
Mask for hair with onions - onion mask for hair

  • Mask for hair with onions - onion mask for hair

    How often do we not conserve our hair! Aspiring to catch up with the changing fashion, we experiment with colors and curling;not having time each time to correct a hairdress, we cover it for the whole day with a fixing varnish, and in the evening, after washing our head, we hasten to dry it with a hair dryer, because we again need to do something, somewhere to run. And this does not happen sometimes, but constantly, it becomes an integral part of the habitual way of life. It is not surprising that the natural mechanism of growth and recovery, embodied in the physiology of our hair, does not endure such treatment and at some point it fails. Hair not only becomes dull, lose healthy shine and attractiveness, but simply begin to thin out, break out, fall out.

    The familiar situation? Then it's time to change priorities and learn to really take care of your appearance, thinking not about convenience and momentary effect, but first of all about the long term beauty of your hair, their health and full development. Instead of attacking your head with chemical paint and varnish, please rejoice with its therapeutic masks from the arsenal of folk cosmetology.

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    Vitamin onion

    There are many proven recipes for centuries, but especially miraculous result when it comes to falling out and traumatized( split) hair, gives a natural hair mask with onions. Thanks to a full set of vitamins( B1, B2, B6, C, E, PP) and a mineral component( iodine, iron, potassium, calcium, cobalt, silicon, manganese, copper, phosphorus, fluorine, zinc), the onion perfectly nourishes the scalp and restoresstructure of each hair, strengthening and supporting it on a cellular level. The folic, citric and malic acids contained in the common vegetable, in combination with the ethereal components, eliminate dandruff, give radiance to the locks. But most importantly - the onion literally revitalizes the hair, heals their roots, stimulates growth and prevents loss. Add to this a magnificent volume and silky softness of touch, and you fully present the result of onion therapy.

    Features of the use of onion mask

    Hair mask with onions has an important advantage that is suitable for almost anyone, the level of fatness / dryness of the hairline here does not matter. About its safety is evidenced by the fact that you can apply this procedure at least every other day. However, it is possible - does not mean it is necessary. For cosmetic effect, there will be enough two masks per week( but not less than one), the total duration of the course is two to three months and depends on the depth of the problem. In the most neglected cases( the beginning of alopecia), a cycle of 40 masks is practiced, the interval between which should not exceed two days.

    Disadvantages of onion mask

    Neutralize the smell of citrus

    Unfortunately, where there is a plus, there necessarily is a minus. The only, but very significant drawback of the onion mask is its smell - sharp, persistent and unpleasant. This is a problem, the method of solving which you need to think in advance, before you start to implement the cosmetic procedure. There are two possible options:

    • make the mask multicomponent, including in its ingredients ingredients that eliminate onion "incense", for example, lemon, or orange juice, essential oils. Concerning the last, it is possible to take also lemon or orange, although no less effective are lavender, lemon balm, rosemary oil. Ideally struggles with extraneous smells of citronella oil, but its aroma itself is very specific and not everyone will like it;
    • apply a special rinse after the onion mask, which allows to remove its side effect of olfactory. For example, washing off the mask with clean water and washing the hair with shampoo, rinse them with a solution of citrus juice( 2 tablespoons of lemon or 3 orange juice, of course, canteens, diluted in a liter of water).For our purposes, a mixture of weak apple cider vinegar with water( 1: 1 by the ratio), but after 5 minutes the hair should be washed again with warm water. A good rinse will be the infusion of medicinal herbs - mint, lovage, chamomile, enriched with 2-3 drops of essential oil of lavender or roses, it will not only give you a wonderful fragrance, but will also strengthen and improve your hair.
    • use for masks not onion gruel, but exclusively onion juice. It is less odorous and completely washed off after the procedure.

    Application rules for onion mask

    Hair mask with onion, as well as other means of folk cosmetology, is characterized by a multitude of prescription combinations. Before we get acquainted with some of them, let's note a general rule: we apply the mask in a slightly warmed-up form( to be warm), most of it is gently rubbed into the base of the hair( the main task is to nourish and stimulate the roots), and the rest is spread along their length. We hold the mixture for 60 minutes, wrapped the head with polyethylene( you can put on a special cap or bag) and on top of it - a terry towel or woolen shawl. To wash off it is necessary carefully and repeatedly - water, shampoo, again water and, if necessary, special aromatic rinse aids, which were discussed above.

    Recipes of onion masks

    1. Mix onion juice( 2 tbsp) with the same volume of cognac, add lemon juice, castor oil and liquid honey( 1 tbsp total), yolk and 5 drops of essential oil( of any choice).The mixture perfectly restores the hair, providing them with all the necessary trace elements.
    2. Boil( 20 minutes) the husk of 3 large or 4 medium bulbs( take a little water, no more than half a liter), strain and add a spoonful( burdock) of burdock oil and the same amount of honey to the onion broth. It stimulates hair growth.
    3. To combine in equal parts onion juice, homemade mayonnaise, honey and olive oil( enough will be 1 tbsp.).Such a composition strengthens and nourishes, prevents loss.

    Of course, the above list is not complete. A hair mask with a bow can, in addition to the main active ingredient, include a sea of ​​a wide variety of products and combinations thereof. To the above ingredients, yeasts, marigold and nettle extracts, carrot and cabbage juice, garlic, almond, peach oil and jojoba oil are often added. But under whatever cosmetic sauce the onion base was served, it always works flawlessly, restoring to our hair a wonderful ability to grow, giving them strength and beauty.