  • How to get rid of pimples at home

    Read in the article:
    • The causes of acne
    • How to quickly get rid of acne folk remedies
    • How to remove blemishes and traces of acne: useful advice and feedback

    Quickly get rid of pimples at home will help therapeutic masks

    Almost every girl at one age or another comes acrossthe problem of the appearance of pimples on the skin of the face and other parts of the body.

    Many people mistakenly believe that this issue is very difficult to solve on their own, but fortunately, now there are many simple methods of getting rid of acne and other problem skin rashes.

    The causes of acne ^

    To learn how to effectively and quickly get rid of acne, it is important to understand the possible causes of their appearance on the skin. Among them, the most common are the following:

    • Hormonal changes or disorders. With regard to hormonal adjustment, the most pronounced it affects the skin condition in adolescence. Infringements imply the presence of diseases;
    • Indigested skin care. First of all, this applies to those girls who do not wash off their make-up for the night and do not pay tribute to the hygiene procedures in general. Caring for the skin should be based on the characteristics that are dictated by its type;
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    • Unbalanced power supply. A large number of harmful products( fried, cooked on a lot of oil, fatty, spicy and sweet) along with insufficient water in the diet leads to problems with digestion( including bowel diseases).This gives a boost to the appearance of acne.
    • Changes in the emotional state. Excessive stress, depressed state and constant complaints about your life directly affect the endocrine system, which causes changes in the structure of the skin, causing the appearance of acne. In addition, the recovery processes in the cells slow down, which increases the duration of getting rid of them.
    • Finally, the climatic factors associated with the temperature and other changes( high humidity, bright sun, increased dust content) stand apart. They stimulate the sebaceous glands to work more actively, as a result of sweating increases, and with it the number of bacteria that cause inflammation, manifesting as acne.

    Unfortunately, acne does not appear on any one part of the body, but occurs in different places, depending on individual factors. So, they can jump out:

    • On the face( namely on the forehead, cheeks, chin and nose) they are most associated with contamination with decorative cosmetics and unhealthy lifestyles;
    • On the back - are considered quite a serious form of the disease and are associated with improper digestive system work;
    • On the neck - an indicator of disruption of the endocrine system;
    • On the head - acne here can be an indicator of improper shampoo or balm for hair, or not frequent washing them;
    • On the pope - acne appears due to the wearing of clothes and underwear made of synthetic fabrics, as well as a lack of hygiene;
    • On other parts of the body( primarily on the chest) - can occur due to profuse sweating in combination with non-natural tissues. Such acne is treated most difficultly.

    There are different classification of acne, so from source to source, the list of their species varies. However, the most understandable division for a person without a doctor's knowledge is the following classification:

    • White pimples: appear on the face( nose, chin, lips), are common during puberty. They are a consequence of the increase in the amount of fat secretions directly under the skin;
    • Red pimples: are the most widespread and can occur at any age for one of the following reasons: malnutrition, excessive amounts of alcohol and nicotine in the body, dehydration, stress and hormonal changes;
    • Black pimples( or black dots) appear both in men and women in the forehead and on the nose and are a consequence of the abundance of fatty foods in the diet and inadequate care( especially under the article of purification);
    • Internal pimples( so-called furuncles) are the most difficult to treat and are the most painful. The cause of their occurrence is the disturbed work of the sebaceous glands;
    • Purulent pimples: can appear on any part of the body, are caused by various causes( including the use of strong antibiotics).They rise above the skin and have different shapes.

    How to quickly get rid of acne folk remedies ^

    Getting rid of acne is not as complicated as many people are used to thinking. However, it can take a lot of time and requires a systematic approach. When treating acne at home, you need to consider the presence or absence of allergies to those or other components that are part of home remedies.

    acne masks The most effective home masks are the following:

    • Honey - egg mask is a composition that includes honey and beaten egg. Has a cleansing property, preventing further development of the disease, and is also an excellent antiseptic;
    • Oatmeal mask , in the recipe that includes whipped protein and ground oatmeal, taken in the amount necessary to form a thick mass that will not drain off the skin. It has the same properties as the first option, and also nourishes the skin well;
    • Clay masks - variants based on cosmetic clay( white, blue, pink), mixed with milk or decoction of soothing herbs( for example, calendula).Dry the skin and clean it, gradually reducing the size and appearance of acne;
    • Soda mask , containing in the base soda and a means for washing in equal proportions.

    Salicylic Acid Acne

    Another effective means to combat the problem of skin rashes is salicylic acid. Apart from solving the problem of acne, when they have already appeared, it also helps to fight off traces of acne. In this case, this tool not only removes the pimple, but also destroys those bacteria that are responsible for its appearance.

    An ointment from acne can also help reduce the problem of their appearance, and after a while and completely get rid of it. However, when using it, it must be taken into account that the skin should be cleaned before application( in order not to add additional bacteria) - for this stage it is possible to use chlorhexidine.

    In addition, it should be understood that it is important to observe the measure when using medicinal preparations - their application should be regular, but not excessive. It is especially important not to use one cream of acne at the same time as others. The fact is that different drugs can contain complexes of active substances in their composition, the components of which react poorly to each other.

    We also recommend that you read the article Mask for hair growth with mustard at home.

    How to remove blemishes and traces of acne: useful tips and feedback ^

    Many people have a problem not only in the fight against acne, but also after they are already removed. It is that after an acne there are often traces, scars or ugly stains. In order to combat them, and also generally reduce the likelihood of acne, it is necessary to comply with the following recommendations of doctors - cosmetologists:

    • Regularly take care of the skin - clean it, carry out peeling - in order to not only clean up the dirt that clog pores, but also regularly update the skin.
    • It is important to choose the products suitable for the type of skin, so as not to overdry or create a fat film effect;
    • Properly eat and minimize alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking. This means consuming large amounts of water in food, reducing the amount of harmful food in the diet and increasing the amount of eaten fruits and vegetables. These steps affect not only the probability of acne, but also significantly change the skin color for the better;
    • Finally, a person needs a separate care. In addition to cleansing, it is necessary to make nourishing masks, use moisturizers, massage, to speed up the processes of cell renewal and disposal of harmful substances.

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