  • How to grow long hair - long hair at home

    If you take all the accessories available to women, thick, beautiful and long hair is what everyone desires most. None of the most elegant gold chain or pure diamond will ever decorate a woman as long beautiful hair can do it. It is believed that a woman who has thick, luxurious hair is a beauty. But, unfortunately, not everyone can boast of such wealth. Most women still have to make a huge amount of effort to grow beautiful long hair. And here, even the most important is not the question "how to grow long hair", but how to make them beautiful, healthy, dense and attracting attention.

    This article will tell you about the methods and methods that help achieve this goal.

    How to quickly grow long hair

    If you want to grow hair, the first thing you need to do is get rid of the problem that many suffer - dry hair. Quite a sad outcome, which are the tips of the tips. They are one of the main enemies in the way of growing long hair. After all, it seems only to you that the length begins to grow, you notice that you have badly sliced ​​the ends. ..

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    What could be the solution? Only to cut them, because leaving such tips, you will ensure yourself a rather careless appearance of the whole hairstyle.

    When waving the length of your hair, you must be very serious about caring for your hair. After all, long, but dry and weak hair can not be called beautiful. When you grow your hair, pay attention to the process of cleansing the scalp. It should become much more intense. Use not only shampoos, but also balsams and masks that promote regeneration and enhance the action of lotions. Every time you wash your head, use nourishing and moisturizing drugs.

    Want to grow long beautiful hair as quickly as possible? Address to the cosmetician. He, using special procedures, will be able to significantly shorten the period of growth of your hair.

    Procedures in the beauty salon:

    • physiotherapy. They stimulate accelerated growth, due to the fact that they increase the blood flow in the scalp;
    • Mesotherapy and ozonotherapy. These procedures are useful in that they saturate the hair and scalp with many useful substances. But nothing is more important, if you want to grow long hair, no.

    During its intensive growth, hair needs special care, because every damage makes your dream of long hair all unattainable. Even simple hair clips can be traumatized, so be sure to purchase special oils that will protect your hair from mechanical damage. Oils for food can be applied to the very ends, so you prevent them from breaking up.

    There is a lot of controversy about whether you need to cut hair when you grow it. Here you can decide for yourself, but here's the maximum rock during which you can not visit a hairdresser - three months. If you have the opportunity to visit the haircut with hot scissors, do it as often as possible. Better even every month, taking off about a couple of millimeters. On the total length of hair such a "haircut" will not be reflected, but the tips will cease so much to separate. Hot scissors like to solder the tip of the hair, thereby allowing you to keep inside the required amount of useful substances.

    It should be remembered

    It should be remembered when growing hair

    In order to grow long hair you need to remember a few truths:

    • , all the hair products that you use must match your hair type. It is necessary;
    • needs to accustom itself to the use of a special complex of vitamins, which include copper, zinc, calcium and magnesium, and necessarily vitamin B;
    • needs to massage your scalp every day. Use in this case, a better comb;
    • can buy yourself hair growth stimulants, just choose a proven firm;
    • if you want to have long hair, forget about tongs, hair dryers, ironing and even elastic bands;
    • once a month you need to cut the tips, and it's better to do it with hot scissors;
    • does not need to think that grandmother's recipes for beauty and health of hair have long ago sunk into oblivion. Use them, they give an amazing result.

    If you apply all the above tips on improving hair, you can achieve the desired result in a fairly short time. But, unfortunately, not always these measures are available to everyone, so you need to see how to grow hair, using folk remedies.

    Folk remedies

    Oils for hair growth

    To grow long hair at home, already very long ago began to use oils:

    1. Burdock;
    2. Castor;
    3. Oil of birch buds.

    In addition, a remarkable effect on the roots, and hence on the growth of hair renders juice of onions. You can rub it into the scalp, wrap it in a towel and sit for at least an hour. And you can put on the roots is not juice, and gruel onions, and just like to wrap the head in a towel. Such masks give an amazing result. But it's not every girl who will decide how to apply them, as the scent of onions remains on the hair for a very long time, and even increases many times if you fall under rain, for example. But if such inconveniences do not stop you on the way to long hair, feel free to try these masks. Believe me, the result will pleasantly surprise you.

    Another of the recipes that contribute to the acceleration of hair growth - a decoction of hops and flowers of marigold. They need to rinse their hair, every time after washing.

    Well-behaved on the hair follicles are special masks that can be easily done without leaving the house. If you apply these masks regularly, you can quickly grow luxurious long hair.

    Home masks

    Home masks for hair growth

    The most effective in the fight for long hair masks are masks containing pepper. The simplest of them: take one tablespoon of honey and the same amount of pepper tincture, all this carefully mix, and then put on the roots. Keep this mask should not be less than two hours, then wash it with a normal shampoo. Warning: the mask can be very hard to burn, but this effect also stimulates hair growth.

    There is also a mask that helps to speed up hair growth. For this remedy you need to mix in an equal proportion burdock, castor oil and pepper. Apply the mask only on the roots, for about two hours.

    Pepper masks are not the only remedy that helps to grow long hair. Much success has been obtained from masks from such ingredients as honey, mustard and garlic.

    Folk techniques are a great help in the struggle for long beautiful hair. Such popularity they got thanks to the fact that using them you can be 100% sure that you did not get any fake, which can only worsen the condition of your hair.

    Pretty much speed up hair growth, you can regularly cut them for a growing month. It's no secret that the life of any woman is completely subordinated to the lunar calendar. Such dependence of us on the lunar phases implies following certain rules. One of them - hair cutting only on the growing moon: the month grows, so the hair will grow faster. So, follow all the recommendations given to you and soon you will be able to please yourself and others with long, beautiful and most important healthy hair.