  • Symptoms of hyperthyroidism in women, men and children

    Unfortunately, endocrine diseases in the modern world are very common. Hyperthyroidism( thyrotoxicosis) is a pathology of the endocrine system caused by hyperfunction( excessive production of hormones) of the thyroid gland. It is worth noting that the signs of hyperthyroidism may be different, so it is necessary to regularly check with a specialist.

    Causes of hyperthyroidism

    Often, hyperthyroidism develops in autoimmune diseases, such as Graves' disease( diffuse toxic goiter).If the patient develops hyperthyroidism - the symptoms of the disease manifest, as a rule, quite brightly, so an endocrinologist can determine the exact diagnosis already during the clinical examination of the patient.

    Sometimes this pathology occurs because of subacute or acute thyroiditis, that is, inflammation of the thyroid gland, which occurs against the background of a viral infection. Also, hyperthyroidism can develop due to nodular neoplasms( benign and malignant) localized in the thyroid gland. The fact is that both multinodular goiter and single nodes significantly increase the activity of the gland, which causes excessive production of hormones.

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    Occasionally, secondary or pituitary hyperthyroidism occurs due to a lesion of the hypothalamic-pituitary system due to a tumor, massive bleeding, a heart attack, or necrosis of the pituitary gland. Its manifestations clinically virtually no different from the primary lesion of the thyroid gland - to establish an accurate diagnosis will help study the hormonal profile of the patient.

    Symptoms of the disease in women

    This disease is most often found in women and occurs in them in the most pronounced form. Particularly affected by it are representatives of the weaker sex with an unstable nervous system. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism in women appear as follows:

    1. Most striking is the change in appearance, which is manifested by gout, photophobia, noticeable enlargement of the neck, rare blinking and lacrimation;
    2. Increased appetite and weight loss. Because the decomposition of fats and proteins predominates over their synthesis, an unmotivated weight loss occurs;
    3. The character of the patient does not change for the better. A woman becomes aggressive and irritable, and she can also suffer from insomnia. Often there is absent-mindedness and a disturbance of thinking;
    4. There are changes in the cardiovascular system, manifested in the form of tachycardia( frequent palpitation) and hypertension( high blood pressure).Over time, arrhythmias may appear. If the treatment of the pathology of the thyroid gland is not started in time, heart failure due to myocardial wear can develop. It is important to remember that in cases of thyroid gland diseases standard therapy prescribed for patients suffering from vascular system disorders does not bring the expected effect;
    5. Often observed symptoms such as tremor( trembling) of hands, profuse sweating and fever;
    6. The digestive system also changes. There is an accelerated peristalsis, as well as impaired absorption of food. Symptoms of the defeat of the gastrointestinal tract are manifested in the form of abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting;
    7. The menstrual cycle becomes unstable, a woman can not conceive or endure a child.

    Symptoms of hyperthyroidism in men

    Of course, men have such a disease as hyperthyroidism is much less common. At the same time, in the stronger sex, this disease is more difficult, because they are not in a hurry to seek the help of qualified doctors and simply run it. Often, hyperthyroidism is diagnosed already at the stage when the myocardium is affected and cardiac insufficiency is observed.

    Men are most often concerned with such symptoms: weakness, a decrease in muscle mass and the inability to perform certain physical exercises. Sometimes there is also impotence and decreased sexual desire. In the bones there are changes caused by the violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, which provokes the development of osteoporosis. Sometimes in advanced cases against a background of hyperthyroidism, myocardial infarction may develop.

    Symptoms in children

    Children may have acquired hyperthyroidism. Its manifestations practically do not differ from the way hyperthyroidism manifests in adults, and the maximum extent of the disease reaches the period of puberty( pubertal period), so the adolescent can show a pronounced lack of body weight and symptoms of impaired puberty - irregular menstruation, prolonged development of menstrual periodcycle, slowing of puberty.

    Signs of subclinical hyperthyroidism

    With this form of hyperthyroidism, there is an increased concentration of thyroid-stimulating hormones in the blood. Identify such a disease is very difficult, because it lacks clinical manifestations. Especially often, this pathology is detected in laboratory studies in elderly women, suffering for a long time from multinodular goiter. Sometimes this disease occurs in people with thyrotoxicosis who have been treated with thyrostatics - there are no clinical manifestations of the disease, but changes in the hormonal background persist.

    Very often, this disease is accompanied by a violation of the heart and nervous system, as well as the resorption of bones. There may be liver pathologies that are reversible with timely treatment.

    Hyperthyroidism is a very serious disease that can lead to serious complications. That is why when the first symptoms appear, you need to contact a qualified endocrinologist for help.

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