
What is dangerous arthritis of the shoulder joint. Causes and methods of treatment of the disease

  • What is dangerous arthritis of the shoulder joint. Causes and methods of treatment of the disease

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    The structure of the shoulder joint and the causes of arthritis
    The shoulder joint is somewhat more complicated than it may seem at first glance.

    Due to its complex structure, it is the most mobile joint in the human skeleton and consists of two joints: acromioclavicular and the shoulder itself. Arthritis involves inflammation of one of these joints, or, which happens rarely, both.

    The disease itself is an inflammatory process, but there may be several reasons. Inflammation can be caused by infection or an autoimmune reaction. A fairly common cause of arthritis of the shoulder joints in athletes are suffered injuries or too high loads without the use of protective dressings and ligaments.

    Shoulder arthritis is a very serious disease that can not be started. Not cured in time arthritis leads not only to inflammation, but also to deformation of the joint tissues, causing a complex disease of arthrosis-arthritis, which can lead to disability.

    In general, arthrosis is an age-related illness, but, it turns out, there is a way to get sick of it in youth. This disease is divided into three main varieties due to the occurrence:

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    1. Post-traumatic arthritis, as the name suggests, arises from injuries, minor cracks in the articular cartilage, and sometimes even from damage to the tendons fixed in the joint. Arthritis of the shoulder joint is most often post traumatic in nature.
    2. Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic inflammatory process that can occur at any age for various reasons, for example, as a complication after the flu. A characteristic feature of rheumatoid arthritis is its symmetry.
    3. Osteoarthritis is an inflammation of the joint caused by tissue wear. As a rule, occurs at the age of over 50 years, but with a bad attitude towards the joints can manifest earlier.

    Symptoms of shoulder arthritis

    The main symptom of any arthritis is pain, not an exception and humerus arthritis. At first the pain is insignificant, but with time it increases, as the joint deforms. To endure such a pain becomes more difficult.

    Usually the pain intensifies during movements, but eventually, even at rest, it can become so strong that it prevents sleep. In addition, around the inflamed joint, edema develops and the overall body temperature can rise.

    Additional symptoms of arthritis may be muscle weakness and poor coordination of movements of the corresponding hand, up to serious problems with grasping movements. This is due to the fact that the inflamed joint and nearby tissues pinch the nerves that control the movements of the hand.

    How to treat arthritis of the shoulder joint

    Of course, do not try to cure this complex inflammatory disease at home, especially since shoulder arthritis is not easy to diagnose, and it can only be done by a qualified doctor who prescribes treatment. As the main therapy, as a rule, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used. Occasionally, in the most extreme and neglected cases, surgical intervention may be required.

    In addition to taking NSAIDs, it is recommended to take special vitamin-mineral complexes that improve immunity in general and the condition of bones and joints in particular. As a supplement to therapy, warming procedures are used, as well as a set of exercises specially selected for each specific case.

    Exercises for this disease of the shoulder joint are applied only very soft and gentle, one of the best( and for the prevention of shoulder arthritis too) is the usual rotation of the shoulders, simple movements that can be most accurately described by the word "locomotive".

    The most important thing is to be conscious and responsive to the fact that arthritis is not a disease with which the body can cope on its own, with the strength of its immunity. Even if you independently pass the NSAID course, for a while you will pamper your body with vitamin and mineral supplements, and the pain will go away, it does not mean that the illness has also left.

    Arthritis should be treated by a licensed physician who checks the condition of the joint tissues to make sure that the disease does not sink deeper, in the expectation of another weakening of immunity or a minor shoulder injury.

    Prevention of the disease

    Everyone knows that any disease is easier to prevent than cure. To avoid the disease, you need to maintain in good condition your immunity, eat right and control physical activity. First of all it concerns sports.

    Soft aerobic movements, morning exercises and jogging will only benefit the joints. But sharp movements should be avoided, and "pulling iron" is also very harmful for the joints. Arthritis of the shoulder joint is a disease peculiar to former heavyweight athletes.

    It is very important to monitor the proper nutrition. The young organism is able to choose from the incoming substances those that it deems fit, but with age this ability is weakening and, therefore, nutrition is the right guarantee of health, and the health of joints, among other things.

    It is necessary to monitor that the body gets enough vitamins and minerals, but the amount of fat and sweet in your diet is better to diminish. Watch your health, eat right and go in for sports. Following this simple advice will allow you even in old age not to find out what kind of illness this arthritis is.

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