
Useful properties of honey. What are the types of honey and how to choose it?

  • Useful properties of honey. What are the types of honey and how to choose it?

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  • Choosing the "right" honey

    Properties of honey useful for humans

    Honey is an antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal agent in one. This sweet product is very useful in the treatment of cough and colds. Homeopaths successfully applied this sweet product before the invention of insulin as a sugar substitute.

    Honey is able to increase the vitality of a person and gives him strength. For athletes this is an excellent source of energy. In addition, honey helps to reduce muscle spasms by balancing the amount of phosphorus and calcium in the blood.

    Honey has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Therefore, if you want your child to fall asleep faster and sleep peacefully all night, give him a teaspoon of honey before going to bed.

    Honey is one of the main healing ingredients in various cosmetics. It improves the complexion, eliminates peeling and dry skin, nourishes and saturates our skin with vitamins. Masks with honey in pure form or with the addition of other ingredients will rejuvenate you.

    For example, mix honey( 1 tablespoon), olive or almond oil, jojoba oil( 1-2 tablespoons).Apply the mixture on the face and neck skin and rinse after half an hour with cool water. You can mix honey with different types of clay( depending on the desired result).Keep this mask for no more than 20 minutes on the skin.

    And what about the massage of the body with honey. Velvety skin without traces of cellulite can be obtained by regularly making yourself a massage with honey and thickened spirits of natural coffee. Take honey crystallized, and if desired, add a couple more drops of essential oil of rosemary, neroli or mandarin.

    Honey can also help in losing weight. To do this, drink in the morning on an empty stomach a glass of ordinary or mineral water with a dissolved teaspoon of honey. Such water will help you to regulate digestion. So you can drink it not only during the process of losing weight, but also regularly before eating.

    As you can see, honey is sweet for health and beauty. But this applies only to a natural product that has not undergone any thermal treatments.

    Kinds of honey

    Each kind of honey differs not only in taste and color, but also has its own characteristics, as it is collected from various plants. It can not be said that one particular honey will be more useful than others. He will help others better only with certain diseases due to his unique composition.

    Buckwheat honey. It is believed that this is the most useful form of honey, as it overtakes other varieties for the content of vitamins, amino acids and iron. Characterized by a strong unique flavor and has a specific flavor. Its color can be different, starting with a dark yellow with a reddish hue and a dark brown.

    For medicinal purposes buckwheat honey is used as a strengthening agent for the heart muscle. The positive influence of it on the body is also noted with anemia, liver diseases, kidney stones and cholelithiasis.

    Lime honey. Transparent, light amber or light yellow honey. It has a pleasant pronounced taste and an intense floral aroma. Due to its medicinal properties this honey is used as an auxiliary treatment for many colds. This is a common cold, laryngitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, bronchitis. Good results are also noted in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the genitourinary system and kidneys. Due to antibacterial properties, lime honey is successfully used for local treatment of purulent wounds and burns.

    Field honey. This product is a light yellow or yellow-brown color with a mild flavor and fragrant aroma. It will be very handy if you need to calm the nervous system. Therefore, to treat headaches, insomnia, use it. It also helps stabilize the heart rate, helps relieve pain in the solar plexus.

    Acacia honey. Almost transparent and has no color in the liquid state, and after crystallization it becomes white and becomes fine-grained. This is an excellent means of fortifying nature. Also helps to fight insomnia. Healing properties of it are manifested in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the gallbladder and its ducts, and the kidneys.

    Sunflower honey. Honey is golden in color with a tart flavor and a thick sweet aroma. Unlike other varieties, sunflower honey begins to crystallize quite rapidly and forms a coarse-grained consistency. In this state, it acquires a light yellow color, and sometimes a greenish shade, so do not be afraid that your honey is gone. A distinctive feature of this species is also the composition. It has a high content of vitamin A and substances with bactericidal properties.

    There are also chestnut, heather, willow, padovy honey and many other varieties. We have stopped only on the description of the most widespread and most useful kinds.

    Choosing the "right" honey

    Like saying the same Winnie the Pooh "These are the wrong bees, and they are doing the wrong honey!"However, Winnie was wrong. Bees just do the most correct honey, and forge it people who want to make money on it. To honey brought you really good, and not harm( he knows this!) It must be able to choose. Following our advice, you can significantly reduce the risk of buying a fake.

    1. Do not buy honey that has virtually no odor. This means that the bees were fattened with sugar syrup, and not naturally by floral nectar and pollen.
    2. Check honey for impurities( this is done to increase the mass and volume of the product).You just need to dissolve a little honey in a glass of warm water. After careful mixing, good honey does not give a deposit at all, only honey water will be a bit cloudy. There was a sediment - it means that something was added to the honey, and this is no longer good. You can also try to find out the nature of the supplements. Drip a couple drops of iodine in a solution of honey and if it takes a bluish tinge, honey is diluted with starch. That's just iodine will not help if you added a modified iodine. Add citric acid or acetic acid to the solution with sediment and see if there will be a reaction. If so, then chalk was added. In any case, the very fact of the presence of sediment tells us that honey has extraneous impurities and it should not be bought.
    3. Counterfeit honey can be identified and tactile. Take a little honey and rub it between your fingers. Quality will quickly melt in the hands and easily rub off without forming lumps. False will behave differently.
    4. Pay attention to the state of honey depending on the season. Liquid honey remains only a short time after it is pumped out. This is an average of 1.5-3 months. Extend this state of honey is possible if you follow certain rules of storage and with the help of hermetic packaging( as in production).Buying liquid honey from the hands in winter, spring and even late autumn you definitely get a spoiled product. The fact is that the crystallized honey is diluted by heating. The temperature of heating above 40 ° C leads to the formation of a toxic substance of oxymethylfurfural, which behaves in the human body as a poison. In addition, after heating in honey all useful substances are lost.
    5. A good mature honey contains no more than 18-20% moisture. If its content is exceeded, the product will be less useful, not suitable for storage and will very quickly start to wander. To determine the maturity of honey, dip the spoon into honey and take out, start to turn it quickly. Mature honey will be wound on the spoon strips, and the unripe will simply drain.
    6. Crystallization of honey is a natural process. But if you see that the crystals are formed by layers or differ in structure among themselves, then this is a signal about falsified honey.
    7. If a white film is found on the surface of honey or white bubbles appear( like foam) after mixing, this indicates the beginning of the fermentation of honey.

  • Favorite taste of Winnie the Pooh from the cartoon. This sweet product since ancient times is known to mankind not only for its taste qualities, but also for its medicinal properties.

    Article content:

  • Properties of honey useful for humans
  • Kinds of honey