  • Why is diabetes in children?

    Diabetes is one of the most common diseases in children. This disease is characterized by a metabolic disorder in the child's body. The disease can develop in infants, in children of primary school age and in adolescents. As a rule, children are sick with diabetes type 1 , or insulin-dependent diabetes.

    Diabetes mellitus in children develops as a result of complete cessation of insulin production by pancreatic cells, as a result of which blood sugar levels rise sharply. With untimely diagnosis and long-term absence of treatment, the disease can lead to complications in the functioning of the kidneys, eyes, heart and diabetic coma.

    Symptoms of diabetes in children:

    1. Thirst and dry mouth.
    2. Frequent urination.
    3. Decreased or increased appetite.
    4. Weight reduction even with good appetite.
    5. Constant fatigue and lethargy.
    6. When the disease progresses: heavy breathing, nausea and vomiting.

    The causes of this disease in children to the end has not yet been studied. The fact remains that inadequate insulin production by the pancreas as a result of any damage to its cells leads to a violation of carbohydrate metabolism. At the same time, a large amount of glucose circulates in the blood, which, because of the lack of insulin, does not enter the organs and tissues of the body, besides, the vascular walls are destroyed. As a result, all organs suffer. And this in turn leads to disability and early death of the child.

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    There are known factors that lead to the development of this disease in children:

    • if the mother of the baby is sick with it;
    • if both mother and father are ill;
    • if during childbirth the child weighed more than 4.5 kg;
    • if the baby has poor immunity;
    • if the child is often ill with colds and flu;
    • if the baby has any metabolic disorders.

    Diagnosis of diabetes in children

    In children, diabetes can be diagnosed by laboratory tests.

    Diagnosis is carried out in three stages:

    1. Diagnosis of "Diabetes mellitus".
    2. Determining the severity of the disease and belonging to the type of diabetes.
    3. Diagnosis of complications caused by diabetes.

    To begin with, a general blood and urine test is performed that shows the general health of the child. The level of glucose in the blood taken strictly on an empty stomach is checked. If the index is above the norm - 3,8 - 5,5 mmol / l, then the analysis is repeated. And if, during a second study, the glucose level remains high, the diagnosis is confirmed.

    It may be that the analysis of blood taken on an empty stomach remains within normal limits, but the doctor remains suspicious of having diabetes. In this case, a blood test for sugar after a meal is prescribed. The norm for blood glucose after meals should not exceed 7.8 mmol / l. The index of 11 mmol / l indicates 100% of the disease.

    An additional factor that confirms the disease in a child is the presence of glucose in the urine. A healthy baby has no glucose in the urine. And if acetone is found in urine, then it speaks of the progression of the disease and the approach to the state of diabetic coma.

    Often a glucose tolerance test is used to confirm the diagnosis. When carrying out this type of analysis, the child should drink a glucose solution after taking blood fasting. Next, the blood glucose level is checked every hour 3 times. If the indicator exceeds 7.8 mmol / l, then diabetes is diagnosed.

    After confirming the diagnosis to detect complications that develop due to diabetes, the child is examined by other specialists: cardiologist, oculist, urologist and others.

    Treatment of

    Treatment of diabetes in children should be comprehensive, which includes:

    1. a strict diet,
    2. insulinotherapy,
    3. physical exercise,
    4. self-monitoring,
    5. sanatorium treatment,
    6. physiotherapy,
    7. phytotherapy.

    The effectiveness of treatment is characterized by the following indicators:

    • fasting blood glucose level is 3.6 - 7.0 mmol / l, after eating - 4.4 - 11 mmol / l, at night - 3.6 - 6.0 mmol / l;
    • glycosylated hemoglobin, checked every three months should be within 6 - 7.6%;
    • the weight and height of the child should match his age;
    • complications of diabetes should not progress.

    The basis of diabetes treatment is insulin therapy and strict diet.

    How to feed a child with diabetes?

    Excluded fully digestible carbohydrates and fatty foods, and the total amount of carbohydrates should not exceed the norm prescribed by the doctor.

    The daily ration should only be cooked, baked, steamed and stewed. Fried and smoked are excluded.

    To receive the necessary amount of fiber, vitamins and trace elements, it is necessary to increase the number of servings from vegetables and fruits. These products slow the absorption of carbohydrates, which helps maintain blood glucose levels within normal limits.

    To ensure that the blood sugar level does not fluctuate sharply in one direction or another, the food should be taken 6 times a day, i.e. the child should have breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks between them and an extra dinner before bed.

    Prevention measures

    There is no prophylaxis for diabetes mellitus. But to prevent the onset of this disease you can, if you follow certain rules:

    1. If one of the parents of a newborn baby is sick with diabetes, it is necessary to closely monitor his health and development.
    2. If a newborn has a predisposition to this disease, it is better to give up artificial feeding.
    3. The kid needs to lead a healthy lifestyle, which includes regular physical activity and moderate eating, a good rest. Weight control is necessary especially if there are relatives with type 2 diabetes
    4. Quenching will help to avoid frequent colds that can become a mechanism for the development of diabetes.
    5. Eliminate stressful situations.
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