  • How to comb your hair - combing your hair

    Beautiful hair - the pride of a woman. Numerous advertisements make us think that the beauty and health of the hair depends only on the use of a certain brand of shampoo and conditioner, but in fact it is not. A great role in hair care is played by combing. Have you ever thought about it, combing yourself in the morning?

    How to choose a good comb

    How to choose a comb

    In hair care it is important not only how to comb your hair, but also what is better to comb them. The range of combs introduced today is very wide. How among them choose the one that is most suitable for you? You need to focus on your hair: assess their condition, length, degree of density. These criteria will help you choose the right comb. It is best to have in the arsenal of several combs and brushes for different occasions.

    1. A few words about teeth. They speak eloquently about the quality of the comb. If the teeth are pointed, then it is better not to buy such a comb. She needs to be combed very carefully, so as not to damage the scalp. In this sense, a comb with rounded teeth is safer. To assess the degree of sharpness of the teeth, draw a comb along the palm of your hand, it should not be scratched.
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    2. For long hair, brushes with natural bristles are more suitable.
    3. Preferred combs and hair brushes made of natural materials, such as wood, horns, bones. Such combs do not electrify the hair and minimize the possibility of injury.
    4. Comb with rare teeth If your hair is weakened, use only soft brushes, combs with sparse teeth.
    5. Use of combs made of plastic and metal is justified, only if you want to do the bumps, in other cases it is better not to comb them, because as a result your hair will stand on end, full of electricity.
    6. The comb and brush should be washed as often as possible, especially if the owner suffers from dandruff.
    7. Holders of long and thick hair should be advised to buy a comb with long and rare teeth.
    8. A round brush is indispensable for styling.
    9. To improve the circulation of the scalp, you need a massage brush with teeth that have round balls at the end.

    Now you know how to choose a good comb, then a few words about how to properly comb your hair.

    Combing rules

    Combing the hair correctly

    Try not to comb your wet hair. They are much more prone to damage than dried. If nevertheless it is required to comb them, use a comb with rare teeth and act very carefully, without hurrying. Your movements should not be sharp. Wet hair is losing elasticity and in this condition it is very easy to tear them out or cause dissection of the tips.

    A useful effect is obtained by combing the hair with a brush. As a result, blood flows to the head, which has a favorable effect on the condition of the hair. They become more shiny, smooth, grow better. In addition, head massage with a brush removes the headache. But remember that brittle and split hair, as well as fatty hair, should be avoided combing with a brush.

    How to comb tangled hair

    All women probably faced the problem of strongly tangled hair. Combing them is not so easy. But the procedure is much easier if you follow several recommendations. Short hair begins to comb from the roots with cautious and gentle movements. Long hair is untangled, starting from the tips, gradually moving higher and higher. If necessary, you can divide the hair into strands and comb them with short, neat movements in the same direction.

    The more often you comb your hair during the day, the better they will look. However, this procedure should not last too long. Brush your hair in different directions, smooth them with your palm, following your hand after the brush. To improve the supply of hair, the head can be tilted.

    Observe the rules of personal hygiene. Everyone in the family should have a hairbrush in order not to pass on microbes and various scalp diseases to each other.