  • Hairbranding for the hair

    Read in the article:
    • What is a bronze and hair brooding
    • Bronding of dark and light hair: a description of the staining technique
    • Reviews, results before and after the bronze

    Bronding gives shine and a natural healthy appearance

    Bringing as a separate kind of hairdressing art in our country has appearedrecently.

    Abroad, this method of dyeing hair is known for a long time. In the photographs of many stellar persons, one can see and appreciate the skill of their personal hairdressers. To date, the popularity of bronzing is unusually high.

    But not every hairdresser can master this technique of giving curls a natural look. The combination of several color shades of the same color allows only the virtuosos of their work to perform this work at a high quality level.

    What is a bronze and hair brooding? ^

    Hair, painted in the style of a bronze, has a certain monochrome, but several shades of colors that differ in the degree of saturation.

    The very word, a bronze - means the union of several shades. Almost the jewelry technique of hair brooding includes work carried out in several successive stages. Harmonically selected shades of paint should be applied to the locks in some art disorder, because the

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    natural color is never the same along the entire length.

    Hairdresser - an artist who owns the art of bronzing, must choose among the vast range of colors the shades most suitable for the color of the face and the general image of the woman. Darkening should not be done more than 3 cm from the root, as the effectiveness and elegance of the hairdress can suffer greatly from this.

    • For each case, an experienced hairdresser selects a separate set of shades and the individual size of the painted surfaces. Bringing on medium hair requires the diligence of the master and careful observation of all coloring techniques in the color of the bronze.
    • The same effect can be achieved, and if desired, carry out a bronzing on short hair. Beautifully and effectively in this case will look short-cropped female head with lightly sunburned strands.

    Each application of this staining technique gives a unique effect and depends on the initial color of the woman's hair.

    All the painting work is divided into several separate stages:

    • Clarity of the strands until the desired tone is obtained.
    • The application of the basic tone should occur from the middle of the nape to the bottom. Do not paint the ends of the strands.
    • A triangular strand is selected at the place of the parting and slightly lightened. This method allows you to create a natural highlight on your hair.
    • The ends of the strands should be treated with a lighter shade. This visually increases the volume of the hairstyle.
    • Wash off the paint and make a neat styling.

    Classical bronzing

    Of course, it is the most convenient for a hairdresser to do classical bronzing. Moving from a darker color to the lightest and carrying out the coloring with already used technological methods, it is possible to successfully turn the bronzing into a normal marking. The non-specialist and inexperienced client will not notice a significant difference.

    Area-based bronzing

    Widely used and this kind of color shading, such as zonal bronzing of strands. When performing such work, only a certain part of the hairline specified by the customer is painted. The hairs look very natural, shine and shimmer.

    Oron hair coloring with effect Ombre Hair Color

    It is very fashionable now to make curls with Ombre Hair Color effect. With this coloring, the technique of avoiding two to three tonal selection of shades to more tones is applied. There may be sharp transitions from one shade to another.

    You can try to do it yourself at home. It is necessary, after picking up the shades, to follow the time of the effect of dyes and to color the strands gradually, without making sudden jumps from one color to another.

    Bringing dark and light hair: a description of the staining technique ^

    When looking for shade solutions for the technology of bronze, you should pay attention to coffee, golden-brown, beige or brown. Unusually beautiful and effective look hairs, painted in the color of coffee with milk with an imperceptible transition to lighter shades.

    There are many options, and technologies for quality bronzing. Use not only smooth natural transitions from one tone to another, but also the creation of other visual effects.

    You can create a beautiful glare on the curls, give them the appearance of a little sunburned hair and make a decoration frame. The root zone is slightly darkened, and the ends of the strands look almost white. The shades of paint, as it were, are poured and flow from one to the other across the surface of the head.

    Bronzing on blonde hair

    The best effect of bronzing is achieved in natural blondes.

    • Making the hairs of natural color refreshes the face, making the woman much younger. Visually, the volume of hair increases and a natural shine appears.
    • In addition, you can completely hide the early appearance of gray hair. For the initial basis, as a rule, a classic version of the middle-class woolen or dark-brown colored bronze is taken.
    • Strands of darker shades should be pre-clarified. Too light natural hair should be darkened to a few tones.
    • Bronzing on light-brown hair may also require pre-clarification.
    • After that, picking up the shades, color the curls in the desired color scheme.
    • Only after these preparatory procedures can you begin to do the actual bronzing.

    Bringing on dark hair

    It's very difficult to make a reservation for dark hair.

    • As a rule, with this coloring, copper shades are used - from bronze to light red. Hair gets a natural look and the hair becomes more beautiful and more effective.
    • Before staining dark hair, a complete course of strengthening the roots with various restorative masks should be carried out.
    • The clarifying compound can be applied only to completely healthy hair.

    Bronzing on red hair

    Bronzing on red locks should be performed only after careful selection of paint and its shades. The fact is that red-haired girls have, as a rule, a very white complexion and it is quite difficult to get into the necessary color range of shades. For them, beige - light, honey - light brown or hazel colors is most suitable.

    We also recommend that you read the article Coloring your hair.

    Reviews, results before and after the booking ^

    Since the coloring of the armor is now extremely popular, there are numerous positive reviews about the hair coloring in various shades. All of them, as a rule, have a positive connotation.

    However, in this issue it all depends on the skill of the hairdresser. Discussing the results after hair coloring, many women forget about personality and criticize this way of coloring hair in accordance with certain standards.

    Despite the fact that not every woman likes the look of a Hollywood star, the fact is that the hair after the bronzing becomes much healthier and more voluminous.