
How to wash hair with rye flour - trays of rye flour

  • How to wash hair with rye flour - trays of rye flour

    Not every modern woman boasts luxurious healthy, thick and shiny hair. The reason for this is not only tough mono-diet, harmful environmental factors, frequent use of high-temperature drying devices and other "killers" of ideal head of hair, but also aggressive cosmetic shampoos abounding with various sulfate and other chemical compounds that dry and thin the hair. It is not in vain that popular popularity in these days is acquired by long-forgotten recipes of natural "grandmother's bio-shampoo", the components of which nourish, strengthen, purify and give a healthy natural shine to our tired hair. One of such miraculous means, which came to us from the depths of centuries, is flour from rye. How to wash hair with rye flour correctly, so that the hair come to life, stopped falling out, and the hair became thick, beautiful and obedient? Let's talk about the subtleties of this procedure.

    Choosing the right kind and grade of flour

    Choosing rye flour

    When purchasing phyto-remedy for making home shampoo, make sure that the rye flour you have chosen is coarse. It is rich in cellulose and a whole vitamin "cocktail": vitamins of group B, nicotinic acid - PP, which regulates many oxidative processes in living cells that preserve youth and beauty with vitamin E. It is this flour that perfectly cleanses the hair, easily flushes under the stream of water in the shower orin the bath, perfectly cleanses even greasy hair. Sometimes it is used together with chickpea( pea) or rice flour in certain proportions( 3 parts rye is added 1 - rice).The exception is wheat flour, since it contains a high percentage of starch and gluten, turning during the procedure into a stuck dough on the head.

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    Hair washing with rye flour can be done with water, milk, nettle, and also in a dry way, without any liquid.

    Please note! The main rule of a damp cosmetic procedure - water or milk should be cool or slightly warm. With a hot liquid, the flour is brewed and the hair can be filled with a fragrant sticky test, which will be very difficult to clean up completely.

    The mixture for washing the head together with rye flour can include: rice, chickpeas, mustard, powder of ginger and other medicinal herbs. For a pleasant aroma they are enriched with essential oils( not more than 2-3 drops): geranium, ylang-ylang, cedar, rosemary, bay, cinnamon, mint or citrus.

    "Dry" baths for oily hair

    Rye flour

    The simplest way to help get rid of excessive fatty hair, connoisseurs of folk remedies consider the use of dry "eco-shampoo" from rye flour. You can cleanse hair with this product without the use of water. It is very convenient during a hiking trip or on a trip, when there is no opportunity to take a bath or shower, but you really want to look "all 100".Clear your strands of excess fat and dust can be a handful of rye flour coarse. Dry flour is rubbed into the scalp to properly massage the roots of the hair, and then, with the help of a comb made of natural wood, the strands are combed along the entire length. Do this until the flour along with the mud completely fall asleep. After properly performed procedure, the hair becomes clean, crumbling, as if after washing.

    Please note! Dried herbs, ground into powder, are often used together with flour to give a pleasant flavor.

    "Phytoshampuni" to protect the health and beauty of the hair

    Phyto shampoo from rye flour

    These "multi-stationers" that save our hair from weakening, falling and split ends, can be used in several versions. The most economical and simple beauty bloggers call rye flour, diluted with cool or slightly warm water.

    How much rye flour is needed? For the short hair, experienced recommend a couple of tablespoons of the product( 50 g), hair to the shoulders - 75 grams, and long strands falling below - 100 g.

    How to wash your hair with rye flour for the first time? Pour out enough of it in a bowl or other porcelain( faience, glass) dishes, pour a little warm water( or pre-cooled infusion( decoction) of medicinal herbs).We bring it to a creamy state, whipping with a fork or a halo for 2-3 minutes until a sensation of soap appears. Then we put this mixture on damp hair, carefully rub it into the roots of the hair. Absence of surfactants, as in purchased shampoos, will affect the volume of foam, it will be noticeably less, but the product is different in kind, and the quality of washing is not inferior to store analogues! For those who wash their hair with rye flour for the first time, it may seem complicated procedure for hair cleansing, perhaps some amount of flour will remain and will crumble. But do not rush to wash it off with an aggressive shampoo! Use the advice: first wash the flour from the hair under the shower( running water), devoting this process to two or three minutes, then dip your head into a bath or a basin and thoroughly rinse your hair in its natural state, without twisting or smashing it. Then rinse your head with clean cool water or acidified solution( per 1000 ml of water - 25 ml of lime juice or lemon).A solution of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar noticeably dries the hair, therefore fatty strands are rinsed by them not more often 2-3 times a week, and dry - 1-2.As a result of the hair flake procedure, each hair is closed, and the curls become silky, thick, lush, and the brilliance is surprisingly pleasant!

    Another, no less simple way to wash hair with rye flour, also has many fans not in one generation, who gladly dilute it not with water, but with milk. It turns out a liquid, perfectly foaming on the hair mixture, which is easily washed off the hair, even oil masks.

    Aroma hair for hair

    "Babushkina" a natural beautician can present modern beauties with a whole collection of shampoo masks:

    1. For oily hair: add 5-7 g of mustard powder( 0.5-1 tsp) to 50 g of rye flour. For girls with a dry type of hair, it is better to start with a smaller amount of the heating component, then bring it to its sensitivity threshold and necessarily soften the shampoo 15-20 ml of base oil or 3 drops of your favorite ester. Dilute the mixture with water, a decoction of nettle or milk to a creamy consistency. Alternatively, you can enrich the mixture for oily hair with a couple drops of your favorite aroma-flavor( geranium or citrus).Apply the finished mass to damp hair, carefully massaging the roots, then distribute it to the very tips. Keep on the head for no more than a quarter of an hour or 10 minutes, after the procedure, we wash the remainder of the mixture from the hair without using soap or shampoo. You can rinse your hair with a nettle broth or apple cider vinegar( 25 ml per 500 ml of water).
    2. In the same mustard-rye mixture( see the previous version), you can add a pinch of ground ginger( 3-5 grams) and an equivalent amount of any that favorably affects the scalp of herbs: clover or hops, nettle or licorice root, birch buds or chamomile. Dried plants to grind in a coffee grinder and sift through a fine sieve, pour boiling water and leave for 40 minutes, until the liquid becomes slightly warm. Dissolve in it the remaining ingredients( rye flour, mustard and ginger).The shampoo should be creamy, homogeneous, without gross impregnations, capable to injure the delicate scalp. We put it on damp hair, for 3-5 minutes we massage strands and an integument, then we wash off an abundant quantity of cool comfortable water. Amazing purity and light aroma of medicinal herbs will please you for a long time! Usually, after this procedure, the hair needs washing no earlier than 7 or 10 days.
    3. For dry fine hair. Rye flour - 50 g( for short hair), 25 grams of fatty( at least 20%) sour cream, 15 g of honey, 2-3 drops of your favorite aroma oil. With warm water, dilute the ingredients to a creamy state. Keep on the hair for 20-30 minutes, then abundantly rinse the leftovers of the mixture with warm( unheated) water and rinse with an acidified solution of apple natural vinegar.
    Shampoo with the addition of honey

    After such procedures, the hair:

    • looks healthy and well-groomed;
    • are becoming attractive;
    • perfectly grow, easy to comb and fit;
    • for a long time remain clean and not subject to salting;
    • are pleasant to the touch, silky and natural;
    • pleases with natural brilliance;
    • are protected against various diseases.

    The secret of the remarkable effect lies in the use of natural health-improving shampoos based on rye flour - the best delicate abrasive for hair.

    Many girls who have not recently imagined how to wash their hair with rye flour, after two or three treatments enjoy their purity, the smell of herbs, aroma oils. Each time they are all easier to comb, hair pass the detox period from chemicals, become healthy, tender, light and surprisingly obedient! The skin stops itching, there are no rashes and irritations. Beautiful jars with "balms" are put aside as superfluous, and hair continues to actively and densely to grow, the loss stops, there is a soft natural shine. Is not every beauty dreaming about every girl? As you saw, this is not at all difficult. And you can buy rye flour in almost any supermarket. But very soon your locks without any computer program will turn into a "royal" hairstyle, thanks to this unique dietary and cosmetic product!


    The secrets of using rye flour for washing hair can be found below: