  • Gynecomastia in men: photos, symptoms, treatment, causes

    What is it? Until recently, gynecomastia was considered a fairly rare disease. However, as statistics show, recently the number of men who suffer from this disease has increased significantly.

    The term "gynecomastia" itself came from the Greek language, where it stands for two words "chest" and "woman."Modern medicine defines the concept of gynecomastia as a disease associated with an excessive increase in mammary glands in the male part of the population.

    This pathology can have a variety of causes. Thus, the treatment is selected based on the etiology of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

    Reasons for the development of gynecomastia

    In most cases, gynecomastia in men is the result of certain hormonal disorders. Most often, it is a pathological increase in estrogen, when testosterone levels drop.

    Endocrinopathies that can lead to gynecomastia include Klinefelter's syndrome, Reifenstein's syndrome, adrenal and pituitary tumors, hypothyroidism, testicular tumors, testicular feminization. Also, mammary glands in men can increase due to such diseases as cirrhosis, leprosy, dystrophy.
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    Very often gynecomastia is found in men who have long been engaged in professional sports, and then gave up regular classes. Sometimes the disease manifests itself as part of a physiological development: during puberty or in newborns. In this case, it causes natural hormonal changes in the body.

    Also the phenomenon of gynecomastia can be caused by taking certain drugs: reserpine, spironolactone, phenothiazine, alcohol or drug abuse.

    Classification of

    First and foremost, gynecomastia is divided into true and false( pseudo-gynecomastia).

    With , the true gynecomastia is affected by a glandular tissue that fills most of the breast. In this case, it undergoes hypertrophy and as a result may increase in size to 20 cm.

    False gynecomastia differs in that in this case changes affect only fatty tissue. Most often this happens in men who are obese. In some cases, a combination of false and true gynecomastia is possible.

    True gynecomastia in turn is divided into several subspecies, namely:

    • gynecomastia of newborns
    • gynecomastia of the elderly
    • gynecomastia of adolescents
    Also gynecomastia can be divided into one-sided and two-sided. Most often occurs bilateral gynecomastia, when both breasts are affected. But the increase in only one breast is more rare.

    Symptoms of gynecomastia in men

    With gynecomastia, the first symptom is a feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the area of ​​the mammary glands. Sometimes there may be an itch, a feeling of raspiraniya. In this case, pain, as a rule, is absent.

    Then, to the indicated symptoms, men are aggravated and tightened in one or both glands. They start to increase in size. Such an increase can be from 1 to 20 cm, most often 4 cm.

    Hypertrophy of the mammary glands is often accompanied by an increase in the areas of the nipples, changing their color to a darker one. Also, the patient may notice unusual discharge from the nipples. Their appearance is reminiscent of female colostrum or breast milk.

    As in most cases gynecomastia is combined in elevated estrogens, a man can feel a decreased sexual desire, often there is also erectile dysfunction. Other symptoms of hyperestrogenism include a change in the timbre of the voice, depression and emotional instability, a reduction in hairiness in the male type.


    Diagnosis of gynecomastia is performed after the patient has noticed unusual sensations in the chest area or its increase. During the consultation the doctor palpates the mammary glands for the presence of seals, and also checks the condition of the testicles.

    The family and personal history of the patient, information about bad habits is carefully collected. If a doctor has suspicions about hormonal dysfunction, the patient is sent for consultation to the endocrinologist. He appoints the appropriate tests for hormones and fully examines the patient.

    In particular, tests to determine the level of testosterone, estrogen, prolactin, chorionic gonadotropin are mandatory.

    For more detailed monitoring of the condition of the patient with gynecomastia, ultrasound of the mammary glands is prescribed, if necessary, the organs of the scrotum are also examined using ultrasound. If there is a suspicion of malignant tumors, it is recommended to undergo roentgenography, CT of the brain and adrenal glands.

    Treatment of gynecomastia in men

    Modern medicine offers several ways to treat gynecomastia in men. However, before embarking on therapy, it is necessary to determine the type of gynecomastia.

    Thus, the physiological gynecomastia of newborns, which is usually formed in the prenatal period, in most cases passes itself and does not need treatment. However, if the positive dynamics are absent for 6 months, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

    Usually, the treatment of gynecomastia in men begins with the use of hormonal drugs, whose goal is to inhibit the production of the hormone estrogen. These drugs include testolactone, clomiphene, tamoxifen, danazol.

    Since very often hormone therapy does not bring the expected effect, in most cases with gynecomastia, surgery is performed. Depending on the type of gynecomastia, different operations are possible. So, if it is a question of the true form or mixed forms of gynecomastia, it is usually recommended to perform a mastectomy, the essence of which is the immediate removal of the mammary gland with the subsequent reconstruction of the area under the nipples, which protects the nipples from postoperative zapping.

    In case of false gynecomastia caused by excessive fatty deposits in the area of ​​the mammary glands, an operation called liposuction is performed. During such surgical intervention, all excess fat is extracted from the affected area using special devices.

    After surgery, bruises and bruises may be present for a while on the patient's body, which then disappear. Also in the postoperative period, it is recommended to wear special compression underwear.

    Complications of

    Since gynecomastia is a benign disease, the prognosis is favorable in most cases, especially when it comes to drug gynecomastia. However, in certain situations, a number of complications may occur.

    So, if the disease lasts more than a year and does not give in to therapy, there is a big risk of scarring of breast tissue. Also, as studies show, in men who have undergone gynecomastia, the risk of cancer, in particular, tumors of the mammary glands and other organs, is significantly increased.

    In view of the fact that gynecomastia is not only a disease, but also a physical flaw, a noticeable surrounding, such a diagnosis adversely affects a man's psychological state. It is especially difficult for such experiences to be given to adolescents. They may experience depression, self-doubt, complexes develop.

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