
Why retinal angiopathy develops during pregnancy, contraindications and the risk of complications

  • Why retinal angiopathy develops during pregnancy, contraindications and the risk of complications

    Angiopathy of the retina during pregnancy has some characteristics in comparison with its course in an ordinary person. The main manifestations in the development of late toxicosis are the variation of narrowing in the arteries, and there is also a tendency to stop spasms together with the cessation of toxemia. In addition, in pregnant women there is a rapid reverse formation of changes in the fundus, that is, pathology is characterized by rapid independent restoration of the fundus and complete restoration of the visual organs after the birth and with the support of various therapeutic methods if they are effective against toxicosis.

    Predictions of changes on the part of the visual organs in developing toxicosis in pregnant women are considered favorable in comparison with similar cases in other patients.

    Contraindications to continuing pregnancy

    Special attention should be paid to assessing changes in the retina in relation to abortion. Experts adhere to different points of view. All known contraindications to the continuation of gestation are divided into relative and absolute.

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    Absolute contraindications include:

    1. Angiopathy of retinal vessels in pregnancy, accompanied by retinal detachment in late toxicosis, but only on the condition that it correlates with toxicosis, and was not caused by myopia.
    2. Hypertensive form of retinopathy.
    3. Arteriospastic retinopathy, accompanied by hemorrhages.
    4. Thrombosis in the central vein.

    Relative contraindications include:

    1. Initial changes in arteriospasmatic retinopathy accompanying mild hemorrhages.
    2. previously transferred retinal pathologies against the background of late toxicosis in the future mother in previous pregnancies - retinal detachment, retinopathy.

    Naturally, with relative contraindications, a woman should be under the strict supervision of a doctor and oculist.

    Characteristics of Angiopathy in Pregnant

    Retina angiopathy during pregnancy differs from other manifestations of pathology in normal people. When developing late toxicosis, the distinctive traits of the lesion become:

    • Uncharacteristic for vessels in the retina of sclerosis.
    • Variative narrowing of the lumen of the arteries, which can be restored after the cessation of toxicosis.
    • Rare cases of blood flow disorders due to the formation of obstruction in the lumen of blood vessels.
    • Rapid recovery - partial or complete - of the vessels in the fundus, as well as the restoration of the visual organs after the birth of the child and a special sparing therapy that presupposes the treatment of toxicosis.

    The main danger of the disease during pregnancy is the risk that the blood vessels may burst during childbirth due to contraction during labor. This situation can provoke a partial loss of vision if the complication is severe. In this regard, angiopathy becomes the main indication for the organization of cesarean section - this procedure completely eliminates any stress on the vessels of the retina. Natural births are resolved only with a low probability of rupture of blood vessels. Indications for the implementation of caesarean section is established by a specialist ophthalmologist.

    After completion of labor, another diagnosis of the state of the vessels of the eye is required. Angiopathy indicates that vascular disorders are characteristic of the whole organism. When you visit an ophthalmologist, you can monitor the dynamics of disturbances or improvements. Usually after the birth of the child, any symptoms pass.

    With unfavorable results, the patient is assigned to undergo a course of therapy. It is important to remember that during pregnancy and breast-feeding, it is forbidden to take any medications.

    Implementation of diagnostic measures

    Diagnosis of a pathological condition during pregnancy is carried out in the same way as with other types of angiopathy. The patient's complaints are collected, physical examination, percussion, auscultation and palpation are realized.

    Sometimes the doctor decides to use ultrasound techniques, angiography or computed tomography.

    Conducting effective treatment for pregnancy

    Retina angiopathy in pregnancy is very undesirable, because the body in this state is already experiencing serious stress due to heavy workload and cardinal changes.

    It is better not to start treatment of the disease, if it is not characterized by a severe course. When starting, the doctor should consider all the pros and cons, but it is not necessary to implement drug therapy, because during pregnancy this can affect the health of the unborn child. Experts try to avoid prescribing drugs that normalize the blood flow in the vessels of the eyeball, which are usually prescribed to every sick person.

    If you can not avoid taking medications, then it's better to prescribe a reception during the second half of the child's bearing. Preference is given first of all to sparing methods, for example, physiotherapeutic treatment. The exception is severe forms of angiopathy, provoking more complex consequences.

    Forecasts of the course and treatment of

    disease Angiopathy in pregnancy has much more favorable predictions compared to the development of this pathology in an ordinary person, for example, in hypertensive patients, and the like.

    In most situations for pregnant women, the disease is a temporary side effect that causes abnormalities in the body of a woman. But do not negligently treat this violation, it is important to get advice and advice from your doctor.

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