  • Care for staple hair - dyed hair

    Melting has become fashionable for a long time, and it seems that it is not going to leave its positions. This is not surprising: the melted hair makes your proprietress younger and more interesting, her face looks fresh, her hair is bigger. Yes, and go to the hairdresser every month is not necessary: ​​update the coloration is enough once every three months. Almost completely disappears such an eternal problem as unpainted roots.

    Highlights: what is it?


    Highlighting can be afforded by a woman of any age - from a schoolgirl to the most venerable lady. Some, in order to save money, buy special kits and carry out this procedure at home. However, it is better to still trust the master: only a professional can perform everything neatly and so that your hair will look natural.

    How is the procedure performed? There are two ways, and everyone chooses the most convenient for themselves:

    Milling with a cap
    1. Staining of strands through holes in a special cap.
    2. Painting with foil - each strand is wrapped in a foil sheet.
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    Melting with foil

    The second method is used more often, since it allows to grind the hair more accurately. On short hair, sometimes only the melting of the tips is done - this looks very impressive hairstyle.

    Special colors are used for clarification. The thinner the hair, the more natural the hair will look as a result. After clarification, toning is done - this is done to reduce the contrast between their own and colored hair.

    Whichever method of hair styling is done, it must not be forgotten that this is a sparing, but still brightening.

    Please note! Caring for fine hair should be very thorough and caring. Strands subjected to clarification, will have to be restored, neutralizing the remains of alkali.

    This is why the balsam kit is included in the highlights sets, which should be used immediately after the procedure: it removes alkali. In the future, you can wash your head for some time with an acidifying shampoo - these are now on sale, you just need to read the label carefully.

    Basic care rules

    Gentle melioration

    Sometimes, if the hairdresser sees that the client's hair is fragile and weak, he can offer a gentle highlight - lightening just a couple of tones. Although this procedure is carried out without the use of ammonium dyes, it is still not very useful for hair. It should be remembered: any lightening, including melioration, is harmful to the hair. They will look more magnificent, but in fact they will become somewhat weaker.

    Hair needs help to recover.

    • Try not to use a hair dryer( in extreme cases, you can set it to the coldest mode).
    • Do not comb wet hair.
    • Eliminate the use of iron for straightening hair.
    • Change the comb: put it away with iron teeth, and buy a wooden one.

    How to take care of your hair, you will be told by the hairdresser after the end of the procedure.

    Care products

    Hairdresser will advise buying all the care products of one line: shampoo, conditioner, balm and mask. Before buying, pay attention to the label: there must necessarily be an inscription that the product is intended for the care of fine hair.

    Please note! The type of hair you have not changed, which means that you still need to use care products for oily, combination or dry hair.

    Help to maintain hair in good condition any masks with fruit acids. Their composition should include citrus fruits and honey. After applying the mask, the head should be washed with shampoo, and then apply a balm rinse. It is necessary that the mask contains vitamins A and E( they are well taken inward - they improve the appearance of not only hair, but also nails and skin).

    Masks for high-power hair

    If you decide to use only folk remedies for hair care( since they do not contain harmful chemical impurities and preservatives), then try to prepare the mask yourself. To do this, you need a banana, egg yolk and one tablespoon of lemon juice and honey. All this should be well mixed and applied to the hair before washing. In order to enhance the effect, it is advisable to wear a protective cap. Walking in this form for forty minutes, the mask can be washed off.

    Burdock oil for high hair

    Excellent effect on the melted hair of various oils - especially burdock. You can apply it separately before the washing procedure. Carefully wiping the oil in the roots and distributing along the entire length of the hair( true, if your hair is fat, it's better not to rub it, but just spread it over your hair), put on a hat or build a towel from a terry towel on your head. After half an hour you can wash off such a mask - do not be afraid, the oil is washed off quite easily, after the first soaping. You can add cottage cheese to the oil and also leave the butter and curd mask for about half an hour. There are many recipes for today, the main thing is to select the one that most suits you by experiments.

    On melted hair after washing it is desirable to apply an indelible gel-fluid, under the influence of which they will become soft, shiny and obedient.

    About the benefits of massage

    Head massage
    Please note! An excellent additional care will be scalp massage.

    Its worth to combine with the application of the mask. Spreading the hair through the hair, massage the head slowly, slowly moving from the temples and forehead to the crown. Do a few "finger-like" movements with your fingers: you'll still need to wash your hair, so you do not have to be afraid to ruin your hair. Set up a small "finger shower": gently but firmly tap on the head with your finger pads, trying to walk through all areas. Such a massagestimulates the growth of hair follicles and strengthens the hair, which is especially important for them, weakened by melioration.

    Melted hair

    Highlighting is a great invention of mankind and just a rescue for those whose hair lacks strength and volume. If the master in the salon has offered you melirovanie instead of usual staining - do not refuse, try. Beige, pearly, pearl shades will pleasantly refresh your face. Now the main thing is to regularly and properly take care of your hair, and then your gorgeous head of hair will be envious of others for a long time.