
Folk remedies for hair growth - folk remedies for hair growth on the head

  • Folk remedies for hair growth - folk remedies for hair growth on the head

    Beauty and health are one of the main human values. Society, fed up with artificial models and false ideals, begins to understand that, by and large, they can not be bought or sold. The inner and outer beauty of man is predetermined by nature, it is required not to interfere, but to help the body, to carry out those vital processes that help a person to become healthier and more beautiful.

    Hair condition is not only an indicator of the prosperity of a person's beauty, but also a sign of a harmonious development of the body, which receives everything necessary for this.

    Causes of hair loss

    Daily hair loss is a normal, natural process. Just the body replaces the old dead cells with new ones. Every day a person has about 60 hairs, this is the norm. In place of the fallen will grow another. If the dropped hair is much larger, then you should think about the reason.

    Probably many noticed that when in life begins that "black band" itself - problems in the family, at work, the child falls ill - hair starts to pour from the head, like autumn leaves from a tree. Stress negatively affects their condition, if you often have to be nervous, then the head vessels narrow so much that hair loss becomes lingering, chronic.

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    Not only stress, but dandruff is also the enemy of beautiful hair. This is not only unaesthetic, when you have dandruff, this is a real disease. Dandruff or seborrhea weakens the roots of the hair, clogs the skin, prevents penetration of air to the skin.

    Sometimes hair loss can be a kind of "protest" for any medication. These are birth control pills, medications that normalize blood pressure, diuretics, antidepressants and even aspirin. Before taking any medicine, carefully read the instructions for its use. If there, in the section "Side effects" or "Contraindications" indicates that hair may drop out, then consult a doctor and he will recommend something else. The same applies to food dietary supplements, often containing selenium, which is dangerous to the hair.

    Hair can fall out and for the simple reason of lack of vitamins in the body, such as retinol( A), vitamin C or B vitamins, as well as microelements. This happens most often with malnutrition. Therefore, balanced nutrition, supplemental intake of vitamins in the winter will be your warning this problem step.

    Hair loss can occur due to heredity. Intensive loss in a couple of years will lead to baldness, therefore, at the very beginning of the fallout, measures must be taken.

    Women often lose their hair in pursuit of beauty. Frequent staining, flattening with ironing, drying with a hair dryer and stowing it all - all this negatively affects their condition. Sometimes you need to let your hair rest from excess loads.

    The cause of hair loss can be hormonal changes in the body. Often, women lose their hair during pregnancy and after childbirth. For a healthy woman, this is a temporary phenomenon, after the baby's breastfeeding ceases, the hair will take on its original form and cease to fall out.

    Hair can fall out and with various diseases. Diabetes, an increase in the adrenal gland, thyroid disease, pneumonia can cause prolapse. This process will be terminated by timely treatment of these diseases.

    Recipes of folk remedies for hair

    To prevent hair loss and increase their growth, you can do it yourself at home, using folk remedies for hair growth. :

    • One of the most effective methods for this is the use of castor oil. Preheat it a little and rub it in a circular motion into the scalp, then leave it for a few hours. It is important that the hair is warm, then the effect of the oil will be more effective. Then, in the usual way, wash your hair with shampoo. This procedure is recommended once a week. In castor oil it is desirable to add a few drops of almond, pink or burdock. Such a mixture not only strengthens existing hair, but also provokes their growth from the "sleeping bulbs", awakening the body's "reserves" - the hair will become lush and will not fall out.
    • Folk remedies for improving the growth of hair on the head have long recommended burdock oil, burdock root juice or broth from the roots of burdock. Apply the oil once a week, rubbing it heated into the scalp. Hold your head in warmth for several hours, wrapped in a handkerchief or scarf, and then wash off the oil with shampoo. Decoction from the roots of burdock is prepared in half with the root of the ayr. In 1 liter of water boil for 10 minutes.4 tbsp.spoon roots, let it brew and rub warm into the scalp twice a week.

    Treatment of hair with folk remedies suggests using for the effectiveness and masks prepared independently:

    • Cognac and water, taken in 2 tbsp. Spoon the spoons with two yolks, apply evenly to dry hair along their entire length, well rub into the roots. After 30 minutes. Rinse with warm water without using shampoo.
    • On a teaspoon of glycerin and vinegar, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of castor oil, 1 egg whisk well and lubricate the roots of the hair. Wrap your head with a towel or handkerchief and hold it for a while over the water vapor. Then rinse the head with warm water.
    • Cleaned propolis( 4 g) put in a glass vial pour 100 ml of vodka or diluted in half with water with alcohol, close tightly and shake well. It is recommended to rub the solution into the roots of the hair once a week.
    • Mix the onion juice with vodka in a 1: 2 ratio, rub into the roots of the hair, leave for 3 hours, then rinse with warm water and shampoo. The product will not only save you from dandruff, but also prevent hair loss and accelerate their growth.
    • Mustard mask warms the head and causes a rush of blood to the hair bulbs, thereby stimulating them. Equal parts of mustard powder, olive or burdock oil and water stir.1 egg yolk, a pinch of sugar. Lubricate the ends of hair with vegetable oil, so that the mask does not hit them, then apply the mask to the roots of the hair, wrap the head in plastic wrap, wrap it with a towel. Keep from 15 minutes to an hour, how long will stand. The mask is washed off with warm water, then the hair is washed with shampoo. This mask is recommended weekly for a month.

    Using for egg masks, it is necessary to remember that protein is best used for oily hair, yolk for dry, and whole egg for normal.

    Folk remedies from black bread also give a positive effect:

    • Leaves of nettle, plantain, sage, mace grass and chamomile flowers blend in equal parts.1 tbsp. Spoon the resulting mixture with pour boiling water( 1 cup), let it brew, strain, add the pulp of rye bread to the infusion, then whisk until smoothly in the form of gruel. The received mask rub in roots. After 2 hours, rinse with warm water.
    • 200 grams of rye bread pour 100 ml of boiling water. When the softened bread cools off a little, add 1 kneaded clove of garlic and 1 egg to it. Kashitsu whisk well and apply on the scalp for 20 minutes, wrapped with a towel. This mask works well for oily hair, dries the skin and stops the release of excess fat.

    Infusions for hair growth can also be prepared by yourself :

    • Shred the leaves of aloe, place them in a blender, pour warm boiled water, well crush. Filtered with a mixture to rinse hair after washing.
    • An excellent means for hair growth is nettle. It should be prepared during flowering, quickly dried in the shade.2 tbsp.spoons of nettle, put in glassware, pour boiling water( 250 ml), insist and filter. After washing your hair well, infusion is applied to them and wrapped with a towel. Then dry without wiping. Nettle not only promotes hair growth, but also strengthens them well.
    • 1 tbsp.spoon the leaves of birch in a glass bowl pour boiling water( 1.5 cups), insist 2 hours, and then wipe with the infusion washed hair.
    • Good effect on the growth of celandine hair. Mix half a glass of pre-heated vegetable oil( it is better to take burdock or olive), 60 ml of pure celandine. Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp, and after half an hour wash off with shampoo. Such a tool not only nourishes and strengthens the hair, but also minimizes their loss and fragility, contributes to their growth.
    • Another recipe using celandine and sage will give the hair splendor, softness, natural shine, accelerate their growth. For 50 g of celandine and sage, pour a glass of boiling water( 250 ml), insist 40 minutes. Strain infusion rinse hair after washing your head.
    • A decoction obtained from a mixture of sorrel leaves and burdock root, when boiled for 30 minutes, will enrich hair and scalp with vitamin C. This decoction rinses the head after washing the head.

    Proper nutrition

    In addition to all the listed potions for hair growth, nutrition also influences. Be sure to include in the daily diet not only vegetable and animal proteins, fruits, vegetables, but also cottage cheese, honey, various nuts - then you will be provided with fast and natural hair growth!