
A salt-free diet is a salt-free diet for weight loss

  • A salt-free diet is a salt-free diet for weight loss

    Salt has been called "white gold" since time immemorial and had an incredible popularity among the richest and most notable people. And what about today?

    Today, salt is on the tables of each of us, but its value, as not surprisingly, is a little lost. For some reason, right now, when salt is available to everyone, more and more people think that it's time to start using it in smaller quantities.

    There are adherents of a life without salt, believing that a salt-free diet for pregnant women is also very useful and that giving up "white gold" will not only help to maintain health, but also reduce weight and even prolong youth. Is it true?

    But before you completely refuse( or do not give up) salt and sit down on a salt-free diet, it's best to figure out why you need this salt at all. And in what quantities can it be consumed.

    It would seem that the answer to the first question is obvious: how without it. But still. ..

    Why do I need salt?

    Why salt

    "White gold" is needed in order that:

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    • normally produced insulin, which cleaves glucose;
    • normally worked muscles. Did you know that sodium is a participant in the process of muscle relaxation?
    • produced hydrochloric acid of gastric juice, which ensures proper digestion and assimilation of essential nutrients.

    How much salt does a person need?

    How much salt

    It is believed that for normal life an adult needs from 4 to 6 grams of salt per day, which means about one teaspoonful without a top. But in the Soviet Union, the authors of books about delicious and healthy food gave out another figure: 2 grams per day.

    Salt constantly leaves the human body together with sweat( approximately 1-2 grams / day), with feces and urine( about 4 grams / day), but it is absolutely not worth thinking about the deficit of this component.

    Because the salt is contained in meat, cheese, vegetables, and many other products that we eat every day. It turns out that even if you eat only fruits, a person will receive about 1 gram of salt per day.

    Salt = excess weight?

    Salt = excess weight

    Many people ask themselves this difficult question: "Does the salt?".Are you one of them? Otherwise, we would not look for the principles of a salt-free diet.

    So, think about how often you dispose of the food that has already been cooked. Agree that quite often. In this regard, it becomes clear that a person uses a much larger amount of salt than is necessary in the norm.

    But an overabundance of salt can cause kidney and cardiovascular disease, edema and, on the other hand, overweight. Yes, you can get very ripe with salt.

    How, because salt does not provoke fat accumulation? Yes, but it is simple by itself capable of retaining water and inhibiting metabolic processes in the body, thereby violating the water-salt balance in the cells. And this already leads to an increase in body weight.

    Do you know, at the expense of what else there is excess weight? Salt arouses thirst and appetite.

    Principles of a diet without salt

    Principles of the diet

    A salt-free diet for weight loss should not seem unnecessarily strict. After all, its principles are fairly simple, and sticking to them will not be difficult.

    1. Stop drinking food at all! And try to adhere to the diet as strictly as possible, because as soon as you get a little torn off and salt slightly and even slightly your food - the result will come to naught. You will start to gain weight again. And you absolutely do not need it! That's right, is not it?
    2. Drink the required amount of water. Begin, finally, to observe the drinking regime. Do not know how much water an adult should drink per day? Approximately 6-7, and better 8 glasses of any liquid. After all, that no matter how it displays the products of metabolism and slags from the human body, it preserves the youthfulness of the skin and( most importantly!) The harmony of the figure.
    3. Eat more often, but in smaller portions. This rule is suitable for most diets. So, cut all your portions about twice, and start eating not 3, but 5-6 times a day.
    4. Stop overeating! You want to be slim and beautiful, after all? Forget about overeating. It is best to get up from the table not with a feeling of full saturation, but with a little hunger. So you not only will not gain extra pounds, but also lose weight. During a salt-free diet, you should consume 1500-1700 calories per day, trying to harmoniously balance carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
    5. Prohibited products. If you want to lose weight, you will have to exclude white bread from your diet, any smoked products( sausages and sausage also come in here), sweet, pickles, spicy condiments and fried foods. In addition, fish, meat, legumes and mushroom broths, pork, game, lamb, pasta, coffee, alcohol, watermelons and grapes, should also go away, at least for the time of a diet from your diet.
    6. Take minerals and vitamins. That during a salt-free diet to support your body, you can take vitamin-mineral complexes. And let them necessarily include magnesium, zinc and potassium.
    7. To a salt-free diet you need to prepare mentally. In order to proceed to such a diet, you need to understand that the next two weeks you will have to eat very, very unusual, besides the unpleasantly unpleasant food. Therefore, you will have to be very persistent, so that after a couple of days such "torture" will not come off and will not pounce on such habitual, but terribly harmful food.
    8. Choose the right time to start the diet. It is best to start eating without salt, when the summer heat falls. That is, autumn vacation - the ideal time to go to a new diet. Do not know why it's autumn? Everything is very simple. After all, in the summer, because of the heat, together with sweat in the intensified regime, there is a huge amount of salt, and hence the trace elements and minerals contained in it.
    9. Term of the salt-free diet. Everything has the necessary time and such a diet is no exception. You can not eat under the new regime for more than 2 weeks. In the first 4-5 days you will notice a decrease in weight, but do not be deceived. After all, such a loss of kilograms is the result of dehydration, and not at all the splitting of fats. To maintain the effect of a salt-free diet, you need to reduce the amount of salt consumed, but you can not completely exclude it from your diet. Although, completely remove the salt and not work( even if you will try), because the salt is found in a lot of products.

    Food for the

    diet There are certain products that you just need to include in the menu of a salt-free diet:

    • raw vegetables, or vegetables that have been cooked for steaming: zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage, radish, beans, tomatoes. But such favorite beets, carrots and potatoes are better to use less( one or two pieces once a day is enough).Do not forget to include in your food vegetable broths.
    • saltless bread, pancakes and pancakes, not containing salt, dry biscuits.
    • berries and fruits. Except for grapes and watermelons.
    • lean bird, beef and fish. You can eat seafood, but only in small quantities.
    • cottage cheese, sour-milk products, eggs( not more than 1 piece per day).
    • porridge. Hercules and buckwheat are best suited for a salt-free diet.
    • as a dessert, use raisins, figs, dried apricots, jellies.
    • drinks can be such: compotes, kissels, broth of wild rose, weak black tea( preferably with milk), green tea.