  • How to preserve the beauty, health and youth of the skin

    Read in the article:
    • How to keep youthful skin
    • Simple secrets of youthful skin

    The secrets of skin youth are simple and easily doable

    All women want to be beautiful and effective, and many of them in pursuit of this are willing to spend big money on plastic surgery, hiking inbeauty salons and expensive creams.

    And very often, trying to achieve perfection and resemblance to supermodels, go overboard with care and achieve the opposite effect.

    How to keep youthful skin ^

    Often it is necessary to see girls who look terrible from such efforts - stripped hair, a ton of makeup, a strong sunburn from the tanning bed and botnets lips.

    Cosmetologists warn that everything should be done in moderation, and if you do various peelings, cleansings, whitening and masks every day, you can achieve a deplorable result - the facial skin will wear out faster, dry and grow old.

    In Europe, for such cases, the term "hyper-care", that is excessive care, which is considered by psychologists as a variant of the psychological deviation with which it is necessary to fight, has long been introduced. To get rid of this dependence, many women have to turn to professional psychologists for help.

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    We must always remember the French proverb that there are no ugly women, they are only groomed. Even if nature has not made you beautiful, preserving youthful skin, a natural natural tan and blush, you will always look good next to a woman who has perfect facial features, but the skin in pimples, blemishes and unevenness that you can not hide with any make-up.

    Young smooth skin is the visiting card of beauty and health of a woman, and this can not be achieved only by the use of creams, scrubs and make-up. It is necessary to understand how to maintain the youthfulness of the skin, what unfavorable factors affect its condition and cause premature aging in order to avoid their negative impact.

    The first barely noticeable wrinkles normally appear in people around the eyes after the age of 40, and closer to the age of 50 they become deeper, which is explained by the natural aging of the skin. Such wrinkles physicians are called static.

    However, there is still a hereditary factor, due to which some women always look younger than their peers. If your mother and grandmother looked young in middle age, then most likely you and your children will also be lucky.

    Simple secrets of skin youth ^

    Fighting facial wrinkles

    In addition to static, that is, permanent wrinkles, there are dynamic, or facial wrinkles that occur even in children. At first, such wrinkles are visible only when you smile, squint or grimace.

    But over time, due to the constant reduction of facial muscles, creases appear on the skin, gradually turning into static wrinkles. Therefore, to protect yourself from early wrinkles, you need to fight the habit of frowning, squinting from the sun and frowning.

    Doctors recommend in sunny weather to wear sunglasses and consciously relax the muscles of the face when they fold into an involuntary grimace.

    Smoking and alcohol abstinence

    Many women underestimate the harm done by smoking on the condition of the skin. After all, nicotine is detrimental not only to the lungs and the heart, but it also worsens the skin and causes premature wrinkles.

    This is due to the fact that tobacco smoke narrows the capillaries, thereby depleting the skin and reducing the supply of oxygen and nutrients. Eventually, the skin becomes pale, becomes gray and loses its elasticity.

    No less harmful influence on it is caused by alcohol, causing dehydration, puffiness and early aging.

    Abundant drinking regime

    To avoid dehydration and aging, it is necessary to drink more ordinary water, at least 2 liters a day, with juices and sodas not included in this amount. This property of water is good to moisturize the skin, remove swelling and give it a healthy color know all the supermodels and actresses.

    For example, the unfading Sophia Loren not only drinks a lot of water, but also immerses her face in the icy water, so that the skin tightens and becomes elastic.

    Proper nutrition

    No less important role for the beauty, health and youth of the skin is food. It is necessary to eat only natural, quality products without preservatives, fast foods and dyes, because everything reflects on the person's face.

    Regular consumption of vegetables, fruits, herbs and cereals as sources of vitamins, microelements, antioxidants and fiber ensures healthy skin. And the use of smoked, sharp, fatty foods, sweets, chocolate and coffee causes such skin problems as pimples, acne, irritation and rashes.

    Weight retention is normal

    Plastic surgeons warn that in order to keep the youth of the skin longer, it is very important to keep your weight constant and avoid hard diets. Regular typing and dropping of weight excessively stretch the skin, which loses its elasticity and elasticity.

    It begins to sag, resulting in faster wrinkles. Nutritionists say that the most safe weight loss, which will not adversely affect the skin condition, is 2-3% per month.

    In addition, such a loss will not be perceived by the body as temporary, which must be urgently replenished. And all extreme diets with a daily caloric restriction of less than 1000 kcal will not only lead to a rapid return of the initial weight, but also pose a serious threat to health.

    Protection against sunlight

    When out in the open air, try to protect your face and body from direct exposure to sunlight and, if possible, be in the shade. Scientists claim, then, almost 90% earlier, aging and wrinkles are caused by the adverse effects of ultraviolet rays.

    For sunburns, obtained in youth in pursuit of a beautiful golden tan, subsequently it is inevitable to pay with dryness, wrinkles, ugly liver spots, and sometimes even oncological diseases.

    We also recommend that you read the article Features of care for oily skin.

    Especially careful people should be with a lot of birthmarks and birthmarks on the body, so as not to provoke the development of melanoma.

    • Doctors advise not to be in the sun during the hours of the strongest ultraviolet radiation - between 10 and 16 hours, on the beach do not go to sunbathe under the open rays, take sun baths under the umbrella.
    • In sunny weather, you must always wear sunglasses and avoid sunbeds.
    • In winter, when there is dry air in the rooms, you should try not to overdry the skin, use moisturizing soap and creams.

    If you regularly apply these simple secrets of skin youth in practice, clean it properly, protect and nourish it, it will be truly clean, beautiful, healthy and young for many years.