  • Sleevremmennoe lecheine and diagnosis of gastritis

    In cases of gastritis, treatment should be comprehensive and etiopathogenetic, that is, the treatment regimen should include all stages that eliminate the causes of gastritis and clinical manifestations.

    Treatment of stomach gastritis always begins and throughout the treatment is accompanied by a diet. There are simple enough rules, observance of which will help to eat properly, without irritating his mucous:

    • You can not eat very hot or very cold dishes and drinks.
    • All food must be thoroughly chewed( at least 33 times).
    • Divide the whole day's diet into several receptions with breaks between meals 3-4 hours.

    Because many different forms of gastritis are distinguished, the diet for each of them has its own peculiarities. So, for example, with gastritis with high acidity, it is contraindicated to eat foods that can increase acidity. And with a low acidity, eating is indicated for foods that can increase the secretion of gastric juice.

    But common to all kinds is the list of foods that can be taken for food and undesirable to eat. So, products that can not be eaten:

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    • Strong meat and fish broths, fatty meat and fish.
    • Dishes fried in oil.
    • Smoked, pickled, salted products.
    • Baked bread and white bread. Sour dairy products and sour berries, fruits, vegetables.
    • Strong tea, coffee, carbonated sweet drinks, alcohol.

    The following foods can and should be eaten:

    • Low-fat meat and fish.
    • All cereal porridges boiled on water.
    • Eggs boiled soft-boiled and butter. Boiled vegetables( steamed and in the oven).
    • Kissel, jelly, not strong coffee and tea litter, mineral water.

    Drugs for treatment of the disease

    The second stage is to carry out drug therapy. Modern medicamental treatment of gastritis involves the appointment of several components simultaneously. This is the so-called multicomponent treatment, which includes antibiotics, agents for reducing secretion, as well as cytoprotective agents.

    Cytoprotective drugs for the treatment of gastritis are used when the cause of gastritis is not Helicobacter pylori. They effectively protect the mucosa from external aggressive factors, and in parallel accelerate the healing of affected areas.

    In the treatment of gastritis, when the cause of the occurrence is Helicobacter pylori, there are antibiotics and acid-lowering drugs. The combination of several antibiotics is considered to be the most effective, since over the years the resistance of Helicobacter pylori to antibiotics increases( Tetracycline, Clarithromycin, Amoxicillin, Metronidazole).

    In the treatment of stomach gastritis, the dosage of antibiotics is selected only individually, taking into account all factors - the age of the patient, the form and location of the disease, the depth of the mucous membrane. The course of these drugs for treatment of the disease is not less than 7 days, if necessary, the course is prolonged to 14 days.

    As the drugs used in the treatment and reducing the acidity of the stomach, proton pump inhibitors( Omeprazole, Ranitidine) are usually prescribed. Omeprazole inhibits the enzymatic activity of substances involved in the synthesis of hydrochloric acid. Ranitidine has the ability to block receptors that participate in the synthesis of hydrochloric acid.

    As the secretion of the stomach decreases, this is manifested by a reduction in the pain syndrome, as the main factor of the disease. In addition to these drugs, another group of drugs is used to treat gastritis - antacids, or substances that destroy hydrochloric acid and protect the gastric mucosa. The advantage of this group of drugs is that they very quickly affect the affected areas of the stomach and give a therapeutic effect. They have enveloping properties that help to quickly remove the pain that the patient is experiencing.

    Antacids must be taken in treatment quite often, at least 6-7 times a day. These drugs for the treatment of gastritis are available in the form of tablets or suspensions( Gastal, Maalox, Almagel).The advantage of these medicines is that they have practically no contraindications and are used in children's practice.

    A good drug for the treatment of gastritis, which protects the gastric mucosa, is Venter( Sucralfat), as well as bismuth preparations( Denol, Peptobismol), which form a kind of barrier between the cells of the stomach and hydrochloric acid. In the treatment of gastritis with high acidity, hormones( Misoprostol) are also used, which also reduce the level of acidity. However, they must be used with caution in the treatment of pregnancy, since this drug can cause the onset of labor.

    Treatment of gastritis in pregnancy has its own distinctive features. The disease can occur in a pregnant woman at any time, and it is important for his treatment to use drugs that are primarily harmless to the fetus. Therefore, use relatively soft drugs, such as No-shpa, Papaverin, which relieve spasm and reduce pain, and Gastroparm, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

    Nausea and vomiting can perfectly remove Cerucal. In any case, all medicines should be prescribed only by a physician who observes a pregnant woman. In case of a disease, hypertrophic gastritis treatment should never be carried out by yourself, as complications of this form of gastritis can lead to irreversible consequences. The most dangerous consequences are internal bleeding and stomach cancer.

    Sprouting of the papillae of the gastric mucosa leads to a decrease in the production of gastric juice and the clinic resembles a gastritis with a low acidity. The treatment regimen for this form of gastritis is the following: a strict diet, drugs that increase the secretion of gastric juice, enzymes, enveloping drugs, astringents. Very often, in this form of the disease, substitution therapy is used, that is, natural gastric juice is prescribed.

    In the case of an anacid gastritis, treatment is also carried out with the help of substitution therapy( natural gastric juice), since the acidity with this form of gastritis is zero. In addition, a diet, antispasmodics, enzymes are prescribed, and special attention is paid to vitamin therapy and minerals. Since the anacid form does not absorb vitamins and minerals, they have to be added to the diet during therapy.

    In case of hemorrhagic gastritis, the treatment is aimed at healing those areas of the stomach that bleed with this form of gastritis. It is therefore called an erosive gastritis. Such patients need emergency hospitalization, since bleeding at any time may worsen.

    In the first days after diagnosis, you can drink water, milk, you can not. In addition to traditional therapies, hemostatic drugs and medications that increase blood coagulability are also prescribed.

    In the case of granular gastritis, the treatment is practically the same as for hypertrophic gastritis, as the granular form is one of its varieties. Characterized by the appearance on the mucous membrane of small tubercles resembling grains. If the treatment is not carried out in time, then small ones, the size of only 3 5 mm, the grains can increase, gradually turning into a giant hypertrophic gastritis( Menetries syndrome).

    In case of antrum-gastritis disease treatment should necessarily include a course of antibiotics, since in this part of the stomach the Helicobacter pylori bacteria live most often. In addition, to avoid deformation of the pyloric part of the stomach, it is necessary to prescribe drugs that accelerate the healing of the mucous membrane( Solcoseryl).

    General recommendations for preventing the occurrence of recurrences of the disease are:

    • Compliance with the basic norms and rules of a healthy lifestyle, with the exclusion of harmful foods, alcohol, smoking cessation.
    • During the periods of possible exacerbation of diseases( autumn-spring periods) to take special sanatorium-and-spa treatment.
    • Adjust the diet and limit the amount of stress, if possible, learn to control and transfer them.
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