  • How to properly measure blood sugar glucometer?

    The device for measuring blood glucose is called a glucometer. The presence of such a device is vital for people who suffer from diabetes. Because they must constantly monitor the level of sugar in their blood. If the level is too low or too high, it is urgent to take measures to normalize it so as not to cause possible complications.

    Measurement of blood sugar by a glucometer is the fastest and most accurate way to know the level of glucose. There are two modern measurement techniques. The first and most common is using portable glucometers at home. The price of the glucometer in the pharmacy is quite democratic. On what it is necessary to spend - so it on disposable indicator plates with which help and there is a direct measurement. Instructions for the meter are usually sold with the device itself. It is understandable and written in simple accessible language.

    Classification of glucometers

    1. Photometric. The level of glucose in the blood of a person is determined depending on the color of the test zone. Coloring occurs as a reaction of glucose and a special substance that is applied to the strip. The technology of these devices, developed long ago, is already a little outdated.
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    2. Electromechanical. The sugar level is measured by the current value. It appears when glucose and special substances interact in test strips. This is a new generation of devices, readings of this type of glucometer will be slightly more accurate than the previous one. These devices are subject to minimal influence of external factors. Usually, such devices are calibrated for plasma. Glucometers without blood are still at development levels. But one of the measurements of glucose by an electromechanical method is called coulometry. The method allows you to obtain the necessary data with a minimum number of fences;
    3. Ramanovskie. Such devices measure the level of sugar by separating it from the full spectrum of the skin. That is, this technology performs measurements without blood sampling. It is under development, but so far excellent results have been shown. The contactless glucometer scientists have created relatively recently. It has not yet become common and popular among diabetic patients;

    Rules for proper self-measurement of blood sugar

    The results of a home measurement of blood sugar and laboratory levels may differ. Usually, errors in the glucose measurements of the glucometer fluctuate within 20%.But in 5% of cases the testimony may differ and more than 20%.On the other hand, those devices that show the level of glucose in the plasma will give results more accurately than laboratory tests.

    To get the most objective result, it is important to make the right blood sampling. In this case, an important role is played by needles for the glucometer, lancets for the glucometer. They must be exceptionally individual! There are some recommendations that will help you to quickly learn to do all the measurements accurately and independently:

    • The most suitable for measuring glucose is the blood from the finger. Circulation of blood in the finger is higher than, for example, a shoulder, thigh or calf.
    • Before taking the material from the finger or from other alternative areas of the body, it is better to massage them;
    • Before direct measurement, it is necessary to check that the code on the vial and on the test strip matches the code on the meter display. If differences are observed, it is necessary to recode the device;
    • Before you take an analysis, your hands should be washed in warm water. This will improve hygiene, and will contribute to the flow of blood. If insufficient amount of material is allocated, then the puncture must be made deeper;
    • After hand washing, it is necessary to wipe off thoroughly, because the puncture site should not be wet. Otherwise, the liquid can dilute blood, which will lead to inaccurate results;
    • Blood sampling sites must be constantly changed. Because the place of constant frequent puncture there is thickening of the skin, and the process of piercing becomes more painful. On the hand, for example, you can use three fingers to puncture;
    • If you make a puncture in the center of the finger pad, and not from the side, the puncture will not be painful;
    • You do not need to chop deeply for a start. Otherwise, you can damage the tissue;
    • The lancet must be individual. Do not use someone's lancet, because on the device could remain a small drop of blood. If it is infected, it can cause irritation;
    • No need to take the first drop. It is better to just remove it. The drop should not be lubricated, otherwise the test strip will simply not be able to absorb it;
    • It is forbidden to squeeze a finger to get a large drop of blood. This leads to the fact that the blood can mix with the tissue fluid. In turn, this leads to incorrect measurement results;
    • Blood is drawn by the edges of the strip, not by the plane. Therefore, the drop should be brought to the edge. Blood will be drawn into the test strip automatically. This will contribute to the capillary forces;
    • The test strips are very sensitive to moisture. Therefore, remove them from the package before use;

    The concentration of glucose in capillary blood on an empty stomach should be 3.3-5.5 mmol / l, and two hours after eating - less than 7.8 mmol / l. If within seven days the sugar level is more than 6.3 mmol / l it is necessary to consult a doctor.

    How often should a person measure the level of sugar?

    In modern society, diabetes affects more and more people. Therefore, even an absolutely healthy person who feels great, should periodically check this indicator.

    People with type 1 diabetes should monitor their blood sugar at least once a day. It is better to do this after eating and before going to bed.

    Patients with type 2 diabetes should check their blood glucose levels at least once a week. Provided that they observe the necessary diet and apply the appropriate drugs, go in for sports. Everyone who suffers from diabetes mellitus should consult a doctor how many times he specifically needs to measure the sugar level.

    To get a more accurate result in the measurement, a person should measure the blood sugar level on an empty stomach( more than 18 hours without food).The code in the meter should always match the code of the test strip. Hands during the procedure should be clean and dry.

    These simple rules will help to change the glucose content in the blood glucometer most accurately, correctly and quickly.

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