them.

    Dry skin