
Diet in breastfeeding - proper nutrition with breastfeeding

  • Diet in breastfeeding - proper nutrition with breastfeeding

    With the advent of the child, the life of a woman is changing. All other problems recede into the background. The main goal is to take care of the baby. That the child grew strong and healthy, he needs a full meal. Breastfeeding allows the child to receive a vital complex of vitamins and nutrients. However, that when breastfeeding the baby did not have additional problems in the form of colic or allergic reactions, the mother should follow the diet while breastfeeding.

    Why you need a diet

    Balanced nutrition

    Is a diet necessary for breastfeeding?

    In order for a child to receive enough nutrients, the mother needs to eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

    Please note! The nutrition of the mother should be based on the principles of a healthy diet.

    Do not go to extremes. Knowing that she takes food not only for herself, but also for the baby, many women begin to eat 2 times more. This disastrous effect on the health of women due to excessive loads. Or trying to return the usual forms after the birth of the baby, women sit on a strict diet. This also adversely affects the quality of breast milk.

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    Do not think that the lactating mother's diet implies strict limitations in everything. The main thing is to observe a correct and balanced diet.

    Advice from the specialist

    Proper nutrition of the nursing woman

    To ensure that the child receives all the necessary nutrients in sufficient quantities and the mother's body is restored quickly after delivery, it is recommended that you follow the basic advice of breastfeeding specialists:

    • Try to observe the daily regimen and eat in the same waytime.
    • Try to exclude from your diet semi-finished products, canned foods, smoked and spicy food.
    • The main diet of the mother should include the following beneficial substances: protein, carbohydrates, fats.
    • It is very useful to consume greens. It well stimulates the gastrointestinal tract.
    • If breastfeeding mother experiences malaise, dizziness, nausea, she needs to drink a glass of warm compote or tea with biscuits or savory baked goods.

    Allergy hazard

    Danger of allergic reactions

    Many young mothers are worried about whether it is possible to use products that cause allergy when breastfeeding.

    It is not recommended to eat foods that can cause allergy in the mother or baby in the first months of life. When the child reaches the age of 4-5 months, you can gradually begin to introduce additional products into the mother's diet.

    Please note! Take them in small portions in the morning. After taking, you should monitor the condition of the child for several days.

    If the allergic reaction does not manifest itself, you can continue to use such foods for food.

    If you notice that with the introduction of a new product in the diet of the baby the chair changed, and a rash appeared, postpone its use for several months.

    Foods that are allergic to
  • Products that can cause an allergic reaction:
    • Citrus fruits
    • Coffee and cocoa
    • Chocolate and chocolates
    • Nuts
    • Eggs
    • Cow milk milk products
    • Seafood

    You can start eating them after your baby turns six months old. At this age, the main allergens practically do not penetrate into the mother's milk and are safe for the baby.

    It should be remembered that if a child is prone to allergic reactions, it is necessary to preserve natural breastfeeding as long as possible, and postpone the beginning of the additional feeding for a later period. Optimal - after 1 year.

    Basic limitations of

    What not to eat when breastfeeding

    In the world there are a huge number of products that can cause irreparable harm to the health of not only the mother, but also the child. The nursing mother should be careful when eating.

    So, the following products should be completely excluded:

    • Products that cause an allergic reaction
    • Soups on meat and fish broth
    • Pickled products
    • Sour food
    • Sweet dishes
    • Salted food
    • Garlic
    • Carbonated drinks

    Apples, watermelon, melon, coffee can be consumed inlimited quantities provided that the child does not experience an allergic reaction to these products.

    To exclude smoking, alcohol and drugs

    To form a healthy baby, the nursing mother is strictly forbidden to use:

    • Alcohol
    • Narcotic substances

    Remember that smoking also has a disastrous effect on the body of both mother and child.

    Foods recommended for use

    Turkey cutlets

    The main food should be nutrient rich and contain the necessary amount of useful vitamins and minerals. What should you eat when breastfeeding?

    • Eat foods rich in protein. For example, fish, turkey, veal, rabbit. It is acceptable to use low-fat pork.
    Dairy products
    • Very useful for baby calcium. It is found in the following products: cottage cheese, natural kefir, drinking yogurt, low-fat sour cream.
    • Food rich in fats. Their body gets from olive, vegetable and butter.
    • Fruits. Use them with caution. You can start the reception with apples, gradually adding to the diet of other fruits. Make sure that they contain the minimum amount of acids.
    • Vegetables. Limit yourself to the greens. The remaining types of vegetables are best used in boiled form or in the form of a stew.
    • Flour products. It is highly recommended not to eat fresh white bread. Better get dark bread, preferably bran. Do not use it fresh. Ideally, bread for the ration of the nursing mother should be yesterday's. Also sandwich home cookies and breads are also allowed.
    • Sweet dishes. Give preference to natural products. They should contain a minimum amount of sugar. Jams, pastilles, marshmallows without chocolate, marmalade are allowed to eat. Remember that sweet foods must be consumed in limited quantities.

    Proper Drinking

    Drinking More

    When talking about a lactating mother's diet, one can not help but touch upon such an important aspect as the organization of drinking.

    Please note! For a normal lactation process, the mother needs to consume an increased amount of fluids per day.

    So, to the usual 2 liters of fluid per day of the nursing mother, you need to add up to 1 liter of liquid per day. It does not have to be water. You can take the following types of drink:

    • Unsweetened compote
    • Tea
    • Milk
    • Natural juice

    To start consuming an increased amount of liquid should be gradually. At the same time, monitor your child's condition.

    Mother's Diet and Drugs


    A weakened female body is susceptible to various diseases. In many cases, the doctor prescribes antibiotics for their effective treatment. How will drugs affect lactation?

    Consult with an expert whether it is possible to use the prescribed medication when breastfeeding. If it is impossible, specify, whether it is possible to accept analogues of the medicinal product, safe for lactation.

    Please note! To reduce the reaction of the baby's body to medicines, it is necessary to additionally consume probiotics.

    When taking medication, follow the reaction of the baby's body. If there are various reactions in the form of a rash or a fever, constipation or vomiting, it is recommended to limit breastfeeding.