  • Why do gray hair - why do gray hair

    For many of us, the appearance of gray hair indicates the age. Even in itself, the word "gray" is an association with the elderly. But, unfortunately, today everything is a little different. Even not at all. In 40 percent of young people who have not yet reached the age of thirty, one can observe gray strands. But why do the young people grow gray?

    Diseases that cause graying

    There are many reasons for this. But for some reason, most often when gray hair appears, they speak of heredity and genetics. It is believed that if the parents turned gray early, then the same person can be expected.

    But if we talk about peoples, races and other things, the conclusion is this: the Caucasians grow gray earlier than the Negroids. And the Indians, for example, generally acquire gray hair only for 70 years.

    Most likely, the early appearance of gray hair indicates a malfunction in the nervous system, the constant stresses that he has to endure.

    In other people, gray hair is a consequence of metabolic disorders. Or worse, serious thyroid diseases or pathologies of the reproductive system.

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    Yogis like to claim that the cause of the appearance of gray hair is to be found in the spiritual state of a person. That is, if his spirit is restless and unbalanced, gray hair is the first warning that a serious illness is coming.

    Poor ecology - yet it is not the last reason why hair grows gray early. All this affects human health and causes violations related to lack of copper and calcium. One thing is clear: the color and condition of our hair depends very much on the state of the organism.

    Lack of pigment

    Color is directly related to the quality and quantity of melanin, the pigment formed at the root of the hair. It turns out that the appearance of gray hair is affected by stem cells and their number in the human body. If there is a shortage of these cells, hair begins to turn gray.

    Melanocytes merge with keratinocytes, which is why hair color is formed. And pigments can be updated only due to stem cells and their stock in the hair follicles. If there is not enough stem cells, disruption of reunion of keratinocytes and melanocytes occurs and hair grows gray.

    Enemies of natural color

    1. Habitual for all hair colors stimulates the loss of melanin - a natural pigment of hair. All because of the chemicals that make up her. Scientists have proven that the first gray hairs appear in three years of permanent hair coloring. After a time, such hair becomes bigger and bigger.
    2. Another reason for the appearance of gray hair at an early age is smoking.
    3. It turns out that it is very harmful to pull out gray hair. So they only become more. In addition, you can destroy the hair follicle or infect the infection.
    4. Scientists have concluded that one of the main causes of loss of pigment can be called stress. Therefore it is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle: exercise, sleep enough time, perform respiratory gymnastics or meditate. There are times when gray hair appears instantly. This happens because of experienced horror or severe stress.
    5. The natural color of hair reflects a lack of nutrients. The human body simply needs: copper contained in the liver, cucumbers and hazelnuts, tyrosine( animal and vegetable protein), zinc, which is found in brewer's yeast, oysters and blueberries), iron( peas, buckwheat and beef).

    Treatment of gray hair

    Will help restore health and natural hair color treatment of diseases. But for this it is necessary to undergo a checkup in order to know what to treat. In addition, there are drugs that help restore hair color.

    For example, a pretty good lotion for restoring the natural color of hair under the name Antisedin. This drug has an effect on the production of pigment, dyeing hair. And if you go through a ten-day course, you can get rid of gray hair for a long time.

    Many popular and effective recipes offer traditional medicine.

    Decoctions and infusions are very good:

    • flowers of meadow clover;
    • of ginseng root;
    • roots of nettle and celery.

    In addition, a wonderful effect: devil, eleutherococcus, parsley, parsnip, watercress, duckweed, burdock roots, the roots of Don sorrel, dill, medlunitsa and couch grass.

    All these plants not only restore hair color, but also strengthen them, nourish the hair follicles and promote faster growth.

    Such infusions should be done on 70% alcohol, and broths 2 tablespoons for a glass of hot water.

    You should drink decoctions three times a day for a glass for at least a week. And also rub in the head.

    It is believed that the normal age for the appearance of gray hair is 45-55 years. If you have it much earlier, be sure to find the reason. And this means, take a survey and try to treat all the stresses in your life easier.

    Visiting a doctor

    If you have turned gray at a very early age( before age 30) and you do not have a hereditary predisposition to this, be sure to consult a trichologist. If there is no such possibility, then visit, at least a dermatologist. After all, this early graying can be triggered by diseases of the thyroid gland, anemia, lack of vitamin B12.The doctor will prescribe a blood test, hair composition and on the basis of complete data will appoint if necessary treatment is required.

    Usually, twice a year, special vitamins are taken, which are aimed at preserving the skin, hair and nails. A very good effect is given by injections of magnesia and such a procedure as mesotherapy. At home, you should use medical shampoos, balms and masks. Which, the barber or the doctor himself advises.

    Now you know why hair grow gray and try to prevent it: eat normally, try to lead a quiet lifestyle, go in winter in a hat( this will not break the microcirculation of the scalp) and select the shampoos and conditioners that suit you.

    If the whole thing is in the genetic factor, all these methods, unfortunately, can be absolutely powerless.

    Take care of your health, your own hair and, of course, the nervous system!