  • Nicotinic acid for hair growth

    Read the article:
    • The use of nicotinic acid for hair growth
    • Nicotinic acid for hair growth: how to use, masks
    • Reviews, useful tips and videos about the use of nicotinic acid for hair

    Nicotinic acid for hair increases their growth by 3 cm per month

    Nicotinic acid, or the so-called niacin( aka vitamin B3, nicotine) is a substance involved in metabolic processes occurring in cells.

    Due to this feature, nicotine is successfully used to treat problems associated with hair. In addition, because of its low cost, it is often an important component of home hair masks.

    The use of nicotinic acid for hair growth ^

    The popularity of nicotinic acid is due to the fact that it gives a pronounced positive effect. It consists in the following:

    • Improvement of blood circulation and, as a consequence, nutrition and renewal of epidermal cells;
    • Restoration of dull or damaged hair after dyeing by stimulating the production of natural pigments;
    • Moisturizing the hair;
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    • Fighting dandruff;
    • Vessel dilatation, which as a result positively affects the strengthening of the hair bulb;
    • Decrease in fat content near the roots;
    • Prevent hair loss along with increased growth.

    It is necessary to avoid the use of nicotinic acid in the following cases:

    • if there is a tendency to allergies, there is a rash on the scalp( acne, redness, etc.).
    • In addition, nicotinic acid is contraindicated for irritated skin, as well as for those who have mechanical injuries( wounds, abrasions, bruises) on their heads.
    • Finally, people with edema and high blood pressure are treated with caution. In this case, nicotinic acid for hair growth during pregnancy can be used, in contrast to other drugs.

    Niacin can be used in two of the most common forms - nicotinic acid in tablets for hair growth( ingestion) and ampoules( for external use in pure form or as part of masks).The first form involves replenishment of the vitamin PP in the body - from it the hairs get a negligible percentage, so the improvement of their condition almost does not occur.

    Nicotinic acid for hair growth: how to use, masks ^

    Nicotinic acid in ampoules affects locally only the scalp and hair, and therefore causes a positive effect.

    Mask from nicotinic acid in ampoules

    In order to use nicotinic acid in its pure form, it is necessary to wash the head.

    • Further, the contents of 1, 2 or 3 ampoules( depending on the length of the hair) are applied by rubbing and left for a long period - from an hour to two.
    • Then rinse with water.

    In this case, it is best to conduct a course of 10 procedures, each of which is held every three days, and then take a break for a month.

    Mask of nicotinic acid with medicinal herbs

    One of the simplest masks with the use of nicotinic acid is the composition with infusion of herbs and aloe. In this mixture, grass can be selected based on individual preferences - it can be chamomile, nettle, rosemary.

    • This mask is prepared in the following proportions: for 2 ampoules one tablespoon of infusion is used.
    • Herbs additionally nourish the hairs, aloe soothes the scalp.
    • Infusion is washed off with water after 1.5 hours.

    Mask made of nicotinic acid with propolis

    Another effective mask is a mixture of nicotinic acid with propolis:

    • One ampoule uses 2 teaspoons of propolis tincture.
    • This mask can last up to two hours. In addition to hair growth, it helps to reduce the percentage of hair falling out and increase their elasticity, which is especially true for girls who often make styling using forceps or dry the head with a hair dryer.
    • This composition should be washed off with shampoo - it is desirable that it was herbal and contained as few chemicals as possible.

    Mask made of nicotinic acid with

    oil For better nutrition of the hair structure, one can mix a nicotinic acid solution from ampoules with other oil solutions of vitamins. It is best combined with her vitamin E and A.

    This mixture should be washed off with shampoo after 1 hour from the time of application. It helps to make the hairs less fragile, nourishes them, restores color and gives shine.

    We also recommend that you read Castor Oil for Hair.

    Reviews, useful tips and videos about the use of nicotinic acid for hair ^

    On the Internet, you can find many conflicting reviews about nicotinic acid for hair, since many girls do not bother to read the recommendations for the use of ampoules and contraindications, some nicotinic acid simply does not fitdue to individual intolerance.

    Alina, 26 years old

    I often use nicotinic acid in ampoules. The effect of it is stunning! Hair grows, looks healthy and well-groomed. The main thing is not to forget to take breaks between the courses from 1 to 2 months.

    Maria, 37 years old

    • I do masks with nicotinic acid at home from time to time. I put it on wet hair immediately after washing. As a result, the hair slightly regains its color and becomes more dense. However, I do not observe any dramatic changes.

    Nina, 22 years old

    • My acquaintance with nicotinic acid ended as quickly as it began. At the first and last application I started very itchy, the scalp flushed, an allergic reaction began. Do not repeat my mistakes, be sure to check whether the means are suitable for you!

    Angelina, 31 year

    • I started using nicotinic acid as a remedy for falling out. I used to have a lot of hair on my hairbrush, but the worst part was when I started washing my hair. After two courses of application of nikotki the amount of hair remaining when combing, decreased by 3 - 4 times. And they stopped falling out during the day. Girls with the same problem, I want to warn you: the first 2-3 procedures hair will mercilessly fall out because of the mechanical effect, but do not be scared - they quickly get used to, and this problem will not bother anymore.

    In general, only about a third of women notice clearly noticeable positive changes after the first nicotinic acid applications. The growth of hair after its use as a mask changes and becomes 3 to 3.5 cm per month, if the original value was about 1 cm. Comments on the mask with nicotinic acid for hair growth suggest that the girls are seeing an increase in the number of new healthyhair, not prone to loss.

    The course of procedures is individual and depends on the personal reaction to nicotinic acid. Some treat hair with 30 ampoules daily for a month and make the same break in duration. Other women prefer to apply nicotinic acid for 2 weeks every other day with interruptions for a week. This alternation allows you to avoid irritation of the scalp, and also to strengthen the roots.

    Thus, nicotinic acid - a budgetary tool for those who want to accelerate hair growth, reduce loss and improve their health in general. However, it is not a panacea - for serious problems, treatment is necessary.

    We offer you to watch a video of the doctor - cosmetologist on the use and correct use of nicotinic acid for masks at home:

    We also recommend to watch a video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best days of release to help you lose weight fast and effectively: