  • Congenital hyperopia - what is its peculiarity?

    The person is born far-sighted. By the age of seven, vision should be normalized, but this does not always happen. If congenital hyperopia is strong, then hypermetropia can last a lifetime, if you do not take measures to correct it.

    The organ of vision continues to develop up to 15 years, however, with a high degree of congenital hypermetropia, the eye does not have time to fully develop. Therefore, such children should be corrected for congenital farsightedness at the age of 7-8 years. Then the chances of returning to normal vision are significantly increased.

    Interesting is the fact that farsightedness is inherited. So, there are a number of countries where the majority of the population has congenital hyperopia. The more southerly the country, the more long-sighted its inhabitants are. And, on the contrary, in the northern countries, most short-sighted people are found.

    In order to differentiate hypermetropia from myopia, you need to remember that "plus" is hyperopia. Another visual impairment, in which the patient can not see distant images, is marked by a minus sign-myopia( myopia).

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    Congenital hyperopia in children is a particularly important topic requiring special skills, experience and a high level of qualification. After all, on the shoulders of a doctor who will perform an operation to restore the normal function of the visual apparatus of the child, lies the greatest responsibility!

    After all, in this case we have to operate a child who, in general, sees, but during the reading and writing quickly gets tired, loses interest, which negatively affects the educational process. Such children often have headaches, irritability and capriciousness. Parents can get lost in conjecture, try to solve this issue in many ways, not realizing the true reason for such a state of the child.

    Therefore, it is very important to recognize the disease at an early stage of its development! If children often complain of headaches, are restless and do not want to learn, then it is necessary to conduct a full diagnostic of the child's visual system as part of a visit to a pediatrician, apart from a standard examination.

    What is the farsightedness of

    Hypermetropia( farsightedness) is that the image is not focused on the retina itself, as in normal vision, but behind - in the posterior chamber of the eyeball. At the same time, the image is fuzzy. Such a defect in the visual apparatus is caused by the insufficient size of the eyeball and( or) the weakness of the refractive function.

    Since hyperopia is an innate condition, at first the young organism can cope on its own, compensating for the body's expenditure in the form of visual apparatus tension. It is necessary to strengthen the accommodation in order to get a clear image. With this strain of the eyes, the child often blinks, blinks. He often has to strain his eyes, causing headaches, often the occurrence of a spasm of accommodation.

    There are the following degrees of hyperopia:

    1. Weak - up to 2 diopters with a plus sign.
    2. Average - up to 4-5 diopters.
    3. High - over 5 diopters.

    A weak degree of hypermetropia is characterized by a fairly normal vision, but there is rapid fatigue of the eyes, the appearance of headaches from the fact that you have to constantly strain your eyesight. The average degree of hyperopia lies in the normal vision of distant objects and the difficulty of seeing close images. With a high degree of disease the eye is not able to properly focus the image. The person sees both badly and closely.

    Why the congenital farsightedness of

    arises. The reasons for congenital farsightedness are insufficient development of the eyeball when there is a shortening of its length in length, as well as weakness of the refractive apparatus. These abnormalities can be caused by the influence of various adverse factors on the development of the fetus during pregnancy. In addition, this anomaly can have a hereditary nature of occurrence.

    Congenital hypermetropia can cause a comorbid strabismus if the degree of hyperopia is greater than 3 diopters. This is because the constant effort to get a clear image is expressed in the excessive reduction of the eyes to the nose. In this case, the muscles of the eyes become unnecessarily strained, and at first a periodic, and later a constant, strabismus appears.

    It often happens that one eye becomes the lead, performing a larger amount of work. The second eye, in this case, may suffer a rapid deterioration of vision. The rays of light that carry the image can not get in sufficient volume to a certain area of ​​the retina( central fossa), since the mowing eye is deflected from its normal position.

    This leads to the development of amblyopia, when vision is reduced from the fact that tissues do not perform their own function of visual perception and are inactive. Amblyopia is a complex eye disease that leads to disability and limited professional activity in the future.

    To eliminate amblyopia, you need a whole complex of special exercises and therapeutic exercises. To correct this deviation in the visual system, a long-term hardware treatment of amblyopia occurs in special ophthalmological clinics and offices. Treatment should be conducted under the supervision of an ophthalmologist.

    Treatment of congenital farsightedness

    Must be tailored to the individual characteristics of the patient. The doctor decides on the appropriateness of this or that method of treating hyperopia. One of the following methods of treatment of hypermetropia may be assigned to the patient, depending on the nature of the disease, the severity of the visual defect, the general condition of the patient, taking into account possible contraindications:

    • laser vision correction for hyperopia;
    • correction with the use of contact lenses;
    • appointment points;
    • hardware treatment using specially developed techniques.

    It is necessary to remember that vision is a precious gift that can be easily lost, it is very difficult to restore it, and sometimes it is impossible!

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