  • Prevention, treatment and symptoms of juvenile arthritis

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    Juvenile arthritis is a concept that includes not one, but several diseases that are rheumatic in nature and occur in childhood or adolescence:

    • juvenile chronic;
    • juvenile rheumatoid;
    • arthritis, whose occurrence is associated with bowel disease;
    • juvenile ankylosing spondylitis.

    When can juvenile rheumatoid arthritis be diagnosed?
    The main criteria for setting such a diagnosis are:

    • the age of the patient should not exceed 16 years;
    • duration of clinical joint manifestations more than 3 months;
    • should be ruled out other possible joint diseases.

    Etiology of the disease

    The causes of juvenile arthritis in children are not fully understood. But it is known that several factors can trigger the development of this joint pathology.

    In particular, researchers suspect some microorganisms and vaccinations. A link was established between the appearance of arthritis in children and the recently transferred cold, as well as calendar vaccinations against measles, mumps and rubella.

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    There are cases when juvenile arthritis manifested after vaccination against hepatitis B. Other reasons include:

    • joint injury;
    • prolonged hypothermia or prolonged exposure to the sun;
    • heredity.

    But it is important to understand that the key link in the development of arthritis is the hypersensitivity of the organism to the above factors. As a result, an inadequate immune response comes into play, which triggers a mechanism for the development of the disease.

    Clinical manifestations of arthritis in children

    Usually, this disease has large and medium joints: knee, elbow, ankle, etc. Characteristic is also the defeat of the spine in the cervical region and temporomandibular joints.

    The child complains of pain, swelling, restriction of mobility in the affected joints. The skin above them is usually reddened and hot to the touch.
    The general symptoms of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis are also sometimes associated with a significant increase in body temperature, especially in the morning hours.

    The rise in temperature can be accompanied by chills, increased pain in the affected joints, the appearance of allergic rashes on the body. The rash can be localized not only in the area of ​​the joints, but also spread throughout the body. It is characterized by the speed of appearance and the same rapid disappearance.

    With this, children usually suffer from internal organs. For the defeat of the heart is characterized by the appearance of pain behind the sternum, a feeling of lack of air. The sick child is pale, in the region of the fingers, the nasolabial triangle is cyanosis.

    If the disease affects the lungs, a cough and shortness of breath may occur. A characteristic symptom of arthritis is the enlargement of the lymph nodes. Redness of the eyes can be observed, visual acuity decreases, photophobia and lacrimation take place.

    In severe cases, eye damage can result in glaucoma and even blindness. The long-term symptoms of juvenile arthritis are the child's retardation in growth and the development of osteoporosis.

    Diagnosis of

    Juvenile rheumatoid appearance in children is confirmed on the basis of anamnesis, examination of the child and data of laboratory tests:

    • of general and biochemical blood test;
    • immunological blood test;
    • ECG;
    • ultrasound examination of internal organs;
    • radiography;
    • examination for infection.

    Treatment of

    Treatment of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis has several objectives at once:

    1. Suppression of inflammation is achieved through the use of anti-inflammatory drugs: non-steroid( diclofenac, nimesulide, etc.) and steroid hormones( glucocorticoids).
    2. Control of systemic manifestations of the disease.
    3. Conservation of functional fullness of joints.
    4. Preventing their further destruction.
    5. Achieving a stable remission and rehabilitation therapy, which is aimed at improving the quality of life of sick children.

    Prevention of the disease

    There is no clear scheme for the prevention of juvenile arthritis, because there is no single-valued data on the causes of its occurrence.

    But compliance with simple rules can reduce the frequency of relapses:

    • should be avoided from overcooling or overheating;
    • without the urgent need not to change the climate belt;
    • to try to protect the child from contact with infections and animals;
    • preventive vaccinations for children with rheumatoid arthritis are contraindicated, except for the Mantoux reaction.
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