  • How is the detection and treatment of hyperopia

    Hyperopia is scientifically called hypermetropia and is an ophthalmologic pathology, accompanied by a visual impairment when considering subjects located near. At a severe degree, the patient sees distorted objects at a distance of 20 cm and further up to 10 meters.

    A timely treatment of the disease is needed, as the disease provokes a constant overstrain in the muscles of the eyes, thereby causing headache attacks and eye strain. This or that degree of hyperopia affects every second person in the world at the age of 30 years. At the age of up to one year and after 50 years, hyperopia is considered a natural state of work of the visual organs of each person.

    Causes of the development of the pathology of

    There are several types of hyperopia, which are manifested under the influence of various factors on the human body:

    • Physiological hyperopia is the natural state of infants, which is itself eliminated as it grows up.
    • Congenital farsightedness develops in cases when the physiological form after a certain time does not self-eradicate. In this case, too small a size of the eyeball or a weakening of the refraction of the cornea or lens may become the reasons for this process. Parents often worry about the question of how to treat hyperopia in children, because it can later provoke the formation of strabismus.
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    • Age-related farsightedness is a natural condition of a person aged after 50 years. In such a situation, the ailment is manifested due to inevitable changes in the tissues and muscles of the eyes. In addition, the ciliary muscle is noticeably weakened, so it becomes difficult for the eye to produce normal refraction of the rays.

    Degrees of development of pathology

    To answer the question of how to cure hyperopia, you first need to determine the degree of its development. The disease is classified into the following degrees of its development:

    1. Weak degree - it is characterized by frequent complaints of the patient for rapid fatigue, headaches and dizziness, but pronounced problems with visual acuity at this stage is not detected, so they can be installed only by the doctor during the diagnosis.
    2. Medium degree - the visibility of objects at a distance remains stably good, and near objects gradually lose their clarity.
    3. High degree - poor visibility and remote, and located near objects. Eyes almost lose the ability to focus on a specific object.

    Diagnosis of pathology

    The main sign of the development of hyperopia in a person is the deterioration of vision at close range while maintaining the normal operation of the visual organs in the distance. This feature can easily be detected by a specialist ophthalmologist in the process of checking eyesight with a special table with letters of different sizes located on it or with the help of plus and minus lenses.

    Instrumental detection of abnormalities in adults and in children involves the use of a phoropter and other devices. The measurement of the optical power of the cornea by means of keratometry is carried out, and the length of the eye axis is measured using echobiometry. Hyperopia in children can be checked only by dilating the pupils by instilling atropine sulfate. Such a process helps to weaken the accommodation in the eye and simplifies the diagnosis of hyperopia in the event of its flow in a latent form.

    Treatment of pathology

    The main goal of treating hyperopia is to change the optical power of the eyes in order to focus the image on the retina, and not on the plane behind it. The most common treatment for hyperopia in children and adults is the use of glasses. Patients use them when reading, when working at a computer, watching television programs and other activities that require a close look at a close look.

    Alternative method can be considered the wearing of contact lenses, which are made only of organic and mineral materials. Compared with eyeglasses, it is more convenient to apply lenses in the process of active rest or when organizing sports, but they are usually not recommended for treating elderly farsightedness or farsightedness in children. The use of lenses involves the use of special cosmetics for women.

    As part of the conservative therapy are considered different hardware methods for improving vision - this is electrical stimulation, ultrasound, vacuum massage, etc. Sometimes these procedures make it possible to significantly improve the performance of the visual organs without surgical intervention.

    It is very important in the process of correction to take special vitamins - usually eye drops with farsightedness, appointed by an ophthalmologist, which allows you to maintain your eyes in tone.

    Operative treatment

    Surgical treatment of hyperopia is organized using a laser and allows to correct the abnormal shape of the cornea, which becomes the main cause of the formation of pathology in humans. The laser beam removes an unnecessary layer of tissues and at the same time permanently changes the curvature of the refraction of the incoming light.

    Laser treatment is considered the fastest and most effective method of treating hyperopia. The operation itself takes only a few minutes and is performed under local anesthesia, after which the patient on the same day can go home. But it is important to remember that, like in other cases of surgery, there is a risk of complications, so you may need to re-conduct the correction. Laser therapy is not used in the case of adjusting for age-related farsightedness, accompanied by a pronounced disturbed accommodation of the eyes.

    With a high degree of development of hyperopia, correction begins with a preliminary preparation, that is, with the conduct of scleroplasty or collagenoplasty. The purpose of this technique is to form a new envelope for the sclera by means of donor tissue. Only after the arrest of the progression of the disease is the patient allowed to perform laser treatment.

    In the case of development of retinal thinning, which is considered a complication of hyperopia, the preparatory stage for subsequent treatment is laser coagulation, which involves attaching the retina to the fundus, preventing retinal detachment and dystrophy.

    The most severe degree of hyperopia, as well as the age form of hyperopia, is treated by implantation of a multifocal lens into the eye. This method of vision correction is used provided that all other methods of therapy do not show the expected results.

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