  • Kidney Obstruction and Pregnancy: Symptoms and Methods of Treatment

    As you know, during pregnancy, a woman has to experience great stresses, and not only emotional ones. Old diseases become aggravated, new ones are added. Such troubles often include the so-called nephroptosis, that is, the omission of the kidney. Unfortunately, omission of the kidney and pregnancy is not a rare phenomenon. With this disease, the kidney goes out of its place and falls lower, especially when the person is standing.

    Diagnose this disease quite often in people whose age ranges from 20 to 40 years. And in women it is found 7 to 15 times more often than men. But in children such an ailment is almost not observed.

    Kidney Obstruction and Pregnancy: Clinical Painting

    Stage 1

    In the first stage of the disease, the edge of the kidney during exhalation begins to leave in the hypochondrium. There may be pains that fall in the lower back, as well as in the right upper quadrant. The fact is that the right kidney is most often omitted. But at this time it is necessary to lie down and calm down, as the pain recedes, as the kidney returns to its place.

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    2nd stage

    The second stage is characterized by more acute pains, similar to renal colic, especially with physical exertion. There are also changes in the urine. The level of protein rises. The fact is that the kidney almost all comes out from under the costal arch. It is also true that when the horizontal position is taken, it returns to its place.

    3rd stage

    The third stage is characterized by more serious consequences. Nausea, vomiting and constant pains are not the worst. Pyelonephritis, hypertension and hydronephrosis can develop. Appear in this bloody discharge in the urine, because the kidney falls almost to the small pelvis.

    All this is bad for the nervous system. There is excitability, accompanied by insomnia, and sometimes depression. The appetite decreases, dizziness appears.

    This is important! Being in the position, one must constantly observe the doctor, and not write off the occurrence of such symptoms only for pregnancy.

    Kidney Obstruction and Pregnancy: Etiology

    One cause, after which the kidney suddenly begins to wander, can not be named. There may be several:

    • This may be the effects of chronic infectious diseases. It is very important, especially in childhood and adolescence, to receive adequate nutrition, and to eat less on diets.
    • Large physical activity associated with increased exercise or irregular work organization, which leads to changes in intra-abdominal pressure. All kinds of trauma directly into the lumbar region.

    Pregnant women are also at risk, especially those who have already given birth. After all, after delivery, intra-abdominal pressure decreases, and the muscles of the press relax.

    Possible consequences for ovulation of the kidney during pregnancy:

    • The ureters suffer the most, because the outflow of urine is disturbed. On average, this applies to 30 to 80 percent of pregnant women. A very frequent complication is an infectious inflammatory disease, namely, pyelonephritis.
    • Also often develops urolithiasis. But the formed stones are then usually ground using ultrasound.
    • Blood hypertension can cause arterial hypertension. The pressure can increase even at low loads. But only drugs taken by hypertensive patients, here they will not work, as they only worsen the situation.

    Treatment and diagnostic measures

    To prevent such severe consequences, it is required to identify the disease already at an early stage. With sudden pain in the lower back and under the rib, especially after exhalation, should be carefully examined. It is necessary to pass all the necessary tests and conduct a urography of the kidneys, that is, an x-ray study that can quite accurately say in what state the kidneys are. After all, at the first stage this disease is very easy to confuse with other diseases. Such as, for example: colitis, chronic cholecystitis or appendicitis.

    Young girls do not worry about this at an early stage of pregnancy. Well, pobolelo, otlezhalas and all is well. Most often they turn to illnesses when the ailments go to the second stage.

    After the diagnosis is established, the treatment should be started immediately. And here we should not forget about old, conservative methods. First of all, it is necessary to reduce heavy physical exertion and to engage in light therapeutic exercise. One can vilify the bandage and apply hydrotherapy. Cold compresses, shower and bathing. It is necessary to try to go on a high-calorie diet, and do not forget about drug treatment. Antibacterial and antihypertensive drugs will not allow the exacerbation of the disease.

    In severe cases, you will need to think about surgery after childbirth. After all, if after the birth the illness only worsened, and on one child you decided not to stop, then you can perform a laparoscopic operation. During it, a secure mesh implant is inserted, which securely holds the kidney in its natural position. After it is required to undergo a monthly, thorough examination and take all the tests, as well as reduce the load and wear a bandage. The subsequent pregnancy will be possible only after six months.

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