  • How to prolong youth? Valuable advice

    We all want to remain young and beautiful as long as possible. But, as is known bad ecology, sun rays, bad habits exert their adverse effect on the body, thereby accelerating the process of aging and withering of beauty. To outwit this moment you need to know some little secrets. You can do a lot of things to stay young and beautiful longer. The Soviets, which will be described below, are easy to follow in everyday life. At first glance, they may seem too simple in such a struggle, that is, they are not very effective, but it is not so.

    So, our recommendations:
    • Secrets of Nadine Rothschild
    • You should not drink through a straw
    • Keep your eyesight
    • Wear sunglasses
    • Eat less meat
    • Secrets from Madonna
    • Get enough sleep
    • Sleep on your back
    • Healthy spine
    • Brush your teeth before breakfast
    • How to wear less oftenhigh heels
    • Do not exhaust yourself with the sport
    • Secrets of the beauties of India
    • Play with the children

    Secrets of Nadine Rothschild

    This woman is known for her beauty wrote a wholeI began to write a book when I began to ask questions: how does it preserve its youth and beauty. Her book provides many useful tips, some of which will be given below.

    "In Hollywood, I was amazed, faced with a craze for vitamins. Thanks to this, I made a weekly schedule for taking fresh drinks based on fruit and vegetable juices, vitamins A, C and E, which should be drunk before breakfast. "

    • Monday: on this day, after a profuse weekend, a rather strong cleanser is recommended: in a glass with heated mineral water it is necessary to squeeze out the juice of one lemon, this remedy is universal for the care of beauty. Lemon has a tonic and anti-infective effect.
    • Tuesday: recommended carrot juice, to which should be added the juice of one bunch of parsley.
    • Wednesday: Freshly squeezed grape juice.
    • Thursday: it is recommended to use a mixture of berries in summer: strawberries, raspberries, currants. The rest of the year - grapefruit.
    • Friday: a glass of leek decoction, it is a diuretic, and thus helps to prepare for possible excesses at the weekend.
    • Saturday: apricot juice.
    • Sunday: a glass of Bordeaux.

    Besides this, Nadine regularly resorts to magnesium intake courses - which is a fairly reliable means against stress. This element balances the nervous system, but sometimes we forget that feeling tired and depressed for no particular reason is due precisely to the lack of magnesium in the body.

    You should not drink through a straw

    If you look closely at women who smoke, many of them eventually develop vertical wrinkles in the area of ​​the lips. If you do not smoke, but like drinking drinks through a tube, then the effect may be similar.

    In case, however, on the upper lip wrinkles appeared, then there is no need to lose time. It is necessary to perform special exercises that help strengthen the muscles of the upper lip and smooth the skin in this area.

    In the sitting position, you must put your elbows on the table, while keeping your back straight, your eyes are in front of you. The thumbs should be placed under the upper lip, so that the nails are simultaneously pressed against the upper teeth and gums. Next, counting to eight, you slowly lower your upper lip down, as if pulling it. In this case, you should feel the tension of the muscles of the upper lip. When the lip is pressed against the thumbs, it is necessary to stay in this position for five seconds. Do not change the position of the thumbs, you should slowly relax the muscles, counting up to eight. Repeat this exercise three times.

    Save your eyesight

    People who see not very well, often squint, and as a result, small wrinkles appear in the corners of the eyes. In order to save your vision in your diet, you must make carrots and blueberries. In the case when you have to work hard on your computer, you should purchase special glasses. Do not forget about the oculist's visits and the implementation of his recommendations.

    As soon as the first signs of aging of the skin in the corners of the eyes were seen, it is necessary to begin an uncomplicated and rather effective fight. In this case, the following mask will help: the cleansed face must be massaged. Dehydrate the skin and apply the mask of the following composition: rub the egg yolk with one tablespoon of vegetable oil, add a few drops of lemon juice and a small amount of freshly brewed tea. After the mask should be washed off with water or herbal solution.

    In order for the skin around the eyes to remain young for a long time, it is necessary to do special exercises, thanks to which wrinkles are smoothed and the puffiness of the eyelids is eliminated: it is necessary to look in front of you with wide eyes, count to eight, close and relax. Then tighten your eyes tight and count to five. Sit in front of the mirror, and, lowering your chin, look at your reflection. Gradually close your eyes until there is a small chunk - then open your eyes completely.

    Wear sunglasses

    It should be remembered that direct sunlight is quite harmful to the eyes, and also contributes to skin aging. And since the skin around the eyes is the most sensitive it especially needs to be protected. And this applies not only to the summer period. In winter and spring, our eyes are also defenseless against ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, in sunny bright days it is necessary to put on good sunglasses, for this it is not necessary to save on them.

    When choosing sunglasses, the following rules should be considered: lenses of dark green and dark gray filter out the greatest amount of ultraviolet rays, yellow ones - increase the contrast of objects, lenses of other colors, for example, purple, have only decorative function and do not protect from harmfulultraviolet radiation. For the cold season, glasses with chameleon glasses that darken with increasing natural light will be the best option.

    Eat less meat

    Many observations have shown that vegetarians actually live much longer than meat eaters, the difference is about 10-15 years. The less meat you eat, the more chances you will have to avoid cancer, heart disease, diabetes. Any disease only ages the body. But the right food in turn will help you get rid of many health problems.

    Secrets from the Madonna

    Despite its 50, Madonna has a beautiful figure, and it is not possible to explain only physical exercises or vegetarianism. Madonna strictly observes her canons of health and beauty. She does not eat meat, eggs, milk, she completely gave up alcohol and sweet. Each meal is a slow ritual, it thoroughly chews every piece of food, so the brain quickly receives a signal of saturation. In addition to the gym, she does 45 minutes of jogging every day. Relaxation and a sound sleep are also necessary.

    Get enough sleep

    Sleep must be at least 8 hours, but not more than 10 hours a day. When a woman gets enough sleep, her complexion becomes healthier - the skin condition improves. In addition, the bags under the eyes disappear, because of which we seem older. It is necessary to get enough sleep, it prevents cardiovascular diseases. Chronic lack of sleep threatens with many troubles to the exterior.

    In some cases, even with a healthy sleep, you can not avoid the appearance of swelling of eyelids and bags under the eyes, and a beautiful look, you see, without a well-groomed skin around the eyes is impossible. Get rid of such shortcomings will help daily rubbing the skin with pieces of ice from milk or water, as well as using contrasting lotions. But first you need to make a compress of warmed olive oil. After the massage, a nourishing cream should be applied to the skin. For warm lotions used warm milk, half diluted with water, and cold - from sage tincture( 1 teaspoon of sage should be poured ½ cup of boiling water, insist, strain).It is necessary to start the procedure with warm lotions, and finish with cold ones. In general, there should be five alternations.

    Eyelids need very careful care. In the morning, 10 minutes before washing, you should apply sour cream or mayonnaise on your eyelids, then wash yourself in the usual way. Inflamed eyelids can be softened by means of such cream: take 25 grams of any fat cream or butter, 10 ml of water chamomile infusion with lime color and 5 ml of castor oil. All carefully rub and apply the cream on the damp skin of the eyelids.

    Sleep on the back

    Many of us prefer to sleep, with your face buried in the pillow. This, in turn, contributes to the appearance of wrinkles on the face, which then is not so easy to get rid of. At night the person should rest, therefore, it is best to sleep on the back. Thus, the skin of the face will breathe. In addition, this way you can get rid of bags under the eyes. It should also be taken into account that the head during sleep should be oriented to the north or east. Before going to bed it is recommended to conduct water procedures using special means that will relieve stress and fatigue. It is not recommended to take a hot bath, as it on the contrary excites. Do not forget that before going to bed it is necessary to wash off cosmetics.

    In order for a dream to be complete, the conditions in which it passes are very important. Therefore, you need to make sure that the bedroom is not too hot or too cold. If you have a bed near the clock, which is loudly ticking, you should get rid of them. The room in which you sleep should be protected from noise and light through dark curtains.

    It is necessary to learn the right way, to relax during sleep, try to spread out on the bed, to grow into it with the whole body, like little children do. As a result, you will get a full rest and a deep sleep.

    Healthy spine

    Many scientists premature aging is associated with poor spinal condition. Even the manifestation of low-intensity rare back pain is already a signal about the problem in this department of the body. Therefore, you need to follow daily some simple preventive rules for maintaining a healthy spine. If you are working standing, then you need to make sure that the back remains straight, the load on the back can be reduced, if every 20 minutes of the legs alternately put on a small stand, periodically also should be like in place.

    If your work involves a sedentary image, then it is necessary to lean your back on a chair, while sitting straight on, without tilting your head forward and bending your torso, elbows should be kept on the main surface of the chair. Those who carry a bag over their shoulders need to change their position, in case this is not done, then the curvature of the spine is possible. You should walk up the stairs more. Home rotational exercises will also be useful. The morning when you are awake, it is recommended to do a few stretches, flexures of the spine and all joints. From a bed it is necessary to rise in full growth not at once - it is necessary to sit a little, having lowered legs or foots, to move them in ankle joints.

    Brush your teeth before breakfast

    During the night, many bacteria accumulate in the oral cavity. If you do not brush your teeth before breakfast, which many of us do not do, waiting for the end of the morning meal, then you risk enriching them with more food while eating, which in turn destroys your teeth. Scientists have proved that brushing your teeth should not take more than two minutes. This time is enough to get rid of the plaque, further cleansing does not clean anything from the teeth, but only damages the gums and tooth enamel, especially if you strongly push on the brush.

    Also it should be noted that with the help of a toothbrush you can reduce your appetite. And the fact is that a reflex is developed throughout life, that if the teeth are cleaned, then the meal is finished. If you want to sleep before going to bed, then you can get rid of this desire by brushing your teeth.
    Do not neglect a visit to the dentist, as a healthy teeth is a pledge and your health.

    As few as possible wear high heels

    Of course, high heels are beautiful and sexy. But often they should not be worn. Many women all day walking on their heels - it's beautiful, but very harmful to the spine. And all is that with frequent wearing of heels, the center of gravity of the body shifts. As a result, there is an additional bend in the lumbar spine, which in turn leads to an uneven load on the lumbar vertebrae. In addition, with frequent wearing of high-heeled shoes, your knees are also at risk. They can become swollen and flabby early enough. It's when women wear high-heeled shoes that pressure on their knees increases, that's why they grow old, much sooner than they should.

    Do not exhaust yourself with the sport of

    In the mornings you need to do exercises, run in the evenings. But you do not need to overpower your abilities. Do not exhaust yourself with unnecessary efforts, so that the body does not wear out. For example, if you run hard, then in this case it is better to walk on foot.

    Secrets of the beauties of India

    The Indian to cleanse their body in the morning they drink the juice of one lemon squeezed into a glass of water. Once a week, they get tired of unloading days, which in turn contribute to skin cleansing. They adhere exclusively to natural food, ie they do not consume canned food, sausages, instead they eat a lot of rice, seasonings, fruits and vegetables. For daily wiping, people use water infused on rose petals, without the addition of alcohol. They believe that it nourishes the skin and gives it some inner glow.

    Play with children

    A good mood is also the key to success. If you have children, then do not deny yourself the pleasure, at least once a week to run and play with them in outdoor games: eye shine, positive emotions and spent calories are guaranteed.

    It's not so difficult to maintain your youth and beauty, the main thing is less stressful situations, proper nutrition, exercise, skin care and everything will be fine.