  • Bend of the gallbladder: symptoms, treatment, causes, diagnosis

    An inflection of the gallbladder is called such an anomaly, when one or several constrictions appear on the body at different levels, as a result, instead of a saccular form, the bubble takes the form of a boomerang, an hourglass, or any other.

    This pathology leads to a violation of the normal contractile function of this organ, as a result of which the bile stagnates, which can lead to complications.

    Treatment of uncomplicated pathology is mostly conservative.

    Causes of bend of the gallbladder

    The bend of the gallbladder can be congenital and acquired.

    The reasons for the appearance of a constriction in the organ at the time of birth are unknown, most often there is a hereditary anomaly( if one of the parents has such a form of organ).

    Acquired bend appears as a result:

    1. 1) Gallstone disease, when the bladder is twisted, being filled with stones;
    2. 2) Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gallbladder( cholecystitis) followed by the spread of the inflammatory process to the surrounding bladder serous membrane or peritoneum( pericholecystitis);
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    4. 3) Spawns formed from the surrounding peritoneal bladder;
    5. 4) Weight lifting;
    6. 5) Liver injury;
    7. 6) Increased liver size due to hepatosis, hepatitis, cirrhosis;
    8. 7) Omission of internal organs due to a sharp loss of weight( with diets, severe diseases, cancer III and IV stages);
    9. 8) Hypodinamia, especially accompanied by periodic overeating after a fasting period.

    Symptoms of bend of the gallbladder

    Congenital kink of the gallbladder is often a finding on ultrasound, which is conducted for any other reason.

    But with a significantly deformed bladder, its symptoms - nausea, regurgitation, periodic bloating - can appear already in the baby, when it is transferred from whole-milk food to a harder "adult" food.

    Most often, not very severe congenital gallbladder deformities appear at school age when there are:

    • nausea in the morning and after eating;
    • bloating after eating fatty or fried foods;
    • discomfort in the right hypochondrium;
    • vomit;
    • bitterness in the mouth;
    • reluctance to eat fatty foods;
    • yellow coating on the tongue.
    Symptoms of acquired gallbladder deformities depend on the degree of disturbance of the permeability of the organ, as well as the localization of constrictions:

    1. 1) If the bubble is twisted along the longitudinal axis, this is rarely manifested by any signs.
    2. 2) If there are a few bends of the bubble along the longitudinal axis, this causes a twisting and its vessels. As a result of disturbance of trophism of the organ, severe pain occurs under the ribs on the right, nausea, vomiting, weakness, rapidity of the pulse.
    3. 3) When the constriction between the bottom and the body of the bladder is localized, pain will be noted not so much in the right hypochondrium, as in the sternum, in the region of the right scapula and under the clavicle on the right. Also for such an inflection, nausea and vomiting are characteristic.
    4. 4) The most dangerous localization of inflection is a violation of the normal communication between his body and neck. This is manifested by symptoms that require urgent medical attention: severe pain on the right, giving to the interblade area, nausea, changes in complexion, and fever.


    To establish the diagnosis with the localization of the inflection it is possible by ultrasound of the abdominal organs. It should be conducted after a certain preparation: compliance within three days before the study of a slag-free diet, enema the night before. Ultrasound is done only on an empty stomach.

    In order to assess the function of the deformed gallbladder, it is necessary to perform ultrasound again, after a choleretic breakfast( this may be the introduction of special drugs), taken near the diagnostic room.

    Treatment of bend of the gallbladder

    If the bend of the gallbladder is innate and does not manifest symptoms, the main thing in the treatment is the diet and the intake of herbal decoctions in order to maintain the muscles of the organ wall in a tone, not allowing the formation of stones in it.

    In uncomplicated inflexions with clinical manifestations, the above treatment is complemented by medication and physiotherapy. If the blood supply of the organ suffers, or the perforation of its wall has occurred, operative treatment is used - laparoscopic removal.

    Diet therapy

    The more strict the attitude towards the implementation of all the rules described below, the less likely the development of complications of the disease. For this:

    1) The reception is excluded:

    • of fatty foods( especially animal fats);
    • of spicy dishes;
    • sour products;
    • confectionery, jam, sugar, honey.
    2) Food - a fractional, frequent.

    3) Most of the diet - porridge, baked or boiled vegetables( especially pumpkin) and fruits.

    4) Meat and fish - boiled, baked, steam - low-fat varieties.

    5) Drink plenty of fluids.

    Treatment with natural products

    Decoction of corn stigmas, cholagogue, which includes yarrow, immortelle, peppermint - those folk remedies, without which the inflexion therapy of the bladder will be more effective.

    Also doctors prescribe reception of perga, corn oil, flooded water and infested pollen.


    Electrophoresis is applied to the gallbladder area with novocaine, ultrasound therapy.

    It is also recommended that you periodically perform "blind probing" with "Sorbitol" or other choleretic preparations.

    Drug therapy

    These drugs are prescribed:

    1. 1) "Gepabene" - for stimulation of bile secretion;
    2. 2) "Ursofalk" - for the splitting of stones of small diameter, stimulation of the bubble;
    3. 3) Nikodin - with an anti-inflammatory purpose, and also to improve the secretion of bile;
    4. 4) "Flamin" reduces the level of inflammation, removes pain, tones the wall of the bladder.
    Drugs are taken by a course prescribed by a doctor. It is necessary to take such courses periodically.

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