  • Types of facial skin and their features

    Read in the article:
    • How to determine the type of facial skin
    • The main types of facial skin and their features
    • How to protect the skin from aging

    The right type of skin helps to choose the optimal care for it

    Every woman dreams of an ideal face skin - beautiful, smooth and elastic, which is rare.

    Skin has long been called a mirror of health - it reflects all the internal problems of the body, as well as flaws in nutrition, care and lifestyle.

    To keep the face young and fresh it is possible only by systematic proper care, because there are no miraculous means that make it possible for a person to be "young" in one session.

    To save health and youth, you need a painstaking daily work.

    Even if nature has given you the ideal skin to preserve this gift, you need competent care, without which it will quickly lose its healthy appearance and turn into a problem.

    For competent care, first of all, you need to correctly determine the type of facial skin( normal, dry, oily or combination) and choose the means of caring for it, taking into account individual characteristics.

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    How to determine the type of facial skin ^

    In order to correctly determine the type of facial skin, perform a simple test:

    • Rinse the cosmetics and cleanse the face in the usual way for you.
    • Do not apply the cream, as the face for testing should be absolutely clean.
    • After a few hours, attach a paper napkin to it and look at the left traces - the analysis of the spots left on it will be enough to correctly determine the type of skin of the face.
    • If the napkin is left with a small amount of greasy marks, then the type is normal, if there are no traces on it, it is dry.
    • If on the napkin there are a lot of fat spots, then notice how they are located. Uniform distribution of spots indicates a fatty type, and their predominance only in the T-zone suggests that it is combined, that is, fat on the forehead, nose and chin and dry in other places.

    Most children under the age of about 10-12 years have a normal type, with the onset of hormonal adjustment in 80% of adolescents because of the increased work of the sebaceous glands, it changes to fatty.

    From 17 to 25 years, under the influence of genetic factors, a programmed skin type is formed, and only 20% of the lucky ones remain normal, while the rest become fat or dry.

    And since the age of 25 in the body, age changes begin to occur, as a result of which oily skin often turns into a combined, and normal to dry.

    The main types of facial skin and their features ^

    The main types of facial skin - dry, oily, normal and combination. Each type has its own differences and features in the care.

    Normal skin type

    Only 20% of the Earth's population has normal skin, mostly children. Outwardly it is clean and fresh, has a pink color and a matte shade, without greasy shine, black dots and noticeable pores. It does not shine because it has a moderate fatty grease and does not create a feeling of tightening when washing.

    This type has an optimally balanced water-fat metabolism, therefore it does not need special feeding. But, unfortunately, 90% of the owners of the normal type, by the age of 40, it becomes dry.

    Dry skin type

    Dry skin is the result of insufficient formation of subcutaneous fat and a small secretion of sweat. It is noticed that most quickly it becomes dry with few sweating people.

    Dry skin has a uniform tone, only on the nose and on the forehead are narrow pores visible. After washing often there are red inflamed spots and scales.

    Dry type requires the best quality care, because because of excessive dryness it tends to early aging:

    • Do not try to wash your face with water, but with herbal decoctions.
    • Do not rub the towel after washing, but only lightly soak the face.
    • Apply nourishing cream to damp skin and do not leave cosmetics on the face for the night.

    In addition, regularly( at least once a week) apply nourishing masks to soften, smooth wrinkles and remove peeling. Especially useful are home masks made from oat flakes, cooked on milk, which perfectly nourish, smooth the skin and eliminate irritation.

    Dry type drinkers should drink as much water as possible, at least two liters daily, depending on body weight.

    Oily skin, in comparison with dry and normal, lasts longer, retains moisture, slows down aging, and it produces much less wrinkles:
    • This is due to the increased work of the sebaceous glands, so it often shines and has a greasy sheen that is not verylike its owners.
    • Its disadvantages also include enlarged pores, which are easily clogged with stoppers and prevent skin oil from getting out, resulting in acne, acne and inflammation.

    Bold skin type, first of all, needs thorough cleaning in the morning and in the evening by special means that prevent clogging of pores and relieve inflammation.

    Cleansing agents should be soft, because attempts to quickly degrease the face with strong agents lead to the opposite effect - immediately begins to develop even more subcutaneous fat in order to restore the removed fat layer and the face quickly becomes covered in a greasy shine.

    The same effect is achieved if the fat skin is assiduously rubbed - in response, it will produce even more fat. Home masks for fatty type are very useful, because they allow you to significantly narrow the expanded pores, get rid of fatty gloss and reduce the likelihood of irritations, pimples and acne.

    Combined skin type

    Combined skin is considered, characterized by high fat content in the T-zone, which includes the forehead, nose and chin and dryness, redness and peeling in the cheek area.

    There are many special cosmetic products for caring for it, but sometimes, in the case of a strong contrast between the T-zone and cheeks, it is necessary to use funds for both types - fatty and dry. For the combined type, contrasting washing and rubbing with herbal decoctions, combined masks and scrubs in the T-zone are very useful.

    Sensitive skin type

    In addition to the listed basic types, beauticians often identify a sensitive group of skin, which is especially characteristic of blondes and red-haired women. Most often it is dry and thin, has little subcutaneous fat and reacts sensitively to any unfavorable factors - heat, frost, strong wind, ultraviolet radiation, dust and other irritants.

    In addition, with a sensitive type, there is the greatest propensity to allergic reactions, so it is best to use masks from products that you can safely eat. In this type of harmful contrast wash, wash off makeup and masks should be slightly warm water.

    We also recommend that you read the article How to preserve the beauty, health and youth of the skin.

    How to protect the skin from aging ^

    • It should be understood that under the influence of improper care and various adverse factors, any skin may eventually become sensitive.
    • The use of substandard cosmetics, which may include, for example, petroleum products or other toxic substances, can destroy the protective function and make it excessively sensitive.
    • Often this contributes to the transferred infectious and endocrine diseases, the use of antibiotics, severe overwork and especially stress.
    • In such cases, you need to throw all the forces to eliminate health problems, without this, any cosmetics will be powerless.

    Once the internal causes are eliminated, the skin will return to normal and will rejoice with its radiant and healthy appearance.