  • Iron deficiency anemia: symptoms and treatment, causes

    Iron deficiency anemia( IDA) is a syndrome of blood disease, in which the production of hemoglobin is disrupted due to a deficiency in the human body of iron.

    When IDA in the human blood reduces the level of hemoglobin, which leads to a variety of disorders. IDA is usually considered not as a separate disease, but as a symptom of the underlying disease that caused anemia.

    Iron deficiency anemia occurs in humans quite often. Approximately 10-17% of the adult population of the Earth suffers from this syndrome.

    Causes of iron deficiency anemia

    Despite the fact that the amount of iron in the human body is very small, it plays a big role, participating in many functional processes. Iron is involved in the growth processes, in the production of new cells and hormones, and also helps to maintain human immunity at the proper level. In addition, iron is involved in the processes of tissue respiration.

    As you can see, this microelement is very important for the human body, so its constant consumption should be covered by daily intake. If the balance between iron consumption and intake is seriously disturbed, iron deficiency anemia occurs.
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    There are quite a number of reasons that lead to imbalance in the direction of iron deficiency. They can be divided into separate groups, namely:

    • blood loss.
    • deficiency of iron from birth.
    • infringement of receipt of iron.
    • a violation of the assimilation of iron.
    • increased human need for iron.
    Different blood loss significantly increases the consumption of iron, which leads to its deficiency. In most cases, anemia is caused by latent chronic bleeding with a low volume of lost blood, in which the level of iron decreases gradually. In more rare cases, massive single or multiple bleedings lead to iron deficiency.

    There are several types of bleeding. Thus, many women have a hidden iron deficiency or IDA due to uterine bleeding or severe menstruation. IDA in men often occurs due to bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, which is difficult to diagnose, especially if they are of a chronic nature. Very rarely anemia develops on the background of nasal, renal, pulmonary, traumatological and other bleeding.

    Iron deficiency is sometimes diagnosed in newborns. To this state of the child predispose the following factors: prematurity, IDA in the mother, multiple pregnancies, the presence of bleeding in a woman during pregnancy or childbirth. In addition, the development of IDA is possible due to various violations of iron intake into the human body.

    In most cases this is related to the diet. So, people who adhere to a vegetarian lifestyle may face iron deficiency. But it is worth noting that IDA in vegetarians develops in the case of improper diet. In addition, iron deficiency provokes diets and starvation, as well as a monotonous diet, in which food is rich in carbohydrates and fats.

    Impaired iron absorption is also the cause of iron deficiency anemia. With this violation, the body is not able to absorb iron, which in the required volume comes with food. This is associated with some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammatory processes in the intestine, as well as with resection of the stomach and intestines.

    Sometimes there are situations when a standard amount of iron enters the human body together with food, but it is not enough to cover all the expenditure processes. Thus there is a shortage of iron against the background of the increased need for man in it. Conditions such as adulthood, puberty, pregnancy and lactation increase the consumption of iron and, accordingly, increase the need for it.

    Read also how to increase the level of hemoglobin.

    Symptoms of iron deficiency anemia

    In adults, the development of iron deficiency anemia passes through several stages, namely:

    • prelatent stage;
    • latent stage;
    • iron deficiency anemia.
    The prelatent stage is not distinguished by specific symptoms. Usually, at this stage, the person's health does not change in any way, but in studies of blood serum, a decrease in ferritin level can already be observed. This indicates the depletion of iron stores in the depot, that is, in the cells of the body, which are localized in the liver. At the same time, the level of iron in the serum remains at a normal level.

    The latent stage is characterized by the appearance of the first symptoms of iron deficiency. Since at this stage of the development of anemia the transport of iron into the tissues of the body is disrupted, a number of symptoms associated with epithelial involvement can be observed. Thus, the formation of cracks in the corners of the mouth, the occurrence of pain in the tongue, as well as pain in the epigastric region. Nails and hair become brittle, the condition of teeth worsens.

    In addition, a person may change taste preferences up to the distortion of taste, in which there is a desire to eat unusual foods. In the latent stage, serum levels of ferritin are reduced and iron levels are reduced. If at this stage, do not prescribe adequate treatment, which will make up the body's need for iron, iron deficiency anemia will come.

    The IDA is developing in two stages. The first stage is characterized by a latent iron deficiency, in which slight symptoms of anemia are observed. A person may feel a general weakness, suffer from a decrease in working capacity, dizziness, dyspnea and severe palpitation, even with little physical activity.

    In addition, the symptoms associated with epithelial damage increase. The further development of iron deficiency contributes to the emergence of IDA, in which the symptoms become more pronounced.

    Treatment of iron deficiency anemia

    Diagnosis of IDA begins with the collection of an anamnesis of the disease, with which the doctor determines the presence of characteristic symptoms of anemia, the prescription of their occurrence, the presence of concomitant diseases, possible causes of anemia, etc. In addition, the doctor pays close attention to information about the imagelife of the patient. Sometimes the information obtained at this stage is sufficient to determine the causes of IDA.

    The next step in diagnosis is a general blood test and a biochemical blood test that shows the level of hemoglobin in the blood, as well as serum iron, ferritin, transferrin and other indicators that indicate anemia. After the diagnosis is prescribed therapy.

    Treatment of iron deficiency anemia primarily comes down to eliminating the causes that caused iron deficiency. Without addressing the original cause, further therapy will not make any difference.

    Iron deficiency anemia is compulsorily treated with iron preparations, which are prescribed first in the treatment, and then for preventive purposes.

    In addition, a big role in the treatment of IDA is a diet. A person should limit the use of foods high in fat, which interfere with the absorption of iron. Carbohydrate foods are not usually limited, but their use should also be reasonable. A person with IDA should eat more protein foods, as well as those foods that contain vitamins B and C.

    The implementation of all the doctor's recommendations combined with a person's commitment to a healthy lifestyle and regular physical activity should help in curing iron deficiency anemia.

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