  • Laminating hair at home

    Read the article:
    • What is hair lamination: the pros and cons of
    • How to make hair lamination at home: video, description of the procedure
    • Hair lamination: reviews, results before and after

    Lamination - absolutely safe procedure for your curls

    their coverage for the purpose of protection from the external environment.

    In addition, this procedure is very fashionable for today, because, in addition to the protective and strengthening effect, it gives the weak and dull curls volume and shine.

    What is hair lamination: pluses and minuses ^

    Hair lamination is as follows: a certain composition is applied to curls, for example, gelatin or keratin, which "seals" the hair, encapsulates it in a thin film, which opposes negative influences.

    This procedure can be carried out by specialists of the beauty salon. Despite its high efficiency, it is quite expensive. Until some time, women did not know that laminating hair at home - a very simple and cheap, but no less effective procedure.

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    Home hair lamination will be an ideal option for girls and women whose curls are prone to cross-section and dryness, as well as owners of thin strands that have no volume.

    Many representatives of the beautiful half of mankind are interested in the following issues related to laminating hair at home:

    Is it harmful to laminate hair and how much?

    Although the procedure is performed at home or in the cabin, it is completely safe. Its main advantages are effective color protection for colored hair, curls will become smooth and shiny, and the procedure itself will be very cheap.

    Before laminating at home, it is also necessary to become acquainted with the shortcomings of this procedure:

    • the result depends only on the person conducting the procedure;
    • it happens that home lamination, if not done correctly, can lead to the opposite effect, that there is also a hard curl "straw";
    • lamination of long strands is difficult to implement independently;
    • the contamination of curls after the procedure in some cases occurs much faster.

    How long does hair lamination last?

    • The effect of the home procedure will be visible for 3-6 weeks: the hairs will be voluminous, smooth and shiny.
    • Repeat the procedure is recommended not more often than once in 3 weeks. More often it simply does not make sense.

    What are the means for laminating hair at home?

    Lamination of hair with gelatin is carried out using the simplest component of gelatin, which dissolves in water and is applied over the entire length. After applying gelatin, the curls look unusually beautiful and effective.

    Keratin hair lamination, as its name implies, is carried out using keratin, that is, natural protein, which is the basis of nails and hair. It is most often used for straightening curly locks. In keratin mask, in addition to keratin, there are such components as gelatin, eggs, water, various oils.

    What varieties of lamination exist?

    Lamination is distinguished in four types:

    • color,
    • colorless,
    • hot,
    • cold.

    Colorless and colored have a common function, which is to restore the strands. The difference between these types is that colorless lamination is suitable for owners of natural hair color, and coloring can be considered an additional function of color.

    Cold and hot lamination of hair differ only in the presence of a temperature effect during the procedure. Hot lamination at the moment, according to experts, is more effective than cold, but with its use should be careful.

    This is due to the fact that exposure to heat on the hair can lead to the opposite result, that is, to the fact that the curls will become even more dry and thin. For this reason, it is recommended to use a hot procedure only for those who have not very damaged hairs.

    How to make hair lamination at home: video, description of the procedure ^

    It is very easy to carry out the lamination procedure at home. It is enough only to get acquainted with the step-by-step instruction on carrying out this fashionable, useful and effective procedure.

    Laminating hair with gelatin: recipe

    1. To prepare a mask for the lamination of hair, you need to take a bag of gelatin, a little balm for hair and water.
    2. Water should be boiled and cooled. Then pour a spoonful of gelatin into a non-metallic vessel, pour three tablespoons of boiled water. Carefully mix everything and cover the vessel. This is necessary in order for gelatin to swell, but it does not cool down. Girls who have very long curls can prepare a double portion of the mask, doubling the number of all the ingredients.
    3. At the time when the gelatin will swell, you need to wash your head thoroughly, using the most common shampoo, wipe it with a towel and dry it a little.
    4. During the washing of the head, gelatin will completely dissolve in water. If this does not happen, then you can accelerate the dissolution of gelatin in water by placing the dishes with the mixture on a water bath. In the received weight it is necessary to add a spoon of balm or any mask for hair.
    5. The ready-for-use mask should be applied to wet strands. It is desirable to avoid getting the mixture on the scalp. It is recommended to apply gelatinous mask at a distance of centimeter from the roots.
    6. The application of the gelatin mask is not difficult due to its thick consistency. Girls with short hair can carry out this procedure on their own, but owners of long strands need help.
    7. After applying the gelatin mask, it is necessary to put a bag on the head and wrap it on top with a towel in order to create heat as much as possible. You can also dry your head with a hairdryer for better mask effect.
    8. The mixture should be kept for 40 to 50 minutes.
    9. Flushing gelatin mask can be considered the final step of the procedure. By adding a mask or balm to the mixture, it is easy to wash it off.

    For best results in the gel mask it is recommended to add various components that will greatly enhance its effect. You can add eggs, herbal infusions, essential oils, vitamins, etc. to the mask.

    We also recommend that you read the article "Hair screening at home."

    Lamination of hair: reviews, results before and after ^

    Regular lamination at home can lead to an amazing result: the curls will become smooth, healthy, shiny and bulky. In addition, the correct use of gelatinous mask will help reduce waste on visiting expensive beauty salons.

    To compare reviews of hair lamination, you need to know how the positive opinions of female representatives, and negative.

    Tatiana, 27 years old:

    "A lot of reviews about laminating hair with gelatin have been read and I decided to try this procedure on myself. I can say that the hair after the procedure is completely transformed, that's just not right away. After applying the mixture, the condition of my curls practically did not change, but after a few hours I looked in the mirror and was surprised: they became smooth and shiny. "

    Margarita, 23 years old:

    "After reading the next positive feedback about laminating hair gelatin at home, I decided to use this method to improve the condition of my hair. I did everything as indicated in the instructions. Results after the procedure did not inspire me. The locks became just a little softer, and I did not see any unexpected transfiguration.

    The night began the most interesting - the scalp began to itch, and it continued until the morning. In general, I want to say that you will not get any harm from using a gelatin mask, but if you have very sensitive skin, hair gelatin treatment will not work for you. "

    Yana, 35 years old:

    "I was advised to conduct such procedure by my good friend, who has been working as a hairdresser for many years. She claimed that home lamination is not much inferior to the procedure in the cabin, but it costs a lot less. So, I cooked everything according to the recipe, wrapped my head, washed it in 40 minutes and dried it. Unequivocally, the condition of my curls changed for the better: they became obedient, shiny and smooth. I recommend this gelatinous mask to everyone. "