  • When does strabismus occur in newborns?

    A strabismus is a phenomenon in which the position of one or both eyes is disturbed with a direct look. If there is strabismus in the newborn, then often parents start running around the doctors. It is necessary to understand, whether such phenomenon can arise in norm or rate, and whether it is necessary at its or his finding to address for the help.

    Why does the disease occur?

    Often disturbances of synchronicity in sight develop in newly born children as a result of immaturity of the central nervous system, and do not need correction. Physiological strabismus arises from the fact that the baby's brain is not yet able to regulate the movements of the eyeballs. In this case, this phenomenon passes without a trace by the fourth month.

    Sometimes there is an effect of mowing eyes as a result of the features of the structure of the skull of the baby, or with a broad nose.

    But there are other reasons that are considered pathological:

    1. If complications occur during pregnancy and childbirth, the hemorrhage may occur in the fetus and newborn baby in the central nervous system. This leads to the development of stable strabismus, which can only be cured by surgery.
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    2. Infectious diseases. ARVI, influenza, scarlet fever and other diseases can lead to the development of strabismus.
    3. Disturbances in the eye muscles associated with blood vessels, inflammation or swelling.
    4. Lack of timely assistance with astigmatism, myopia or farsightedness.
    5. Some babies may experience this phenomenon as a result of stress or anxiety. After the child calms down, the position of the eyeballs is restored.
    6. An increased temperature, or physical injury, can trigger the strabismus.

    Patologic strabismus, according to statistics, is noted in three percent of babies after birth.

    Quite often, with the development of strabismus in a baby, the same pathology is observed in his close relatives. This testifies to the hereditary predisposition to this disease.

    What should I do?

    If after six months from birth, when physiological strabismus passes normally, this does not happen, then the parents should show the baby to the ophthalmologist. Primary examination of this specialist is carried out in the hospital. From two months it is necessary to pass a preventive examination already in the children's polyclinic. After six months, while maintaining strabismus, it is necessary to show the newborn to the oculist and neurologist.

    It should not be delayed with the reference to the doctor, as the sooner the cause is identified, the easier it will be to perform effective treatment.

    Treatment and therapy

    Slight strabismus is sometimes not noticed by parents who are in no hurry to consult an ophthalmologist and undergo treatment. And this is completely unacceptable, since vision begins to drop sharply on the mowing eye, the "lazy eye" syndrome develops. At the same time correcting the vision becomes very difficult.

    Treatment of strabismus in newborns is carried out by two main methods - medical and surgical.

    This kid is given glasses, one eye is sealed, this leads to increased work of the second eye, which largely trains the muscles. Correct the defect also helps and special lenses. The elimination of an easy degree of disease will help daily special gymnastics.

    Modern methods include reflexotherapy, which can be used only in the complex treatment of this deviation.

    There is also orthopedic therapy, which involves the use of a special simulator or computer. For a kid, such exercises are not only useful, since they stimulate certain centers in the brain, but are also interesting, because they are in the form of a game. This method is good for children who are already four years old.

    For effective treatment the child is recommended to visit a specialized kindergarten with an ophthalmic profile. Equipping this institution with special simulators and the work of specialized specialists favors recovery. To that the kid will not differ from other children wearing glasses with a glued eye, which will create a psychologically favorable situation.

    The surgical technique consists in truncating the long eye muscle, which allows the eyeball to return to its normal position. Weakening operation is also practiced, in which the muscle is transplanted and its effect on the eye deflection is weakened.

    How to prevent the development of strabismus

    Functional appearance of strabismus in newborns in case of non-observance of precautions can be fixed and go into pathology. This is due to the fact that in the smallest the eyeball is slightly flattened. Gradually it becomes round, as in an adult, but at birth the child has an easy degree of farsightedness.

    In order not to develop strabismus in children, parents should know some rules.

    Prevention of the disease is as follows:

    1. should not bring toys too close to the baby's eyes;
    2. toys should be large in size;
    3. should be suspended above the crib so that the child looks at it with both eyes;
    4. should not sharply show bright objects when the baby does it, it will not only frighten him, but will lead to the development of strabismus;
    5. if another eye disease is found, it should be treated in a timely manner.

    Strabismus, which is found in newborn babies, can be both physiological and pathological. If it persists after 4-6 months, this fact speaks for the presence of pathology and requires treatment. Therefore, it is very important to start taking measures in time to prevent visual impairment.

    Treatment and full rehabilitation after strabismus detection should be fully carried out before the child goes to school. You should not choose lenses and exercises on your own, you need to entrust it to a specialist who will choose the method that best suits the individual case.

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