  • What is the sensitivity of pregnancy tests?

    You suspect that you are pregnant. Perhaps this is a pre-planned pregnancy. Perhaps you are afraid that everything happened around your plans. How to determine, without resorting to the help of a doctor, she took place or not?

    It's easy and simple to do with a pregnancy test. They are sold in any pharmacy, even in supermarkets they can be purchased. In supermarkets they lie at the cash desk, a couple of with condoms. There is in this some irony: use - do not use a condom, and surprises are still possible.

    Differ tests not only by manufacturers and price. They differ in the formats of use. To date, there are three types of formats: inkjet test, test strip, test cassette. They are representatives of different "generations".The sequence of their appearance: a strip, a cassette and the most modern representative of this "family" - a jet test.

    The device determines the presence in the urine of the hormone of chorionic gonadotropin( hCG), which begins to be produced in the body by a woman after the introduction of a fertilized egg into the uterine cavity. If pregnancy proceeds without anomalies, then it occurs on the 5th-6th day after conception. In the future, the level of the hormone doubles every forty-eight hours.

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    What is the difference between pregnancy tests? They are sensible.

    The sensitivity of tests

    The sensitivity of pregnancy tests varies: 25 mM, 20 mM, 10 mM.Accordingly, they are referred to as "pregnancy test: sensitivity 25", "sensitivity 20" and "sensitivity 10".The smaller the number characterizing it, the more sensitive it has, that is, the less concentration of the hCG hormone in the urine, it is able to recognize.

    The most "budget" option, this is a test strip. The sensitivity of pregnancy tests performed in this format is low, it is 20-25 mM.Ease of use also leaves much to be desired: for collection of urine requires a separate capacity, in addition, the accuracy of the result depends on the correctness of immersing the strip in the urine.

    Using the test-cassette, you feel yourself a lab worker. The package contains a container for collecting urine( not all manufacturers, it should be noted), and after collecting urine, you, using a special pipette, also attached to the cassette, measure the necessary amount of urine for the study. Sensitivity and quality of these species is the same as that of test strips. Price, due to additional "bloat" is 5-10 times higher.

    High-sensitivity models

    High-sensitivity tests and models of the latest generation are inkjet. The appearance of jet devices greatly simplified the procedure for the analysis. The use of the test is extremely simple: it is sufficient to substitute it under the test urine.

    The time of day for the analysis does not matter. It can be led both in the morning and in the evening. This is very convenient, because at any time, being, for example, in a clinic, at work, any public place, you can analyze and quickly learn the result without experiencing any discomfort.

    Highly sensitive instruments are divided into two categories. These are: an ultrasensitive and hypersensitive pregnancy test.

    An ultrasensitive pregnancy test will show the result on day 10 after conception. Supersensitive - on day 7.It's amazing, it looks like a miracle, because in the whole week before the delay of the expected arrival of menstruation, you have an opportunity to learn about pregnancy. The device of high sensitivity deservedly enjoys much greater popularity among consumers than tests with lower sensitivity.

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